
Chapter 39 : Respite

"Are you sure you feel well enough for this?" Nia asks as he leads me out to the garden. Sadly, the sun has long since set, but I'm still in no condition to be giving my blood out, even with that vampire medicine to help rejuvenate my blood.

We go through a hallway filled floor to ceiling with family paintings and photos as we walk through the house. I can't help but slow down so I can look at them. Unsurprisingly, there aren't really any baby pictures besides some of Calien. However, there are a few stiff family portraits when Nia looks to be about eight years old.

I almost didn't recognize him, but he had a similar look to him even as a child, as though he's tired of the world and wants to do something more exciting. Besides him is a little toddler with chubby cheeks and wide black eyes, holding a bottle filled with blood. Behind them is Rune and Selene. Selene smiles widely as she holds the toddler while Rune has his hands on Nia's shoulders, looking down at him with love.