
Chapter 48: Parting advice for Kylie

December 7, 2006

My dearest Kylie,

Today, it seems, is a busy day for letter writing. I would be a bit upset, perhaps feel a bit pressed for time, were it not for the knowledge that this is, most likely, my last day of writing letters, or perhaps anything. I do know without too much doubt that this is my last letter to you. For that I am sorry, for that I do wish there was some way I could avoid it, and for that I do wish there was some way I could make you feel better.

I know that you are trying to be strong, trying not to mention it, and I appreciate it. Your last letter was wonderful. Six pages long, and valuable for every word. I am glad you did not actively speak of your pain, but your words still spoke volumes to me about how you feel. I’m sorry that you are so upset, and I am flattered that you feel so strongly about me that you will miss me so.