


Wilmer made me lose my desire to go on rides. To be honest, I don’t enjoy having Wilmer around since he is too clinging to me and tries to chase and stick to me. I always stay with Jenny since I don’t like it when he approaches.

“What the hell, Wilmer, stop it!” Jenny said, annoyed while I was hugging her.

“Why are you so elusive to me, Shranaia?” he asked me, then I shook my head.

“I don’t like your presence. I don't want you to stick to me, and the other one is...” I couldn’t finish what I was going to say, and they all looked at me, I just kept quiet.

“What’s the other one?” Brother Eliot asked.

I merely shook my head, glanced around for Vixen, and winced. They will probably understand why I am like this if they knew my true personality. We proceeded to a nearby restaurant to eat and rest because the rides had been really exhausting earlier. I lost my voice cause of yelling and my throat got itchy.

“I have something to tell you,” said Wilmer, then we looked at him.

Brother Eliot is next to me, and Jenny is next to Wilmer. We both face each other. I really want Brother Eliot to be by my side because I feel comfortable. Unlike Wilmer, I feel like I’m going to be in danger. Because when he was near me, there was something around me that I felt strange.

“What is that?” I ask.

“There’s a reason why we are here,” Wilmer said.

“There’s a reason why we’re here now.” Jenny frowned, then she was intrigued for some reason.

“What was that then?” asked Jenny.

“I heard from Mom last night that there’s something that she needs to work on here and that something was very intriguing,” he stated eagerly as if there was anything he may enjoy staying here for.

We continued listening until I saw the man I saw earlier. “Whoah?” I turned to Jenny, then my trance returned.

I didn't hear what Wilmer said, but I was annoyed by the strange feeling that someone was watching me besides Ron and Ran. This annoying feeling gives a strange feeling of nervousness and fear in my chest as if I'm running away from something I don’t understand.

“Are you ok?” Brother Eliot asked me, and then I turned to him.

“I-I’m fine,” I answered, still stuttering. “W-what’s that?” I asked as if I had no idea.

“How deep are you thinking? We just finished the exam didn’t we?” Jenny said, and I shook my head.

“I’m just not in the mood. I suddenly felt something strange and creepy,” I told her, then they understood me.

“You wanna go home?” Wilmer asked, then I nodded.

They agreed with me, so we hastened the lunch and went home. While on the road, I saw an odd gaze from a woman outside who was also staring at me. It seems like I know her did I? I told Jenny I would going home when we got home because I didn’t like how I was feeling.

When I went home, I saw Mommy following me with a weird look as if something was strange about her. “What happened?” mama asked, as I came to a halt and approached her.

“I’m snot feeling well,” I said, then I approached her. “I don’t understand mommy, but... there’s something inside me that I can’t explain why.”

“What is it?”

“I’m afraid... I’m afraid of something... something that I don’t know what,” I said to him, and then he smoothed my hair, then hugged me tightly.

At the moment, I was at ease with myself, and felt joy in my heart. Mommy’s touch lifts me up, as if she is the only one who can provide for me and no one else. I calmed down at that time, took a long breath, and looked at Mom.

“You feel better now?” she asked.

“I guess so... thank you for calming me down,” I said, then she smiled and hugged me again.

After that, I decided to rest. After one day, I woke up early because I still had school. I don’t have that bad feeling anymore, but I still have this strange dream. When I finished getting dressed, I went downstairs, Daddy greeted me with a smile, and Mommy gave me food.

After I ate, I said goodbye to go in, and when I got out, Jenny's car was there, then I got into it, and I didn't expect that Wilmer was also there also.

“How was your feeling?” he asked me.

“I’m fine,” I replied to him, then he nodded to me.

“That’s good.”

We left, and when we arrived at the school, Wilmer opened the door for me. I didn’t say anything and simply went down, and I saw people who were gazing at us, and I guess they were wondering why we were together. I simply ignored them before facing Jenny and we entered the room together.

When we got there, I saw a white flower that surprised me. Jenny looked at me then she smiled, but I was not happy with what I was seeing.

“Remove that,” I said and pointed to the white flower.

Her brow furrowed because the fear of that flower was obvious to me. “Why do you look so scared? Is it just a flower?” she said, then I shook my head.

She didn’t understand what happened to me when I was at their house, that’s why I didn't answer any of her questions and pushed her to pick that flower that was on the table. When she picked it up, she threw it outside, and when I was sure that she threw it, I sat down at my desk.

I looked at Sam and saw how she grinned as if she knew what I was afraid of. But I just ignored her and fixed myself. Jenny looked at me, then asked if I was okay, and I just nodded to her in response.

“What is it about the white flower that makes you afraid?” she asked me, and I couldn't answer anything other than just shaking her head.

Jenny didn’t ask any more questions because our teacher had already arrived. It announced the held JS prom as well as the held dance contest. Jenny is in the dance, so I am there to support her. There is one for the singing competition, but I don't enter any contests. I just don’t enjoy being the center of attention not unlike the others who like to be in it.

“Ok class, listen. Now there is also news that each section will have a representative as a Ms and Mr of the entire high school,” said ma’am.

“Sam could be one of our representatives, ma’am,” said one of our classmates, and I agree.

Sam is stunning. Her skin is flawlessly white and silky. Her dark hair is wonderfully curled, and to be honest, she has everything except a decent attitude. Jenny stared at Sam, and I noticed she rolled her eyes at her. She has this attitude that Same had. But, she’s my best friend so, even though that was annoying, it’s ok with me.

“Samantha?” ma’am said, and Sam stood up. “Is it ok with you, ija?” she asked Sam, then she smiled.

“Of course ma’am,” she proudly replied.

“Boooooo!” everyone told her that it made me smile. “Ma’am something is missing from Sam!” said one of our classmates.

“Huh? She’s so perfect!” said Sam's friend.

“Perfect your face! She lacks good manners!” this answer made everyone laugh, including me, and Jenny.

“Class quiet!” Ma’am said to everyone.

We immediately fell silent, so I just looked ahead and fixed myself. “You still have a basher, Sam,” Jenny teased, so I elbowed her.

I noticed how she clenched her fist and then glared at me evilly as if I were the one who was to fault for criticizing her. Ma'am looked at me and based on what I could see in her eyes, it was as if I was feeling something strange. I swallowed my own spit when she smiled and crossed her arms on me.

“Alright, we need to fix it, just like this...” Ma’am looked at me, then motioned me to stand up. “Shranaia stands up,” she said.

“What?” I said, irritably.

“Stand up, ija,” she repeated.

“I don’t want to participate in that kind of contest, and even if you all vote for me, I have no intention. Ma’am I don’t want to be in this mess!” I explained.

“You haven’t tried it yet, why knot?”

I bit my lower lip and gazed at Sam. “Why can’t you simply settle with Sam? Even though we’re competing in academics, I know she’s more deserving it,” I replied, breaking their quiet.

Ma’am couldn’t say anything in response to what I said, and when Jenny glanced at me, I just scowled at her with my arm crossed. I have no intention of doing anything she desires. Everyone agreed, and nothing further was done. They also cannot compel me. After class, I packed my belongings and stood up to go out.

When I was going to leave, I noticed Joel and Wilmer outside the room. Joel stared at me, then smiled, and I looked at Sam. Isn’t Sam the one he could pick up? I said to myself. Wilmer approached me when I was going out of the room, and he was almost too near to me when I placed my palm in his face to stop him.

“I will smack your face hard if any of your fingertips touch me,” I said, and he gulped. I stared at Joel after he didn't say anything. “I don’t care what’s on your mind; stop being around me or I’ll divulge your and Samantha’s secret,” I warned Joel, and his eyes widened as he realized what I had said.

I’m not sure what’s wrong with them, but I know they’re hiding something. Jenny and Wilmer followed me as I passed past him. They were wondering what I was talking to Joel, but I didn’t respond. I came to a halt at the gate and peered around. I'm feeling strange again, and I'm sure that someone is observing me.

“Oh? Why did you stop?” asked Wilmer.

“When is the full moon?” I asked, then Jenny frowned.

“I don’t know, eh,” she answered.

I checked the calendar and noticed that the next day was the full moon. My 18th birthday is coming, and I expect a lot to happen on that day. I was shocked to see Brother Eliot as we got in the car. I didn't know that he was here.

“Oh? Aren’t you doing anything, Bro?” Jenny asked.

“Well, Benj was passing by, and I ride with him since my car was broken,” he replied.

We simply nodded and went in. Wilmer couldn't complete what he was saying since Jenny was next to me, and I was just putting my head on Jenny’s shoulder. I walked up to my room after they got me home and looked at the clock. I hurriedly dressed and then lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling like crazy. Something came up these days that makes me uncomfortable whenever I go out. Sometimes, I don't want to go out cause I could feel that someone was behind me and inches away from me.

I can’t forget about the guy I saw in Enchanted and the strange fear I feel that I don’t understand why. I sat at the study table, then I opened my laptop to look for something to eat and a movie to watch.

While I was busy, I noticed a rustle outside my window and got to look into it. I just held my breath as I peered out the window and saw Ron and Ran. I rushed down the stairs and to the back, where I asked them what they were doing in front of my room.

“Boss said that he was restless because he felt something strange. He said he knows that you could also feel that, so he commanded us to go here and guard you,” said Ron, and then I approached him.

“Can you just explain to me what happened?” I said, then he looked at Ran.

“We can’t say until Boss says it,” Ran replied, and I turned around to get inside because of annoyance.