

She was dreaming of a man. A man that would change her life forever. But at the same she knows he is dangerous. Dangerous for her and her kind for she is a vampire and he is mortal. But she was always fascinated by mortals no matter how easily they can break.

Sometimes her friends would joke and call her a mortal with her fair skin, blue eyes and blond hair. How can anyone blame her. Mortals are free while we rule the dark of all things.

Sure her family has gotten away with canoodling with mortals but only because we are royalty. Don't ask her how every time she would ask the mother, the queen, she would always say, "begone and finish your studies."

Why don't you ask your father? One might say, I would but he was murdered by a mortal soldier according to my mother.

Which is why I have always been frightened of mortals. Then why, you say, am I dreaming of one? My answer: I DON'T KNOW!!!

I’ll add a 100 words or more a day. Please tell me what you think.

Sabrina_Josephcreators' thoughts