
Chapter 6 : Vampire Lust

*Beth’s POV*

Despite my cries of help, Daniel’s hands tightened around my throat. His gray eyes looked down at me as he continued to try and squeeze the life out of me. Trying to fight my way out of it, I began clawing at him as I whipped around trying to break out of his murderous grip.

I was able to force myself out of the chair to a standing position, now facing towards him, despite his grip on my throat. Trying to remove his hands from my throat, I pressed my palm across his face as hard as I could, as if I was trying to push him off of me.

Luckily, that gave me a moment of relief as his hand flew off of my throat to my hand that was pushing him away from me. Taking a gulp of care, I tried to pull my hand out of his grip, but the second I did, his hand went right back to my throat. I tried my hardest to fend him off of me, but I knew if I didn’t do something soon, I was going to die.

Thinking on my feet, I reached around beside me grabbing the first thing my hand touched: it seemed to be a lamp. Feeling the last of my breath beginning to leave my body, I took the lamp tightly in my hand before lifting it up and smashing it up against Daniel's head as hard as I could. The ceramic lamp shattered, causing shards to fly everywhere.

The lamp breaking over Daniels head must have damaged him because he instantly let me go. The sudden release of his grip caused me to loose my footing and fall on to the ground.

As I breathlessly attempted to crawl away from him, I watched as blood began to pour out of the corner of his head where I had struck him. Suddenly, with in what only seemed like a blink’s worth of time, Daniel was yanking me up to my feet and slamming me up against the door behind us.

Daniel fixed his eyes on me angrily. His eyes were no longer the usual color. Instead, they were now this dark reddish color, almost the same shade as the blood that was dripping down the side of his head on to the floor.

A gasp escaped me at the sudden change, as I once again struggled to get out of his grip. He held me in place, refusing to let me move. He leaned his head down toward my neck as if he was breathing in my scent.

“What are you doing?!” I whispered fearfully struggling to pull away from him.

He gave me an menacing look with his newly red piercing eyes before averting his eyes back down to my exposed neck. I had never seen anyone looking at a neck as if it was the most magnificent thing they had ever seen. It was as if he was admiring every visible vein.

“I want to suck all of the god damn life out of your body… I don’t even care that you share the same tainted blood as your father,” he spoke in a low flat voice.

His breath became ragged as his mouth and tongue lightly brushed across my neck. If it wasn’t for the sudden scraping feeling, I would have found myself blushing at his mouth’s caress. The scraping was caused by his teeth, but they didn’t feel like normal straight edge teeth. They felt sharp, almost like they were pointed.

That was the moment it sunk in. My earlier thought about the mens oddness was right. The teeth, the eyes, the blood in the basement, the strange rules and behaviors… Daniel was not a human.

“What are you?!” I shrieked, still trying my hardest to free myself from his hold.

Daniel pulled his mouth away from my neck, adjusting his face so that it was only inches away from mine. As his breath fanned my face, I saw his teeth. Two of them on the top were razor sharp; they looked like fangs.

“Thanks to your father, I’m now nothing more than a blood sucking monster,” he growled out.

My heart rate became rapid as a state of both intense fear and shock came over me. Was he saying that he was a vampire? That was impossible though. Vampires weren’t real… right?

Suddenly, memories from my childhood came flooding back. When I was a child, my mother always told me all kinds of ghost stories to scare me and make me go to bed early. Among them were vampire stories. They always appeared at night, handsome in appearance and mysterious in temperament, but they would suck people's blood and turn people into a dry corpse.

With him in front of me in this moment, it was impossible to deny that those stories were actually true. There was no logical way to explain the oddities I had experienced since meeting these men. It only made sense that there was something scientifically supernatural about them. Daniel was a vampire.

My body began to tremble as Daniel's mouth dipped down towards my neck once again. I knew he intended to act on his previous statement. He wanted to drain my body of all of the blood and life it contained. He wanted me dead, and he was about to have his way with me.

Just as his lips brushed my neck once more, I forced my eyes shut, fearing for the pain that was about to come. When they parted on my neck, the door behind us flung open sending me flying out of Daniel’s grip into someone else's comforting and strong embrace. Hearing them scold Daniel, I realized the person holding me was Rylan.

“Get yourself together Daniel! We still need her for the plan!” he shouted, pulling me tightly up against him.

Daniel's red angry eyes flicked from Rylan’s to mine, as if he was debating his next move. From the look in his eyes, I knew he wanted to ignore Rylan's demand but thankfully, he didn’t. After a moment, he mumbled something incoherent and stomped out of the room past us. As soon as he was gone, I turned my body burying myself into Rylan's muscular chest.

He must have heard the commotion and ran down to my aid from the shower. He was in pajamas and the shirt wasn’t even fully buttoned, so my face was pressed up against his still damp bare chest. The moisture on his body even wet my eyelashes. Realizing this made me blush. I heard the heartbeat in Rylan's chest. It was so stable, powerful, and reassuring.

“Let's get you in bed for sleep,” he murmured, still holding me against his chest.

I couldn’t help but tell him the truth. “Rylan, Daniel is a vampire!”

There was still a tremor of horror in my voice.

A slight but deep chuckle came from Rylan at my warning, so my eyes flicked up to his, confused. That was when I saw that his eyes were the same shade of blood red that Daniel’s were during my attack. My mouth dropped open as terror over came my body.

Rylan was a vampire just like Daniel was.

Suddenly, the comforting and wholesome Rylan was gone and back came the cold and almost menacing version of him. It was as if he flipped a switch, and turned into something sinister. Although his expressions and movements were so gentle, it was as mesmerizing as I had fantasized about in fever dreams countless times.

I had never seen Rylan carrying himself in this manner on or off the screen. In movies, he always seemed to play these aloof type of characters, and even the day of the kidnapping, he never looked at me in such a dangerous way. His voice was as soft, as if he were seducing his beloved lover. His eyes were so gentle and affectionate that they wrapped me up like a red hot spring and made me drown inside. He looked lethal.

If I hadn't bitten the tip of my tongue in shock, I thought I would have been tempted to hand over everything to him.

God, who will save me?!

“What did you see, darling?” he asked with a maniacal voice, as he tightened his arms around me in place.

His lean arms reached out trying to pull me towards him. The second I was in his grasp, he tightened his fingers around my wrist. I began trying to tug my arm away from him, knowing something bad was about to happen to me. He refused to loosen his grip.

Being attacked by two different men in one night forced a comparison upon me. During Daniel’s attack, it was violent and bitter. It was clear he just wanted me dead. Rylan, however, seemed to be enjoying every second of my misery. His face was twisted up in a state of euphoric pleasure, as if he was happily toying with his prey before he carried out whatever it was that he was going to do to me.

“Y-You’re not Rylan!” I gasped as I tried to fight his attempt to pull me closer to him.

Combatting my attempt to get away, Rylan lunged forward, pushing me back onto my bed. Before I could jump to my feet, he quickly pinned both of my hands above my head restraining me from escaping.

I wiggled beneath him, trying to free myself, but after a few seconds, I realized I wasn’t going anywhere unless he allowed it. He hovered over my body, his face only a mere inch away from mine, studying me with his red eyes.

“Who do you think I am then?” he asked, his voice significantly lower and huskier than before.

Despite my circumstance, it sounded to me like fine wine, and made my eardrums tingle. My heart couldn’t help but beat faster.

I felt my breath hitch at the position we were in. So many mixed feelings and thoughts coursed wildly through my body. He was a vampire, he had kidnapped me, he was evil. There was a very good chance that Rylan would kill me in a heart beat if him and the other men did not need me to carry out their plan for revenge.

But still, despite his negative attributes, I found my cheeks heating up due to our closeness. Releasing the breath I was holding, I held his gaze.

“You're a vampire,” I whispered in spite of my dry mouth.

His bloody red eyes burned hole into mine, as a small smirk appeared on his face knowing I knew what he really was. The second the words fell out of my mouth, he lunged forward taking my neck into his mouth.

A pinprick sensation followed, but it wasn’t from his teeth. Rather, it was a…needle? A small pained squeak escaped me at the sharp stabbing in my neck, as he bent down and began to suckle on the wound that he had inflicted on to me.

Before I could fend him off of me, everything became blurry. The room began to spin as if I was about to pass out. Just before the darkness overcame me, Rylan pulled away whispering something into my ear on the way by.

“That's correct.. You deserve an award for that,” he smirked. His smile was dark and sinister, but still entirely encapsulating. It was the last thing I saw before I passed out.

What in the world had I gotten myself into?