
The Vampire's love.

Who are you and why am l in this room. please let me go sir, l don't want to be a sex slave in a brothel .Please let me go l beg you sir. hahahaha...hmm little girl do you know who you are talking to right now. You are wrongly accusing me of abducting you. Anyways am not interested in making you a sex slave. l brought you to my house because you ran Infront of my car but instead of thanking me you are accusing me, what an ingrate . Kiara is mistreated by her stepmother and step sisters ever since her father died.She has suffered and never lived a happy life dreamt by many girls . But that all changes when she meets Damien . When they fall in love will it blossom after all of Damien's dark secrets are discovered by her .

Elisabeth_Ruth · Fantasie
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18 Chs

l love you

A deep cold male voice echoed in the dimly lit underground parking lot.

'' l don't love you . And stop pastering me for God's sake. How can that be l...l.. l am your girl friend. I love you Damien and have always loved you . Why are you saying such nonsense.

"hmmm a cold laughter reverabrated in the underground lot. Girlfriend you say , let me make this clear Miss Scott you were just a toy for me to kill my time with. And the contract we signed has expired, so take your pathetic self and never let me see your face ever again. Now go little cat before l stop being nice.

Damien, please l love you . Even though the contract has expired l still love you. I am beautiful and social. I am also rich am the perfect woman for you . Just give me a chance please.

" Charlie, get this woman out of my sight. Sounds of cries could be heard in parking lot. "Damien please . The woman cried while being dragged by the body guards.

Ahem. Sir, should we finish her.

No!! He said coldly . Just make sure we dont cross paths again. He said. The three cars drove away into the dark night .


A handsome man seating in the black leather office chair . His eyes so cold that nobody would dare approach him but his right hand man dared.

Hmm, sir .

" What is it". he said coldly. Charlie knew his boss well . He was a good man who never loved making mistakes . Though he seemed cold and intimidating, he still cared about the people dear to him.

Sir, we have news. "Are you waiting for me to speak on your behalf . Damien said coldly still not looking at him from his laptop.

Sorry sir . We caught those hooligans who stole from you sir. What should we do with them. Charlie said coldly remembering how those low lives tried to mess with his boss . How dare they mess with the great Damien Reign . I know boss will give them a slow death.

"Kill them all and give them a slow death. Make them regret what they did". Damien blurted out.

Yes sir. I will leave now. Charlie turned his back to leave.

Wait. Don't forget to compensate their families. Damien said and continued to look at his laptop.

Charlie could only smile and leave quitely. He knew his boss would not punish the innocent.. He was just an angel in his eyes. But ofcourse he couldn't say that to his face else he wanted his tougue cut off. His boss was kind hearted but also very merciless and the last thing he would do is get on his bad side.Atleast he respected this king.

In the dark night a female shadow could be seen running into the forest and heading for the city . She was running from those men whom her step mother had sold her to . Her stepmom wanted her to be a pleasure toy to those low lives in the brothel. Ever since her father passed away . Her stepmother did nothing but make her suffer. She used to wake up at 5pm and go to bed at midnight.She became a complete maid to her step mother and step sisters. She ran deeper into the forest not minding that her knees were hurting from falling on the ground many times . Kiara was so tired but she needed her freedom and didn't want to be a sex slave to any man. She wanted her first time to be special and couldn't give up . She ran not realizing she had reached the main road and in the next moment she ran straight Infront of a car .

Damien was coming back from the office and he had his eyes closed in the back seat of his car. Suddenly the car jerked and the strong scent of blood covered the air . That smell ..it was so good . He had never smelled something so sweet and delicious. Damien felt his fangs elongating and gazing at his lips. He had to control himself , he had always and he will always control himself . He had just had his meal last night so he couldn't be hungry again.

" What happened. He glared daggers at the driver. Sorry sir a girl ran Infront of the car and l couldn't hit the brakes in time. I will go check straight away. The driver got out of the car and so did the body guards in the other two cars .

The girl wasn't injured badly but she had a cut on her forehead and had lost consciousness.

Charlie approached the window of the backseat and the glass was rolled down. Damien's handsome face appeared .

Sir the girl isn't badly injured but she is


So do you want me to take her to the hospital by myself . Damien asked his right hand man who seemed to be standing in the same spot even after reporting the news to his boss. He was immediately brought back to his senses. " No sir we are heading to the hospital . But sir, the paparazzi and the media might target you for running a woman over and l know you always avoid the media for such stupid topics so l was thinking.... Charlie couldn't continue because he was cut off by this mighty boss .

Put her in the other car and call the doctor to come over at home.

please comment on my work and love you allHave some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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