
Prologue II

The year 2050

Over the years, the government brought most of the things back to control. A lot had changed since the appearance of The Rulers.

Research and technology had improved by leaps and bounds. Genetic research on a human was now allowed all over the world. Research which was earlier considered wrong on moral grounds were given a green signal by the respective governments.

It was because of such drastic steps that scientists could research on things that were previously considered taboo.

Interplanetary travel was now a success, and humans had successfully terraformed Mars. Other planets such as Venus and Uranus were being considered for exploration as well.

The Rulers were said to have had a hand in making this feat possible. One could only imagine how powerful they were.


Over the next few years, the advent of abilities became very distinct. It was a part of everyone's life now.

For example, people with abilities like "levitation" and "enhanced strength" generally worked in the construction department.

People with abilities like "hypnosis" worked as therapists & counselors.

Everyone's jobs were directly relevant to their abilities.

The only unfortunate ones were the people who had "useless" abilities or no abilities at all.

What would be the outcome in such a situation?

If there was no option left, people with no abilities had to work as laborers. Even if they did get into a normal job that required no abilities they were always looked down upon in society.

People with "useless" abilities, however, were drafted in the militaries of their respective countries. Of course, they could also escape this cycle if they could get into the entertainment industry. The problem here is that abilities were highly genetic as well. If your parents have weak abilities, you are highly likely to have an inadequate ability as well.

Of course, there were exceptions as well.

There was this case of a girl gaining the ability to see through (x-ray vision) things while both her parents did not have any abilities registered whatsoever. The girl was recruited to a state of the art medical center and had become a part of their research team.

One might think that abilities improved the lives of people for the better, but that was far from reality. With the rise of such superpowers, the crime rate spiked up drastically.

People used their powers for their benefit.

Robberies, thefts, murders... all of these things happened on a day to day basis. Of course, they were people who came out to help the people as well.

The government organized special task forces for situations like this.

It was a dream for many to be a part of such task forces. Who didn't want to become a hero?

But the reality is harsh.

Power is always monopolized, be it in the form of money or strength. Strong people were almost always recruited by various organizations, by force or by coercion.

It was only when the government intervened, did such activities dim down a little. Organizations were not allowed to approach a kid until they were 18 years old and attended the Military Academy for two years.

This approach allowed the government to scout potential talents as well while maintaining a balance in society.

Our story starts here with our protagonist Ekalavya, beginning his life in one such military academy.

End of prologue. What a stretch.

Regular chapters from tomorrow. Same time.

tooTiredcreators' thoughts