
Prologue I

It was the year 2020.

A biological experiment went wrong and resulted in catastrophic casualties all over the planet.

Like all other biological experiments, this experiment was carried out in secret as well. It was only due to the whistleblower's exposure that people came to know the pandemic was carried out in joint research by multiple countries coming together.

It started with a pandemic that spread through the air all across the globe. Rapid genetic mutation was the underlying cause of the high number of casualties.

This pandemic carried on till the year 2030. By this time, the surviving population started growing immunity - or for the lack of a better word, "compatibility" with the virus.

Billions of people died during this pandemic, and the human population dropped by more than 30% of what it originally was.

For roughly 3700 days, people were living their lives in fear because they knew that they could die the very next moment.

And large metropolitan cities were the hardest hit places with the pandemic. Places like New York City, Shanghai, Tokyo, Dubai, Sydney, Mumbai, and many other places turned to graveyards. The economy was non-existent. The Governments of the respective countries couldn't do anything in the face of this pandemic except for running the news every so often, which is only accessible to a select few.

The rural areas were the safest places to live during these years. One could only imagine how much of a haven the Amazon currently was. People survived in groups in villages, grew their food, made their clothes. It was like going back to the 1900s.


By the year 2035, people seemed to be slowly going back to their lives. A lot of the problems that needed to be addressed were taken care of by the government.

It was only then that a group of people showed up at the stage.

They called themselves The Rulers.

All forms of telecommunication announced their arrival. It was because they were different. They were special. They possessed powerful abilities that made no sense to the ordinary people.

When the Rulers arrived, they announced that they had control of the world government and helped in stabilizing the after-effects of the pandemic.

"Welcome to a New Age" .. was the only message that they had left.

Prologues will be kept short.

tooTiredcreators' thoughts