
Chapter 23: A walk and another letter from Brian

The two fans let us go, exchanging knowing glances. They must think we’re going off to fuck. Well, let them. They can think whatever they want. I think I want to spend more time with Kylie, and if she’s going to let me, I’ll do whatever I can to make sure that I do.

We walk out of the Tropicana and start down the strip. I’d like to say it was dark, or even twilight. But not in Vegas. The sun may never set on the British Empire, but it never needed to rise in the first place in Las Vegas. There are so many lights, all shining bright, all the time. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is. Equally as bright.

“Was it me, or did that one guy smell?” She asks as we start walking.

“Oh, I don’t think it was you at all,” I say, making a poor attempt at humor, “you smell fine. I think it was him.”

She laughs, but it’s more a courtesy laugh than anything else. Well. I’m just not as funny as she is. I can live with that. “So does that sort of thing happen to you a lot?”