
Chapter 4 : Wounded

*Beth’s POV*

The cool water was forced down my throat and I couldn't help but swallow. It felt like a hole was burned through my throat, and I felt a tingling sensation similar to pain the moment it slid down. The hand holding the back of my head gently raised my head a little so that I wouldn't choke. I had no idea who was treating me with such patience. No one had taken care of me like this since my mother left. I wanted to open my eyes to see who it was, but my eyelids were so heavy…

“That’s it. Just one more sip. You’ll feel better soon.”

This voice was soft and gentle and seemed to be mixed with a helpless sigh, which made my heavenly spirit cover shake.

Then I realized who it was. It was Rylan. Rylan was taking care of me? But why?

At the sound of his voice, I couldn't help but open my eyes. The cold white light above me pierced my eyes painfully, and a big hand covered them in time, saving me from tears.

“Don’t look at the light,” he instructed. I nodded to the best of my ability and Rylan finally slowly removed his hand. “Good, Beth,” he soothed.

This time I blinked, letting my eyes adjust naturally. I looked around me and realized that I was lying on a soft and elastic leather sofa with my head resting on Rylan’s lap. I felt like a century had passed since I last saw him, and then the embarrassment seeped in. My clothes were tattered and I could feel the cold breeze blowing across my bare shoulder. Then it trickled down to my thigh, and I noticed that the skirt I was wearing, which was also torn, was ripped directly up the side seam.

My cheeks flushed. Why was I dressed like this and why was I lying on Rylan's lap? Sure, I had dreamt of it in my girlish fantasy, but definitely not like this.

As if electrified, I bounced off Rylan's knees and jumped three feet away. I tugged awkwardly at the edge of my skirt to make it cover more places, although the effort was futile.

I felt the blush return with a vengeance. My gaze dodged, not daring to look at Rylan.

He burst out laughing as if my reaction pleased him in a way.

“Beth, I just want to make you comfortable. You don’t have to react so much.” His smile was beautiful, and his long blonde hair was tied behind his head, hanging down on his shoulders so effortlessly. My heart was pounding. He hooked the corner of his lips, curled his eyes, and asked me directly, “You're a fan of mine, right?”

I shivered. “I-I was, but…”

“But you're not a fan of mine now?” he interrupted, raising one eyebrow. “Is it because I kidnapped you? Or is it because I want to kill you?”

He still had a smile on his face. But this time, the smile did not reach his eyes. I felt a little scared. He was closing in on me, and I couldn't help but back off. My legs were soft, and tears reached the corners of my eyes.

My heart was pounding and I didn't know if it was because of nervousness or excitement. Despite knowing that Rylan might be a murderer, my fascination with him wouldn’t go away anytime soon.

I backed away in fear until my legs tripped over the couch and my body stumbled backward. At that moment, a slightly cool hand firmly supported me, giving me goosebumps on my lower back. The electricity hit me in an instant from where our skin connected. I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped me, and for some reason, I longed his touch when it receded.

“Oh, Beth,” Rylan continued. “That hurts more than you know.”

His eyes were like crystal clear lake water, and his words make me feel that he was serious. His actions just now were like an elegant and decent gentleman. But I could still feel the delicate touch of his palms on my waist, and the touch of his fingers lingered on my skin. I was amazed at how fond my memory of that moment was.

“You don't lack fans,” I stated, finally finding my voice. I didn't know what I was going to say next, I just knew I desperately needed to say something to hide the awkwardness of the atmosphere and the dryness in my throat.

My voice wasn't much better than rags rubbing glass. It was faintly inaudible as if nothing but a weak moan.

Rylan chuckled. As if he could read my thoughts, he stated, “You haven't drunk water for quite some time, despite what I just gave you. Your throat needs moisture. Drink some more and I'm sure you'll be able to regain your sweet voice in no time, my little fan.”

His eyes flickered at the nickname as he handed me a glass of water, along with a piece of bread. My nose smelled its rich aroma and my stomach started growling earnestly. When I first woke up, I felt fine, but now, it was like my body knew food was near, and it was eager.

I scrunched my face up in confusion. What exactly happened when I was unconscious?

“Don't you like toast?” Rylan asked, cutting into my thoughts.

I noticed that the bread he had in his hands was the most expensive kind. Since my Mom fell ill, I had only eaten cheap bread that was about to expire in the store to save money.

“It's not that. I was just…” I started, but he interrupted yet again.

“Eat these first. Next time, I'll get Oscar to prepare what you like.”

He seemed to lose patience easily and narrowed his eyes at me. His body slacked and was visibly dyed with a layer of exhaustion. He lowered his eyes and yawned like a lion that had just woken up, lazy and noble. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I didn't notice what he said and unconsciously reached for the water and bread.

My fingers touched his hand, which was a little cold despite the still steaming toast piece. I was surprised, but his next words shocked me even more.

“You are right, by the way, Beth. I don’t lack fans since people only see the appearance. But I do lack a personal assistant. Do you have an interest in taking the position?”

I felt my world had stopped. Either that or I was still dreaming.

What kind of bizarre twist was this? After trying to kill me, Rylan wanted me to be his personal assistant.

“Not just yours,” a voice quickly corrected him. “You'll be OUR personal assistant.”

Soon enough, Daniel appeared at the bottom of the stairs. When did he get there?

He was no longer wearing those black tights, but rather a blue casual jacket embellished with trendy decorations, just like any other person on the street. Except for his eye-catching red hair, he didn't look dangerous at all. Although now, he was now glaring at me impatiently. For some reason, he felt like the trouble starter of them all.

You know, the ones who always kicked the ball into your yard, smashed the glass in your living room and ran away with a thought. Until I had to sell my mom's house, it happened two or three times a week.

The worse was when you’d have to walk home alone at night, and they would follow you while playing football and making annoying jokes. After you walked into the house, they would leave you with nothing but a whistle. They never gave up.

My mind drifted away. But Daniel brought me back to my senses. His gray eyes stared viciously at me. “Didn't you hear me, stu–uh, Beth?” His voice became smaller as he called my name like it wasn’t customary for him to call women by their names.

But I was sure he was about to call me something along the lines of a ‘stupid woman’. Just as I was thinking this, I heard another voice. This one was cold and deep. Alluring almost.

“We decided to hire you as our personal assistant, Miss…” Zed paused, stepping in from outside. “What is your mom's last name?” he asked.

I swallowed deeply. “M-Miller,” I replied.

Zed was still wearing his dark shirt. It was a good fit and well-tailored, setting off his slender and straight figure. He also wore a black coat over his arms. The door closed behind him with a crisp sound.

Zed looked at me through a new pair of tinted sunglasses. His light, slender lips moved and he hummed. I guess my response was one that aggravated him. It was one that they clearly all hated.

If they hated my family so much, why didn't they kill me? Why was I chosen to be their…assistant?

“Okay,” Zed finally answered. He came over to me and put his hands on my shoulders, staring into my eyes. “Miss…Miller. From now on, you are our personal assistant.”

He concluded as if the deal was already said and done.

As a result, I couldn't help but get angry.

“What do you mean?! I didn’t agree to anything. I can't work for…for murderers!” I cried out.

I wanted to break free from his hand on my shoulder, but his hold was strong like a pair of steel claws. I felt the pain coming from my bare shoulders. Rylan always moved so softly, but was a movement that was cat-like…almost eerie, yet soft. Zed, however, ruthlessness was straightforward. His big cold hands only made my scalp tingle and there were tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I glared at him, not meaning to give in.

He looked down at me, his icy breath brushing my face. My eyelashes trembled slightly, and my brow furrowed irrepressibly. Then, his hand finally moved away.

“Murders?” He snorted and raised an eyebrow. “If you think so, then why are you still alive?”

My hand rubbed my pinched shoulder and I took a step back, far away from all three of them.

“I was kidnapped by you, and you tried to kill me. And those torture instruments in the basement…how can you not be murderers?” I bit my lip, restraining my fear.

“Huh? Those instruments? You’re kidding, right?” Daniel scoffed, the fire igniting again in his eyes.

His expression was strange. It was like I told some ridiculous joke. Daniel stood, not breaking his eye contact. He was trying to intimidate me, and it was working. I shrunk back in response, and just as he was about to take a step closer, Rylan stopped in front of him.

His head hung low, and his blonde hair poured down his shoulders like a sunlit waterfall. I couldn't see his expression clearly but noticed as Daniel gritted his teeth and looked at me with his gray eyes even more fiercely as if he was enraged.

Zed's more grim voice brought me back to reality. “You don't have the right to say no.” He glanced at Rylan, then back at me. “Be killed, or be our assistant. You pick one.”

I didn't understand what he meant. This time, he didn't point a gun at me or restrict my movement. I glanced at the door behind him. It was so close that it seemed like I could get past it if I ran fast enough. Outside was freedom, and if I went out, I could call for help.

Zed was still looking at me. I was not sure if he would stop me. However, this was my only chance to escape. My heart was pounding. I could feel the gazes of Rylan and Daniel falling on me from behind. They waited in silence for my decision.

“Like hell!”

I took off, bypassing Zed and running towards the door. When I hit the door with my body, my heart almost jumped to my throat.

Luckily, it wasn’t locked.

I rushed outside without looking back. I raced out of the area like I was in a 100-meter sprint. My throat was still dry and my legs were heavy like sandbags but I kept going. Tears were blown away by the wind as I pushed forward. I gasped and my lungs felt like they were about to explode but when I came back to my senses, I noticed I still had the glass of water and the slice of bread that Rylan had given me in my hands.

During my run, the water was spilled, and only a shallow layer remained in the glass. The piece of bread that was steaming hot was now cold. I glanced at the bread that still looked delicious, despite its cold nature. It took on a caramel color after baking and its aroma, although not as strong as before, still seduced my nose. I couldn't help but take a bite and now, I was even hungrier. Without the slightest hesitation, I began to gobble up bread with the little water left.

When I finally finished eating, I couldn't help but stand in place blankly. Nothing happened.

No poisoning and there were no trackers either.

Was I really kidnapped at Elisa's inauguration and did I just escape from the home of three deranged murderers?

I looked at the glass glowing in the sun on my hand and the crumbs of bread on my fingers.

What should I do? From what Zed, Daniel, and Rylan said, it seemed that it was not only Elisa who was looked for but also our father. They wanted to kill them both. I recalled the blood in the basement and the alarm bell sounded in my mind. I had to stop it from happening.

I knew there was no way I could reach out to my family, but the police could.

Within ten minutes, I was yanking the door of the police station open, all while yelling frantically. Officers and staff came around the counter running to my aid, sensing the seriousness of the matter at hand. One of the officers began comforting me, trying to get me calm enough to form a coherent sentence on what had occurred.

“I was kidnapped by three men, they meant to get my sister, Elisa! They let me go but they're going to go after her! You have to do something please!” I ranted, trying to get everything out in one breath.

The officer's concern faltered and he opened his mouth to reply when he was cut off.

“Your sister, huh? ” a familiar voice rang from behind one of the officers. My eyes shot to the voice then widened in horror. It was Zed. How did he get here before me?

“Y..you..” I stumbled over my words in shock.

His eyes lit up with what looked like a sinister enjoyment, as I scanned his body seeing the badge that rest on the waistband of his black pants. How did he—?

My body shivered as realization dawned on me. He was not only my captor, but he was also an officer.

“Do you know where your sister is? So we can go pick her up and bring her to safety, of course,” he stated with a cocky smirk.

Bullshit. I knew he would not be bringing her to safety. I knew he’d be bringing her to her death.

“He...He was one of them! He trapped me in a basement!” I shouted, pointing at Zed.

I waited for the officers around me to jump onto Zed and take him down for his ill actions, but no one did. Instead, small laughs of disbelief escaped everyone around me, excluding Zed. I blinked at the group of law enforcement angrily. Why was no one taking this seriously?!

“The chief of police kidnapped you? The most respected officer in the whole city?” one of the officers said with a chuckle of disbelief.

I glared at the man's humorous face. This wasn’t funny to me. It was serious. He was going to hurt me or my family, and he needed to be arrested.

“Yes! Him and two other guys!” I reinforced but it only caused more laughter to erupt from the men and women around me.

“Got any proof to back that up?” Zed pressed, with a cold tone.

Suddenly everyone's laughter died down as if to see what I would do or say next. Without hesitation, I shoved my arm out for everyone to see the marks, hoping to silence the smug jokes. Everyone studied my arm, before giving me a confused look.

“I don’t see anything,” one officer said examining my arm.

“Yeah, there's nothing there,” another noted.

Pulling my arm toward myself, I exclaimed my hand and arm for the abrasions that were most definitely there earlier. A small gasp escaped me as realization sunk in.

Where were my wounds?