
Chapter 26 : Upcoming Arrival

The next week passes by uneventfully. I'm surprised, if I'm honest. I know Nia had to tell his parents about me. I expected them to make an appearance, but nothing. I keep waiting for them to come over, but they don't. That worried me even more for some reason.

Pyra is supposed to arrive today. I'm nervous about meeting her. What if she can't do anything to help me? Nia and I have found nothing that could help. We're both at a loss, and we don't exactly have unlimited time.

James has heard rumors about Kirnon betraying the Zeanon clan. Every night it gets harder to fall asleep. I'm worried he's going to sneak into my room and kill me while I'm sleeping. From what I've heard about him, I wouldn't put that past him. I just hope that Nia has exaggerated Kirnon's actual character because of how much he hates him.

While we wait for news of Pyra, James, Nia, and I are sitting in the living room playing various card and board games. Right now, it's poker. Before that, it was Parcheesi.