


While Jenny and I were talking, I couldn’t get out of my mind what the two were arguing about earlier. I frequently wonder if they have some sort of strategy or if my assumptions are flawed. Anyway, one of my hints is what Jenny stated. As we were watching, I turned to look at the person standing by Jenny’s terris.

She questioned, “What was that?” and I gave a shrug.

“I don’t know?” I answered, then I stood up and looked to see who the person was, but I didn’t see anyone. “Maybe it’s just something like a human figure in a reflection? An object that might shadow a person,” I said, but she scowled as though she wasn’t persuaded.

She doesn’t believe in things easily. Especially if she couldn’t see it. In fact, Jenny has an ability that sets her apart from everyone else, but it is comparable to other people who have a third eye to distinguish between real and untrue things. When I noticed someone below, she was going to rise up. I scowled when I noticed Ran and Ron there. I let out a sigh and motioned for them to go.

“Who are you signaling on?” I immediately looked at Jenny and then started swatting like there was a flying insect in front of me.

“Are there mosquitoes in here?” I pretended to ask.

I exhaled a sigh of relief as she brought me into the room and closed the terris after having a look at what I was disassembling. Fortunately, I was awake and came up with an explanation. We both turned our attention to the television as news of a catastrophe broke. All I know is that we are watching a movie, therefore I have no idea why the news is on the TV.

“Why did it suddenly go crazy again?” said Jenny.

“Maybe your internet has been deleted and broken again,” I replied.

“It just got fixed it,” she replied, snorting thereafter. “It doesn’t matter. I want to sleep and rest. We have a trip tomorrow, don’t we?” she reminded me, and I nodded.

I sat next to her as she lay down on the bed. It was late at night, and I was still unable to fall asleep when a few minutes went by without my realizing it. I got up first, grabbed some water from their kitchen, and heard someone in the kitchen from the stairs. I spotted a man sipping milk as I went down, and I think he was having trouble falling asleep as well.

“Brother Eliot?” I said, and he turned to face me. “Long time no see,” I greeted him then I approached him.

He said, “That’s you, Sharanaia, how are you?” I responded by getting water from the refrigerator.

I said, “Well, I’m good. How about you? How were the States?”

“Kinda fine though, I’m stressed and super busy with work. I’m loaded as fck,” he answered, and we laughed together.

“You need to have some rest sometimes. I thought you were not going home anymore since you weren’t living here.”

He looked at the milk in the glass he was holding, then smiled bitterly. “I was fine... I am,” he said as if the depth was being drawn from him. “But currently, I am not,” he added.

I saw in his eyes that he was hurt. “Something happened, right?” I said, and he nodded. I could feel that he was broke and stressed.

“When I moved to the states, I met Aryana, she was beautiful, she was fine, sexy, and kind. She was smart, and have a sweet voice that you can’t even resist at least hearing at once. But suddenly, there was a problem, and I wasn’t there for her to help. Instead, I was busy with my work, loaded with meetings, busy back, and forth,” he stated, and I just listened to his story. “So I didn’t know what was happened to her,” he added and drank his milk.

“I she… your girlfriend?” I ask.

“Yeap, and I met her parents and all of her relatives, and now they are disappointed at me,” he said, then I saw that there were tears in his eyes.

I have never seen Brother Eliot like this even before. He is known as a cheerful person, smiling and seemingly without any other problems in the world. But this is him in real life. We’re close and even treats me like his real sister. Sometimes I’m even more of a sister than Jenny. Even so, they are happy to see us happy as if we were brothers. I don’t know what’s the feeling of having a sister or brother at all. Because I am just an only child then.

“Maybe… that was the reason why she didn’t tell you her pain,” I said, and he looked at me. “She knows that you need to focus, she knows that you were busy and even looking at your phone, you can’t,” I added. “At that point… she was thinking of you, and maybe if she called you or talked to you was a disturbing thing for her.”

His heavy sigh was audible, and I could sense the weight of his emotions. After taking a sip from the glass, he looked at me and smiled. He waved back after getting up, setting the glass on the sink. He told me good night as he was doing that. I drink water then after that, I placed it in the sink after he had left. When I was finally able to go back, I walked up and saw Jenny still asleep.

I reclined, then I close my eyes. Even the commotion I was hearing outside eluded me. But just before I slept off, I felt something touch my face. I took a little breath, but after that, the caress caused me to fully pass asleep.

“Shranaia.” I opened my eyes when Jenny called my name. “Good morning,” she greeted me then smiled.

I turned to glance around and noticed that the sun had risen. Jenny stood and left the room as I peered out the window and noticed a flower being placed; I got up and took it. I instantly was hurt by its thorn when I touched it, and for a moment I froze. I was shocked when the flower sucked the blood from my finger because I had no idea it contained a thorn.

I released the flower and started to look around. It slowly turned to ash before dissipating like a cloud of smoke. As an odd feeling crept through my chest, I hurried out of the room and went downstairs for breakfast.

“Oh? What happened to you? Why are you look pale?” Brother Eliot asked, then I calmed down.

“Because I saw something…” I thought of something to justify. “Squirrel,” I said, then Jenny laughed.

“Did you see, Squepy,” she said, then focused on the food.

What I had previously seen is not clear to me. But I persuaded them that was the reason I sat down and positioned myself close to Jenny. I glanced at Brother Eliot as I was eating, and he simply smiled at me. I actually have a crush on Brother Eliot, but I know he’ll only think of me as his little sister and not as a lady.

“What are you two going to do?” Brother Eliot asked. “Where are you going?”

Jenny and I looked at each other, and we smiled at each other. We intend to go to BGC because it is said that it is beautiful there and a good place to hang out, especially since there are trees on every side you pass. It’s like you’re in Korea because of the atmosphere there. Brother Eliot nodded and said he would come with us, and I was happy because of that. It’s been a long time since Brother Eliot, and I went out together.

“Wilmer told me that he would meet me at the Grand, will you come?” Jenny asked as we both got ready.

“Who’s Wilmer?” I wondered.

“Isn’t that my cousin who likes you, who else is Wilmer?” she answered, and I laughed.

“Ahhh... well, why?” I ask.

“He said he had to change schools. He wants to move to our school because aunt said that they will be here until the end of the school year. She just needs to do something here in the Philippines,” she replied.

I just nodded to her, and when we both finished, we went out. I saw Brother Eliot looking handsome in what he was wearing, and that’s when I realized that he gets even more handsome every time he smiles. I suddenly came to my senses because of the whining I heard, then I looked around and didn’t see anyone else.

“Let’s go,” Jenny said, then pulled me into Brother Eliot’s car.

Sometimes I want to kick Jenny because she often pushes me like she’s always in a hurry. “Will you please, stop pushing me?”

I irritated said, she was just rolling her eyes at me and didn’t say a word. I turned to check behind us while we was on the road because of the red car in front of us. I have no idea why it is chasing us, but I think I know who is it. I was startled when Jenny abruptly touched me as I was staring back. She glared at me as I sent a glance her way before turning to face the direction I was looking.

“What are you looking at?” she ask, curiously.

“Nothing,” I answered, then she looked at me.

“Do you want to go to Enchanted?” Brother Eliot asked me, then Jenny and I smiled.

“Yes!” we both answered, and he laughed.

Since there was nothing else to do in BGC than stroll around, we actually went to Enchanted. Jenny said that she would make her cousin follow us, and I just agreed. I was amazed by the rides at Enchanted when we arrived and eager to try them out. I can’t believe what I’m seeing and honestly feel like this is the first time I’ve been here.

“What should we ride first?” Jenny asked, Brother Eliot and I looked at each other.

“Extreme tower,” we said smiling at the same time, Jenny smiled even more, and we both ran together.

At the back, Brother Eliot just followed the two of us, looking as if he were our father. Eliot is 25 years old and actually still looks young. He wasn’t obviously 25 years old. When we bought the ticket, Jenny and I quickly boarded and couldn’t get rid of the smile on both of our lips. I can't really avoid not being excited, especially when it’s like this.

When we got on board, I felt dizzy, especially when the rides started. When it reached the top, I was just looking down, and from where I was, I saw a creature that made me frown. Even though I was high, I could see it clearly.

“WAAAAAAHHHH!” people around us shout out loud except me.

My attention was focused on the man who was looking at me, and I saw how he sneered at me as if something bad was going to happen. I looked at Jenny, and I could see that they were enjoying themselves, so I just screamed like them. When the rides were over, I excused myself to take a restroom.

When I got to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror while holding my chest, there was a bug coming out of my green eyes. I immediately resisted it, then calmed myself down, and took a deep breath.

I reassured myself, “Shranaia, it’s just your imagination, so don’t be frightened,” and I then straightened myself up.

“What exactly shouldn’t you be terrified of?”

“Shit!" I said in surprise as I gripped my chest. O”Ytartled me, Jenny!”

“It’s not my fault that I surprised you. You’re talking to yourself in the mirror so seriously that you didn’t notice that I’ve been standing here watching you like an idiot,” I scowled at what she said.

“I’m sorry,” I said, then she came to me.

“It’s alright. What frightens you?” she asks inquisitively.

She nodded as I said, “It simply is... I’ll just tell you when the time is right.”

We both went out, from Brother Eliot’s place, I saw Wilmer, and when he saw me, he ran quickly. He was about to hug me when I quickly ran away, then I hid behind Jenny. He looked at me, then he snorted like a child and seemed to report to his cousin.

“Will you please fcking stop?” Jenny said, annoyed.