


Shranaia knows that Akela is telling the truth and that she is not lying. She can feel the strength enveloping her body and the strange energy that causes her to become stronger. She does not know about their bloodline, especially about her being more powerful than Rudina and Daciana. Akela took the book from her and then closed it, and Shranaia gasped.

“Then I’m not just a wolf and a vampire?” she said, confused.

“What do you think?” Akela said.

“Why didn’t my father and mother say anything to me?” she said, then she looked at Akela.

“Because it’s more important for you to discover it than for them to tell you,” said Akela.

Shranaia held her head, then she sat thinking about what happened and what she saw when she touched that piece of image. Akira arrived, and then Akela looked at her and frowned at the arrival of her twin.

“What are you doing here?” Akela asked.

“I just felt something strange here, and I know you did something again, Akela,” she said to her sister.

“I showed her ancestor,” she said, and then Akira nodded.

She looked at Shranaia, smiled, and indicated for her sister to go first, leaving Shranaia alone. Shranaia had no idea how to absorb what had happened and what she had discovered. Vixen sought out Shranaia, and when he realized he was in the library, he walked straight to her, only to be surprised to see her sitting. He scowled and approached her, and when he did, he asked Shranaia what had happened.

Shranaia didn’t answer, and Vixen just let her go back to their cabin. When they got back, Shranaia didn’t say anything, and she still didn’t move. He thought to cook for Shranaia. When he was finished, he served it in front of Shranaia. Suddenly, Shranaia seemed to come alive because of the food that was served. She looked at Vixen, then she smiled.

“Thank you,” she said, then took the spoon and started eating.

Vixen couldn’t take his eyes off Shranaia and just watched her eat. He didn’t do anything other than smile because before he was just an idiot, but now he is smiling and living on the food in front of him. Light can be seen on his face and aura. When Shranaia finished eating, she held her stomach, then looked at Vixen.

“I want to go back to the human world,” said Shranaia, then he looked at Vixen.

“As you wish,” Vixen answered her.

“Really?” she said reassuringly.

“Yeap, if you want, we can live there,” he said to Shranaia which made Shranaia happier.

“I just want to see Mommy; I miss her so much,” she said, and Vixen held Shranaia’s hand.

“She’s fine; don’t worry about her,” said Vixen, and Shranaia just nodded at him.

Shranaia’s smile did not disappear, and they thought of going to Alpha and Luna in the other pack valley, and when they got there, the whole pack greeted them. While they were walking, there were petals sprinkled on them as if the two were married because of what they were doing. When Alpha and Luna greeted them, Shranaia and Vixen bowed in respect to them, and Alpha and Luna nodded. Rara, Ran, Gena, Eliot, Jenny, and Ron were there watching what was happening to them.

“What’s up?” Shranaia asked in surprise.

Luna held her hand and then smiled sweetly. “Since you are already a complete Luna of your pack, I congratulate you on your successful being one another,” she said, confusing her.

“W-what?” she asked in surprise.

Gena, Rara, Ron, and Ran just laughed because of what Luna said, and she didn’t understand what was happening. Anyway, they explained what Luna meant. It was one night when Alpha and Luna announced that they would be the new leaders of the Valley Pack. When Shranaia understood, she didn’t expect it to be so happy. They said goodbye to go to the human world, and when they returned, Shranaia saw again the beautiful world that she had briefly become home to.

She couldn’t think of anything else but having fun that day. They never encountered Daecon and Samantha. Even so, she knows that Daecon will get better. As they walk and hold hands, Shranaia can't think of anything else but what will happen in the future.

“What is it about me that no one else has, and you like me?” Shranaia asked Vixen, causing them both to stop.

“Why are you asking such a thing?” Vixen asked her, and they continued walking.

“Because I know there are many women in the wolf pack and I’m just wondering because you don’t see any other women but me. Even then I noticed you were only looking at me. What do you have that no one else has?”

Vixen touched Shranaia’s face, then she smiled and kissed her nose. “Because for me, you are the only beautiful woman. No one will be equal to you, and no one will replace you. You were destined for me before, so no matter what I will do anything to protect you,” he explained.

Shranaia couldn’t help but be thrilled by what Vixen said. She knows that what he is saying is not true. That day, they had fun and went everywhere. The smile on their lips and eyes can be seen, and no matter what they do, no one can match it. When night fell, Shranaia thought of going home to their house, where she used to live, and to see her mother.

When they got outside, Shranaia couldn’t help but cry because she was about to see her again. She knocked on the door, and when it opened, she saw the face of her old mother. Her mother shed tears, couldn’t stop crying, and hugged her.


“You come back,” her mother said happily, and she rejoiced with joy.

“Can I not come back?” she said, then she broke away from the hug.

“I’m so happy to see you, Shranaia,” she said, then pulled Shranaia’s hair.

“I am too,” replied Shranaia.

“Let’s go in,” she invited, then they went inside.

Once inside, they talked, and Vixen just let them talk. He smiled to see the two meet again because it had been a long time since they last met. Her mother prepared food for them to eat, and she helped her cook for the arrival of their friends. Gena, Rara, Jenny, Ron, Ran, and Eliot will also go there to join them.

When they finished cooking, their friends arrived, and they all partied there. Shranaia couldn’t help but look at them all because of their happy faces. The smiles on their lips are signs of her strength and seeing them safe and away from danger.

After a few days, Shranaia returned to their pack and asked her mother to come with her so that she would not be alone anymore. He didn’t even hesitate and went with him. Shranaia took her mother around the entire valley, and while showing her around, she noticed something strange in her body that she couldn’t understand.

After a few months passed, Shranaia was surprised when Rudina and Daciana suddenly appeared in her room; luckily, Vixen was not there because she had to do something. She washed her face, then looked at the two.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, then Rudina smiled.

“I’m glad to know that there will be a next generation of you, Shranaia,” she said which confused Shranaia.

“What do you mean? Did I do something again that I don’t know about?” she asked confusedly, then she looked in another direction.

“We know that you feel what is happening in your body and the changes. What do you think we mean?” Daciana said.

Shranaia stood up, then she sighed and left the room, and the two followed. “Whatever it is, can you just tell me directly?” said Shranaia, sounding annoyed.

The two laughed, and Shranaia sighed. "You're pregnant," they both said at the same time.

Shranaia’s eyes widened, then she stopped taking the glass, and she turned to the two with a confused face. “W-what?” she asked confused.

“Shall we repeat what we have already said?” Rudina said, annoyed.

Shranaia touched her stomach and felt nauseous, so she quickly went to the sink and then threw up. When she vomited, she wiped her lips and held her head because of the strange feeling. The two supported Shranaia, then they sat her down.

Shranaia couldn’t help but think about what was happening to her and the changes in her body. It remembered the few times that Vixen had done that to them, and at that point, she also noticed the improvement in his fighting skills.

“I’m pregnant?” she said, confused.

“Who’s pregnant?” They turned around when Jenny suddenly appeared with fruit, and her mother was behind it.

Shranaia immediately stood up and then hugged her mother and couldn’t understand whether she should cry or should be happy about what happened. “Mommy…”

“W-what happened?” her mother asked in confusion.

“I’m pregnant,” answered Shranaia.

“What?” Jenny said in disbelief. “You’re pregnant? Really?”

Jenny was very happy because of what she heard, while Shranaia didn’t know what to feel. Rudina just sighed, while Daciana couldn’t help but shake her head. “You don’t have to be sad, and you should be happy,” said Rudina.

“I’m not sad,” said Shranaia, then she looked at the two. “I’m happy. I just can’t believe it,” she said, then smiled and wiped away her tears.

Suddenly the twin witches appeared, and they looked at Shranaia. “I’m glad to know you're pregnant,” said Akela.

“The news is so fast,” Jenny commented.

They all just smiled, and this was one of the happiest gifts for her. She left her cabin, then she suddenly flew away. Jenny gaped and couldn’t believe that Shranaia had other abilities. Shranaia inhaled the fresh air at the same time as she felt her body and the strength enveloping her.

She dove down, then she looked for Vixen, and when she saw him and Vixen felt her, she immediately hugged him, and he was immediately rewarded by her. Shranaia tells the good news, and Vixen can’t believe that they will have their own family and child. Everyone celebrated because of the good news and did not miss that opportunity.

“I’m happy to build a family with you,” Vixen whispered.

“Thank you,” she said, then kissed Vixen.

After a few years of their marriage, Shranaia gave birth to twins. She did not expect that she would have twin sons, and she named them Asher and Hunter. The two both inherited their mother’s ability, but at a young age they were able to control it thanks to Shranaia’s help. Unlike their mother, who learned to control herself as a vaewolf too late.

“Aren’t you getting bored, Hunter?” Asher asked his brother.

“Let’s not complain, Asher; Mother will be angry,” Hunter replied.

“I prefer that Father be the one rehearsing us because this is not what he makes us do,” complained Asher.

“Aren’t you going to stop talking?” Shranaia said with her two children.

The two are both standing in a circle and balancing themselves on one leg. They couldn’t even complain because they knew the consequences. They have also implemented programs in the academy to study what the human world has. All subjects, as well as the language Rudina arrived with Davon, and Shranaia smiled as she greeted her.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, turning to face Davon. “You look great now, what’s up?” she asked.

“Why don’t you just shut up?” said Rudina, and then she looked at the two children. “How was the rehearsal” she asked Shranaia’s twin son, and when Ashton and Hunter saw Rudina, they immediately went downstairs.

“Aunt Rudina!” Happy greeting of the two.

Rudina immediately hugged the two and then smiled, and Shranaia did nothing but hold her breath. Rudina frequently visited their home, especially for the two twins, and said hello to their abilities, especially when the red moon appeared. The twins did well and grew strong, but their abilities were inferior to their mother’s.

“I’m glad to see them happy and capable of controlling themselves,” Rudina said, and Shranaia smiled.

Vixen came, then she held Shranaia by the same shoulder and smiled. Seeing their pack grow stronger and more beautiful with each passing month and year was one of Shranaia’s longings. The quietness and peace she wanted have now been achieved.