
Chapter 25 : Bitter Sweet Encounters



I expected that I would be tired or sore from giving Nia blood, but to my shock, I feel fine. Not even the usual exhaustion I usually feel the day after every blood drive. But then, I suppose that was because they were drawing too much blood.

I shake my head as I get dressed and head out to the kitchen. I'm a little sad that there isn't anyone there already, but I guess James is busy with his job, and Nia is, well, I'm sure he's sleeping. The sun hasn't set quite yet.

I scowl as I find a bag of potato chips just lying on the counter. Who left these out? I shrug, put them away, and grab a loaf of bread from the sage green bread box.

I put together a quick breakfast/lunch that's really just a couple pieces of toast and a large cup of coffee and head for the library. I feel like researching a little more today. I may not find much, but maybe I could find something to read. I don't think I've read for pleasure in a while.