


When I woke up the next day, I felt pain in my body, but I also felt light. When I opened my eyes, Vixen’s face appeared to me, and I smiled because of that. He hugged me, then brought my face close to his chest. I felt a strange thump, closed my eyes, and hugged him tightly.

“I’m thankful that I woke up with you,: he said, then I smiled.

“Thank you too, about last night,” I replied, then I felt him kiss my forehead.

I feel Vixen's love for me, and even if she doesn’t say it, I feel it. I don’t know when it all started; all I know is that I love him, and I won’t want anyone else if it’s not the man who is next to me now. I got up, then stood up, and went to the bathroom to take a shower and take care of what I needed to do.

When I got out of the cabin, I saw Rudina outside, who seemed to be waiting for me. I frowned at her, then she looked at me and motioned me to follow her. I looked at Vixen, who was following me, then I winced because of what happened. Vixen just nodded to me to go with Rudina, and I smiled at her and whispered goodbye.

“I love you.”

After I said that, I heard Rudina stop, then she faced me. “Why do you have to exchange I love you when you love each other? You guys are annoying!” she said, then she left.

I just didn’t understand her, and I just smiled at Vixen. “Bye!” I said before I left.

He nodded to me, and I went, and when I arrived on the field, it was only me and her. We came to a halt in the center, and she turned to face me as I scowled. I had no clue what we were going to do, but my eyes widened as she suddenly rushed towards me, and thankfully, I quickly crossed both my arms and then gazed at her evilly.

“What are you doing? You called me early just for this?” I said, annoyed.

“Wasn’t one of the things I said last night about teaching vaewolfves techniques as a vampire. I’m not the only one here, Shranaia,” she said, and I turned to my left and saw Daciana attacking me.

I moved fast, kicked her, twisted in the air, and quickly transformed her into a wolf. I rushed towards Daciana, but she swiftly got away from me, and I didn’t anticipate Rudina to emerge behind me, causing me to leap and my body to strike the field bench. What happened surprised me, and I stared at the two of them. Without saying anything, she invited me to the battlefield to fight.

“You didn’t even feel sorry for me,” I complained to the two of them, and they just laughed at me as if they were happy with what they did to me.

I honestly feel like they are just playing with me. I don’t know if they are doing the right thing or if they are just taking revenge on me because of what happened to the Mystic Pack. I prepared myself for another attack by Daciana or Rudina. I know they are both legends and good at fighting, but isn’t it unfair to have two against one? I lose to both of them because they are strong.

Rudina suddenly disappeared next to Daciana, and I immediately looked around. I can’t even feel her presence all around me, and I can’t even smell him. I gasped when she was behind me, then I closed my eyes tightly and crossed both arms, but it didn’t work. I splashed again, and at that point, I felt the blood on my lips. I looked at both of them annoyed, then I coughed.

“You’re getting personal!” I complained, then I stood up.

“We can’t show you mercy, Shranaia. Now that you can control being a vaewolf, maybe you will be able to control yourself when the red moon comes,” Rudina said, and I frowned at her.

“What do you mean? I know that the red mood was powerful; it made us incapable of controlling ourselves for being vaewolves. But how does the red moon make us so aggressive?” I ask.

“Because we’re vampires,” she answered.

I just nodded, then I took a deep breath. I know a lot can happen and will happen, but why did they think of training me now? I feel bad because they didn’t even give me enough time. Daciana was about to rush when I suddenly appeared behind her unexpectedly, and I also saw how Rudina was surprised. I just grinned at them both, and I gestured.

“I have this new technique that I knew I could use in the future,” I said, then I kick Rudina’s back.

It spluttered when she didn’t expect it, and she hadn’t even recovered when I suddenly punched Rudina, and she also spluttered. They were both taken aback by what I did, and I was happy with the outcome of my action. I also did not expect that my attack and my kick would be strengthened. I looked at both of my hands and felt the strength that was there.

I went down, then looked at the entrance of the field and frowned when I saw Aztec and Davon with Vixen. Davon immediately went to Rudina and Aztec to Daciana. Vixen approached me, then checked my body to see if there were any wounds or not.

“Why are you fighting?” Davon asked, then looked at Daciana and me.

“Why don’t you ask your girlfriends?” I said, and then I looked at Vixen.

“Are you ok?” he asked me.

“Yea, I’m fine don’t worry,” I answered. “My wound healed quickly,” I added.

Daciana and Rudina beggared their clothes, then she looked at them. “We’re just having fun; Shranaia is one of us; she’s a legend too,” Rudina said, and I frowned because I didn’t know if I should believe it or not.

“Did they eat something that wasn’t good enough to make them think like that?” I said, confused.

“We’ll tell that’s the truth, Shranaia,” said Daciana.

“How?” I wondered.

“You didn’t even know? How do you feel?” Rudina asked, then I felt my body to see if anything was different.

But it was only then that I remembered what happened to Rudina when my fist hit her. I was stunned, and then I looked at Rudina in disbelief. She just smiled at me, then looked at Daciana while I was wondering what exactly happened. I know they will not lie to me, and I know they are telling the truth.

“Since Shranaia is one of us, you should know that we need her to be part of our organization since she has a power like what we had,” Rudina said.

“Rudina’s wedding is the next day, and you are all invited,” said Daciana, then I looked at Rudina.

“Could you please stop that?” she said, irritated.

“You’ll like Davon too. It’s not hard to love him, isn’t it, Love?” Daciana said, starting to tease her.

“Why are you on his side?” said Rudina in annoyance.

“Forget about Farkas, Rudina. I know you love Farkas, but someone is always there for you. Can’t you imagine how he feels?” Daciana said, and Vixen and I just looked at each other.

Rudina looked at Davon, and I felt guilty in her mood. “I didn’t say he loved me, and it wasn’t my choice to marry him,” she said seriously.

I feel pity in Rudina’s heart, but she doesn’t show it. I know she didn’t want to say that, but I felt the pain when she said it. Davon smiled and then held Rudina’s hand and took a deep breath. Even though what Rudina said was painful, he didn’t pay attention to it; instead, he just understood her.

“I know you’re not ready, Rudina. If you want, I can cancel our wedding and continue when your heart is ready and not with the friend you loved,” he said, then he turned and left.

I feel sorry for Davon, but I don’t know how to comfort him. I looked at Vixen, and I signaled him to talk to Davon and sympathize with him first. I looked at Daciana, then she shook her head and just sighed and followed Davon. They left, and Rudina and I were left alone. I was about to approach her, but I stopped because of her evil look. I don’t know if I should come closer or not. I held my breath, and I just didn’t understand what he was going to do, so I came closer.

“Do you know what you did?” I said, then she looked in another direction.

“I know,"" she said, and she sat down, and I also sat next to her.

“Then why did you do that?” I will ask.

“I don’t know,” she answered. “Honestly, I don’t like what comes out of my mouth. I’m not like this before. Before Davon came into my life, Farkas was there. Daciana knows that. He never left me no matter what happened, and even in difficult situations he was ready to help me. Even though he lied to me once, I know he only did it for me,” she said and I felt what she was saying was true.

I held Rudina’s hand, then I smiled. “I understand you. But it’s not right that it always happens that way. You will only realize everything when it is too late. Maybe when Davon’s feelings for you are gone, you’ll be the one to find him.”

She turned to me, and I just smiled at her. I stood up and left her alone. I looked for Jenny, Rara, and Gena. When I saw them, I immediately approached them. I never thought I would be here with Jenny again. Fortunately, Alpha and Luna are kind. It is not forbidden to enter this world, but even so, wolves can see who is destined for them.

Jenny and Ron are already in a relationship, while Gena and Eliot are dating and getting to know each other. I just smile when I see them happy, and I know that even though a lot of bad things happened, there are still good memories that can take their place.

“How were you and Vixen last night?” Gena asked me.

I don’t know what to answer, and I don’t know whether to answer or not. I looked away and then grabbed my neck. “Why do you ask?”

“Don’t bring the question back to me, Shranaia. Answer me instead,” she said, and I looked at Rara and Jenny.

“We know something happened to you, so tell us if what we’re thinking is true or not,” said Jenny.

“You are pushing me too much in the situation and asking that question. Do you know that you can be thrown from where you are with just one snap from me?” I said, then they closed their mouths.

I just left and went for a walk to have a good time. I felt warm and remembered what happened last night with Vixen. While walking, I still do not know how it happened that I am one of the legends like Daciana and Rudina. I went to the library to read and then found the book about vaewolfves. While I was reading, I only missed a page that I couldn’t continue reading.

“Where’s the sequel?” I wondered.

“Is this what you’re looking for?” I turned to the speaker, then I saw Akela.

I looked at the piece of paper she was holding, then I stood up. “What’s in it?” I ask.

She sighed, then looked at the page and then at me. She came over to me and attached the paper to the page it was on. When it became lodged, the vision appeared, and I saw a woman with long hair who resembled me. I'm not sure how it happened or how I look like the girl in the book.

“What does that mean?” I was intrigued.

Akela smiled at me, then she sat down. “That image has been hidden for a long time. The story about that girl is different from Rudina’s story. Anyway, why don’t you feel what’s in that image?” she said, and I looked at it carefully.

I held that image, and suddenly I closed my eyes. I saw events that I had never seen before and that were different from what I saw in Rudina before. There was a lot of blood, a lot of dead people, and a lot of things happened, but I have no idea how they happened. There was a girl who looked like me, and she had a strange face. There are its red eyes, long claws, and fangs.

I grabbed my left chest and seemed to catch my breath. “W-what’s that?” I’m afraid to ask.

“You belong to the bloodline of vaewolfves who are capable of possessing elemental power, Shranaia,” she said, then I fell to my knees. “You are different from Rudina, and you are also different from Daciana. Yes, they are legends, but not as legends as you and what else you are capable of. Apart from being a vampire and a werewolf, what strange powers are inside your body,” she added.