
Baptism by fire

"Our days have been hard and long we figured you dead and gone, Vaemond''. He embraced Vhaera in a tight hug. She was a welcomed sight after his long voyages. He no longer smelled of summer grass but of the sea. Travelling the summer isles has given him a new purpose, she thought. While he stood tall, learn, and built they looked pale and sickly, they were walking corpses, but he did not mention it. "Come I have someone for you to meet''.

"It will have to wait if you expect to eat tonight''. He laughed a warm smile crossing his lips. They have much to speak about it seems. She watched the strangers mingle among her own. Their crest was not known to her, but they had a striking resemblance to some of their dead relatives in Valyria. Their bodies still lay on the unconcreted ground. When they returned, they will be a given a proper burial. She put the thought aside as images of her deceased mother engrained itself back into her mind, her eye stinging as to remind her even more of her loss.

It had taken them a few hours to finish their labors and prepare the fresh food for their guests in the inn. Daemond's instructor made himself feel at home and as soon as the ale was brought forth more cheers and enthusiasm ensued. Vhaera was introduced to the strangers they were lords that live in Westeros but hailed from Valyria. Their accent still fresh and their high Valyrian did not make her weep as the tragedy they were dealt would not allow her to judge them. She wished that upon no one, yet she was still a hypocrite, who wanted to orphan more children, engage in more violence, but if she did nothing they would win. She knows she was the villain, but they were the enemy.

Vaemond began his talk of conquering Drift-mark, it had been in their name for only a year. "We had just come back from an adventure that left us starved and in need of support. All we had left was steel, metal, and oil. So, when we came upon an Island so grand and ripe for the taking, we choose to invade the prior owners. They did not know what to do, before we could attack, they fled, and we soon learned that Dift-mark is an island west of Harrenhal in blackwater bay. A perfect seat for trade".

"Our seat was in the crown lands; it has a long point. The gullet separates Drift- marks from Massey's hook to the south. It is the largest island in blackwater bay. A low-lying and fertile land. The castle is damp and cramped something the previous owners must have missed since they arrived with five new fleets each baring the Celtigar name''.

''Three night's we labored in bushes, the rocky terrain gave us the high ground. Those who remained on our fleet attacked from the side, while we shot our arrows. We were outnumbered five to one, none of us could abandon ship because of the rocky cliffs that grew sharper each time the current came and went. My crew had the brilliant idea to use slingshots that carried our liquor from last night to fill it with oil in glass spheres, that my archers bombed with fire that looked like a mirror image of the twin moons that hailed brimstone upon us".

"Three of their ships burned and they surrendered and that was how we found out their linage". "Hey", shouted even in defeat that their neighbors in Valyria would come for them". The inn boasted in laughter as the children asked for more stories. It was clear to everyone that the Celtigars had much to learn.

Redworm seemed unfazed by the story as though he had heard it a thousand times before. He wanted something else it seemed. She called forth her brother. "Run along and bring me our father's flask". She watched her brother pour the blood into their guest's cups. Vhaera took Redworms cup stating, "that the taste would sour his appetite". She drank his fill while the Celtigars resisted the urge to vomit as the liquid went down their throats. "What is this?", they asked.

"You are of Valyrian blood indeed. It is our newly custom to drink the blood of our forebearers". They were definitely unsettled by this news.

"My father was once called the man who lived with worms because he gave us new life. The very blood you drink was his last parting gift to us. If you were lying about your ancestry the blood in your cups would've have likely killed you, and your men". Vhaera gave the gentlemen their fill as well as the Velaryons who were eager to be reminded of home. Redworm puzzled look intrigued her. Information is what he sleeked she would have to discuss these delicate matters in the old tongue. It was already nightfall and too late to send the old knight back up the stone path. So, he was sent to bed early as the children retired.

"Let me be very clear, mi' lord. I do not trust you Ardrian Celtigar. But I am in need of your arms. Until I know you are completely loyal to us, I can no longer speak the common tongue. They are traitors and lawless men who would kill us in our sleep if these words left my mouth. They claim they are royal to no one, but they still give aide if called upon. And it so happens our enemy is their benefactor".

Lord Ardrian nodded. "Our axes are yours, Vaemond spared our lives we bear you no harm''. ''Pretty words from pretty lords we shall see", just as she commented Daemond pet entered the room, slithering to her side. The men grew uneasy, but the pet paid no mind as it came for its dinner. Vhaera placed a few scraps of meat aside as she poured its blood in one of the bowls. "Worry not I do not intend to harm you either, remember that if you ever try to betray us". She had to be cautious this place taught her that. Cattle reminded her of her station, and she needed to use it even if others saw them as lowly worms asking for scraps off the bottom of their feet.

"They are loyal men. If they wished us harm, they never showed it nor acted upon it. House Celtigar of claw Isle rules claw Isle an island in the narrow sea off the coast of craw law point", Vaemond inquired. "Hmm", she bit her nail. Tell them of our plans once you're out to sea and out of the ears of spies. You all have much to learn. Take the prophet Alys and Aerion with you when it is time for you to depart. I wish for them to be my eyes and ears concerning you know who. We tried sending letters, but Asshai harbors no animals unless you wish them dead. They can also teach both of our houses our customs and I will personally fill one of your barrels with our blood. And while you're at it make our prophet a priest, I wish for him to learn more about our Gods and be able to make our kinsmen knights or usher new marriages in our stead".

Vaemond made no argument. Getting rid of Alys whispers would do her some good. He hasn't given her any rest and his constant fears distract her from her own tasks. She also hoped this voyage would open Aerion to new things and allow the boy to stop living in the past. His mother however might have a chance to start again if she wasn't constantly reminded of her plight. Aerion's mother only ever sees her son as a weak, fragile thing, and his condition now only makes it worst. Two more years and they would be free, she reminded herself.

Vhaera sat next to Ardrian and his men. Her dirty brown dress stood out amongst their polished armor. Even her attributes could not shine under this dress, but it was comfortable and reminded her of home.

"Kastra vokti IIve zaldrizi belmurzi issi".

"The red priest are chaining up our dragons".

"We are trying to find answers. In the meantime, gather supplies. Alys tells us this war will last for five years and that means we need more coin".

"Kirimvose", for helping us thus far. We were in desperate need of a hero. I'm sure with the money you gave us we will be able to buy swords, armor, chainmail, blacksmiths, and more food and as you can see, we need more clothing. We had to wash our clothes in the rivers and the lack of clean water these days has made us even more sick. Vaemond was not shocked by this development from his people for they always had to deal with the back drops of society. Asshai was no different. Vhaera message he understood they were close but not close enough. In time they will have answers.

Kastra- red

Vokti- priests

IIve- our

Zaldrizi- dragons

Belmurzi- chaining up

Kirimvose- thank you.

Issi- are

Daoist2uaQaIcreators' thoughts