
Chapter 2

"Miss Silver, how are you?" A sweet voice sounds behind me, and I turn to find myself face to face with Aiden Krasinskin.

He's the twin brother of Noah Krasinskin, aka my arch enemy and the guy I can't stand, but he's definitely a lot politer than his brother. He actually calls me Miss Silver.

Aiden is as tall as his brother, with the same boyishly lean frame, pale skin and dark black eyes. His hair is curly and longer than his brother's, while Noah's is messy and tousled over his head. Aiden actually smiles, and he's by far the most approachable and even-tempered Krasinskin sibling.

In short, he's the only one who isn't a complete jerk.

"Hey, Aiden. It's Gelly, for God's sake," I say, shutting my locker. He shuts his own locker and smiles shyly before responding with "I know."

"Are you going to Art class?" He asks me in his soft voice, and I nod. My large sketchbook and watercolours along with a professional brush set rest in the backpack on my shoulders.

"Am I allowed to keep you company?" Aiden prompts dramatically, and I giggle.

"Yeah. Come along."

Aiden Krasinskin is the kind of boy every girl would swoon over. He's strikingly handsome, polite, well mannered and very intelligent. Plus, he drives a black Mercedes to school everyday, like his siblings, but without a hint of the arrogance that is so abundant in his twin and sisters.

Rashmi is crazy over him, like half the girls in my grade, but having Aiden walk next to me on our way to the classroom doesn't do even point zero one percent of what happens to my heart when I catch Noah staring at me from outside the principal's office.

My heart goes absolutely crazy, and I tear my gaze away from him. He's leaning against the doorframe with an i-don't-care-about-the-world look, and I want to slap the smug smirk off his face. Ugh, this boy.

Just the way he looks at me, with his lips in that constant pout, and his hands crossed over his chest, makes me want to melt like wax.

If I could kill someone with my eyes, Noah Krasinskin would be dead atleast a bazillion times till now.