
The Vampire Diaries - Gilbert's Reckoning

A young man who sought to see all the world had to offer graced with a penchant for killing has died. A young man who could not handle the death of his parents and sought to ease his pain with drugs has died. And now, there is a new Jeremy Gilbert, and he has only one goal in his mind and that is to do as he has always done. Be the best. For many additional chapters and to get caught up on all of my other stories long before they appear anywhere else, follow on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter .

hunterxxhunter2011 · TV
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52 Chs


(Additional chapters are on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter so go get after it. Time is a ticking.)


'Hm, douchebag, douchebag, douchebag, pervert? Okay.' Jeremy examined the crowd of the biker bar in which he found himself hunting for his new pets meal ticket and pick me up. He wanted to find a good source of nutrition, so he was mostly eyeing the bigger guys in the place, but if he saw the clear signs of pervert pass his sight, how could he miss out on such a catch?

'Looks like he only just arrived, so if I wait for him to leave on his own I'll be waiting in this bar or outside for much longer than I'm willing to commit to this mission. However, being seen with him is also a no go. I can't risk being seen interacting with a guy who would rock that type of mustache.' He put his hand to his chin in contemplation.

'What to do, what to do?' He scanned the bar, looking for an option, until he saw one.

He first turned to the bartender and ordered a fruity drink. The only one available. Then, he took a napkin and wrote a quick message on it, before he went with the drink in hand and the napkin and placed them in front of his target when he wasn't looking, and then he went back to where he was sitting at the bar.

It all happened so casually and inconspicuously that not even the bartender who handed him the drink took any note of his movements.

He watched as the pervert picked up the drink and looked at it like it was some unidentified foreign object. Then, he picked up the note and tried to read it. It took a while, but the pervert figured it out eventually.

'Creepy and stupid. A deadly combination of carbon monoxide and a waste of space.'

The pervert scanned the bar for a second before a creepy pervy smile stretched across his face, as he spotted his admirer.

He walked over with an unearned swagger that spoke leagues of his seductive prowess, before slamming the drink on the table in front of the tatted up biker chick and then gave her a creepy narrow eyed smolder, which caused Jeremy to have to hold back an involuntary laugh at the sheer confidence that the man exuded.

'Where does he even get the courage this guy?' Jeremy wondered to himself as he watched the perv watch the chick who watched the perv.

And then, Jeremy smiled. As he watched the perv watch the chick throw the drink in his face and then watched the buff ass dude with the long ass beard who walked in with the chick walk over with the guys he was talking to.

After that, Jeremy just sat back and waited.

It wasn't long before Jeremy was outside in his car pulling to the back of the bar and dragging the beat up, passed out pervert, into the trunk of his car and then driving off.

'Super easy. Barely an inconvenience.'

He went straight to the storage unit, since by this point, he was honestly ready to just say fuck it and drag Logan's ass to the storage unit and then tranc Enzo's ass to knock him out before he killed the bastard, if it meant less driving around going places to get things.

'I need a fucking assistant. Or perhaps an operations manager to get all the mundane shit out of the way. I'm not used to running the small errands, but they're really giving me an appreciation for the grunt work that resulted in me just having to collect a name, place, and be on my way.' He thought to himself as he once more drug the bag of liquid into the storage unit, where he found Enzo sitting and looking pretty pissed.

"Oh, well would you look at that. Sleeping beauty has finally woken from their rest." He spoke to the clearly still weak vampire as he basically threw the bag of liquid at his feet as they eyed one another. "No need to stand on ceremony with me "mate", fucking get after it." He told Enzo, as he pointed to the beaten up meat. "I'll be back tomorrow. Enjoy your meal."

He gave the vampire no chance to speak whatever was on his mind, nor the chance to vent his emotions and got himself out of there.

'Who the fuck wants to watch a grown man suck on a grown man? You know what, haha I think I know someone.'

"Sorry Emily," he spoke out loud, knowing that the voyeur could hear his voice if she was watching. "Any other day I would stay to let you get a good show of one man devouring another, but sadly, I'm just too busy at the moment."

(Somewhere in the void)
