
The Vampire Diaries: Vampire Adventure

This is half smut half plot fic An OC character, not reincarnated. So don't go dissing my character too much. This is just for fun and I don't have an end goal for him. For now his primary goal is to be free and to be free means to no be linked by the original vampire so you can bet your sweet ass he'll try to unlink himself from the maker...hehe won't tell who it is though There will be lemons, and Milf and there is a harem tag there too, but I don't know as to how many girls but I know there won't be a lot maybe 3 or 4....or 6 who knows, he'll have girl friends with benefits though. so yeah there is that. ----- If you don't like it, don't read it and leave. or if you have suggestions or maybe some feedback I'll take it. aslong as it is informational, if you are just babbling you don't like it or you hate it without leaving a reason. You are out. I honestly don't like people bitching and complaining about a book without having a proper reason to talk bad bout it. But if you bitch about it and have a reason to it, I'll take and try to do better. I am not the owner of any if these, tv shows or characters, all credit goes to their respective creators Heck, even the images I'll be using aren't mine, so if owner wants me to drop them, I'll gladly do so. Just let me know

TheLonelyGod · TV
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27 Chs

Read First and Characters!

Guys, I want you to know that this fic is just for fun and erotic adventure so there will be 50/50 smut and plot.

Just thought I let you know if you expect action then there won't be a lot in here, this is mostly slice of life/smut with SOME actions.

I explained that his goal is to be free from the original so he doesn't die when the original dies.

So yeah














