
Chapter 40 : Stubbornness



Another month passes by. James found us a new place to live, but unfortunately, it'll be a few more weeks before we officially move in. I'd forgotten how tedious it was to buy a house. There are so many legal hoops you have to jump through.

Besides that, there wasn't much to hear about Orsova or Kirnon. No one has attempted anything. Hopefully, that's just because they don't know where we are. However, I don't think we'll be that lucky. I just know that they're planning something. What it is, well, that I don't know.

Ideally, I would have liked to scout for information or take some kind of action. But, it took longer than I anticipated for Hemera to heal completely. I was so relieved when the bruises marring her face healed fully. I hated seeing her walk around with a black eye.