
The Venom Knight

When we make make promises with our most loved ones we do anything to not break that promise or to achieve that promise. Same to me, I promised to my mom and dad that I will always protect sister no matter what. This is the journey of me, The Venom Knight. Follow me on this epic journey, I guarantee you that it will great.

KarthikNayak · Fantasie
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2 Chs

1. My dad's a traitor

It was beautiful evening that day, but I didn't know that evening would be the last to see my dad alive.

After playing with other kids, I came to house running and saw 'Pawns of monarch' members entering our house. It was normal for me seeing them enter because my father used to work in that group, but recently he resigned from that post.

When I entered the house, suddenly I heard my father's shouting "It was not me Noro, common trust me". I ran quickly to that spot and saw my father was getting arrested with core controller on his chest.

"Papa, what's happening here?" I shouted as I saw my father in that stage. "Tye, It's nothing. Just having a small reunion with my old colleagues" my father spoke out with a fake smile.

"You shouldn't lie like that to your kid, Toy. Oi brat, listen here your father has sold our empires secret to evil society and now he is a traitor and you're his son which means a traitor's son" a man with silver hair spoke with anger and rage.

"Eter! Leave my son out of this. He has done nothing, don't bring into this. If you that I will fucking kill you. I swear." my father revealed his serious face for first time in front me because I never saw him like that. But I didn't understand anything what that uncle said -a traitor's son- me and my dad's a traitor.

"No! My dad would never do anything like that, he's not the traitor."

"Brat, quit blabbering and you also come with us because tomorrow is your father's ceremony" that guy named Eter grabbed my neck and started walking and dragging me with him. It started to hurt and I couldn't bear it and started to cry. My father saw this and started shouting "Eret!!! You fucking bastard, remove your hand from child. I will fucking kill you, if you don't remove your hand" he tried use his powers but it was in vain because his 'uso' flow stopped by core controller.

We were taken to a jail present in the castle underground where my father was tortured, I heard my father's screams non stopped.

At morning we stood in front of monarch Snyder for his final response. He ordered to kill my father and I was free to live.

In the middle of the city in front of Lord Kaitor's monument my father was going to get executed in front of the people. Before going to execution my father was allowed to speak with me. "Listen, Tye. Be strong, be brave. I'm sorry for all of this, but promise me one thing that no matter what happens, you should always protect your big sister. Okay." my father spoke out. "Yes, dad I promise you one thing that whatever happens to me or whatever the world throws at me I will always protect big sis."

That was the last time I saw my father, my last good bye.

And at afternoon my father was executed and from then my hell started.