
Chapter 36: Brandon is a stupid boy

Okay. I’m confused. I mean really confused. On that whole speechless level. When she wipes her mouth, and those beautifully tiny lips, and storms out of the room, I honestly have no idea what to do. I don’t try to stop her, because I’m in too much shock.

And like that, she’s gone. I don’t know where she went. She didn’t say anything. What did I do wrong?

I came on too strong. I know I did. That’s got to be the problem. I came on too strong, and she realized I was hitting on her, and—and she doesn’t like me. So she tried to let me down easy, but that didn’t work. So she started a little fight. She used that whole thing girls do, when they make everything you say the wrong thing to say, and then she stormed out. Better than flat out telling me that she isn’t interested, I suppose, but still. I don’t know. I just wish she hadn’t left. I really like being with her. She just makes the world a bit brighter, you know?