

Head office, South Asia, The Military Academy.

"Sir, there are a few potential candidates we can look out for this time. We have 25,000 students enrolled this time around. Out of which, we have 13 Metahumans, 7 Elementalists, 10 Mystic, 1000 synthetics, and 5 Abstracts. There are also 5 transfers from the Asian headquarters this year."

"It is estimated that about 20% of them are lying about their abilities. The second examination might not yield that much result this time because a number of the talents are from influential families. It is assumed that they are here for scouting purposes."

"There is also a Mythic and a Grade III Classified talent this time,"

A thin person was reading a report to the head of the academy.

On careful observation, it was the same person who registered the ID for the students.

"Hmm. How troublesome. Did you follow the procedure as usual?"

The person who spoke this time was tall and muscular. The person had sharp eyes and a scruffy beard. This person was the headmaster of the academy.

"Yes. I forged the data before they got backed up into the cloud database. I have already reported all the details of the talents to the organization. They will send an investigator before we move ahead with our plans. " replied the person.

"Good job. We don't have much time with us anyways. Our best bet would be the elementalists and the metahumans. As for the mythic and the classified..." the headmaster looked at the person who was reporting to him.

"It is out of my hands. I can only ask my teacher to look into this matter." sighed the headmaster as he rubbed his temples and sat on his chair.

"Okay, sir, as you command. I'll keep an eye on both of them. "


"Room no. 404…? Yo, Ekalavya, this way." shouted as he stood in front of a room.

"Alright, thanks. You can take your luggage now and head off to your room," said Ekalavya as he dropped four humongous bags onto the floor.

"Aw c'mon. Won't you let me meet your roommates?"



Abhirup grumbled and picked up his bags. He walked towards the opposite direction and slowly disappeared from view.

"Finally, I get some peace. How energetic do you have to be someone like him" though Ekalavya as he put his thumb on the biometric scanner and opened the door.

"Okay, first, let's get this luggage insi- huh? Why is there a wall inside my room?" before Ekalavya could make sense of what was going on, he saw the wall move a little.

He was shocked and almost landed a punch before he realized that it was a gigantic person standing inside the room.

"Hey! Don't stand there. A person is waiting outside." another voice came from inside the room.

"Uh. Sorry." the gigantic person looked back at Ekalavya and said with an apologetic smile.

Ekalavya was dumbstruck. He had never seen such a huge person before. The person before him had to be at least 7'5 feet. His back was so broad that it covered the surface area of the entire door.

"I-it's okay. I'm Ekalavya, nice to meet you,"

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Kumbh," said the other guy as he smiled and moved inside the room.

"Kumbh, short for Kumbhakarna* huh? Fits him perfect." Ekalavya thought to himself as he walked inside the room. As soon as he entered the room, he noticed that the room was already filled with people. He realized that he was the last person to arrive here.

The room had was symmetrical. There were 7 beds and tables with 1 bed facing the other except for the last bed. There was a computer in the space opposite the 7th bed. All the other beds were occupied. One of the guys was fast asleep with drool coming out of his mouth. He had a tanned complexion. Another guy was differential equations on a table. The remaining guys were looking towards Ekalavya.

"Wassup. Welcome to room 404 buddy. My name is Jack, I'm from Sri Lanka," said a frail-looking guy as walked up to Ekalavya and shook his hands.

Ekalavya recognized his voice from a few minutes ago as he was the one who asked Kumbh to step aside.

"My name is Shahid, I'm from Pakistan and he is Khalid, from Afghanistan," said another guy who was seated on his bed and pointing to the guy who was solving equations.

Ekalavya noticed that both these guys seemed somewhat disinterested in him as compared to Jack.

"I'm from Bhutan. You can call me Yangchen. That guy sleeping over there is called Sh-"

"Shivai from Nepal," interrupted the guy who was sleeping. He seemed to know what was going on in the room but at the same time was asleep.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm from Ekalavya from India," said Ekalavya with a nod as he looked around.

"You can take the last bed at the end of the room. We will have to go to the canteen in about an hour so try to freshen up before then. Let me know if you need anything else," said Jack with a smile.

"Sure. Thanks."

Ekalavya put a few of his luggage under the bed and a few under and laid down on his bed.

The room was quite spacious, even if there were around 7 beds lined up. Ekalavya estimated the room should be around a 1000 sqft.

For someone who grew up in mud huts, this was a luxury to him.

Ekalavya took out his ID and looked over the information once again. He looked at his roommates once again and sighed.

"I just hope this peace isn't temporary."