


Rudina can’t help but remember what happened in her past, especially when Farkas died because of her. Her desire to get revenge and Farkas’ desire to protect her are the reasons why she lost him. Daciana held Rudina’s hand and then hugged her.

“I know it’s hard to accept what happened in the past, but with your messing up Shranaia’s life, who she really is has finally come out,” she said.

“I know. I have no intention of using her body, but this is a way for her to be able to release her strength, and what happened earlier has really been set. Honestly, I can feel Shranaia’s anger, and it’s different from the anger I had before.” Rudina broke away from the hug and then took a deep breath. “I saw Shranaia’s memories before, and I can’t blame her if she killed Faustino and Fergus,” she added, then she looked at Daciana. “The pain she was feeling at that time was nothing like the pain I felt before. Daciana, they killed Shranaia’s parents just because they wanted to balance werewolves and vampires. I understand, but it is also very difficult for a child to see her parents being killed right in front of her.”

Rudina couldn’t help but be emotional while recounting what she saw in Shranaia’s memory. She also knows in herself what her mistake is, and she also knows that it is not right to use the body of a vaewolf, especially if she has not yet controlled herself. While they were talking, Akira appeared, then she looked at Rudina, and a silly smile appeared on her lips.

“You know so much that you should be dead,” Rudina said dismissively to Akira.

Daciana elbowed her, then looked at her. “What are you doing?” she looked at her. “If it wasn’t for Akira, you wouldn’t be alive today!” she reminded her.

“I know.”

“You talk too much.”

“What do you want me to do, shut my mouth and then just keep quiet and not voice her grievances?” she says that there is more philosophy.

“That’s better,” Akira said, then she gestured with her hand, then taught Rudina a lesson.

Daciana’s eyes widened at the sight, then Rudina grabbed her mouth, and immediately took her sword and pointed it at Akira. Daciana intervened between the two of them and then stopped Rudina from doing anything. Akira just raised an eyebrow at Rudina, and she smiled at her as if she were happy with what she had done to Rudina.

“I know you’re one of the strongest vaewolves, but you still put yourself out there because not everyone will bow to you, dear princess,” Akira said flatly.

Rudina just ignored her and signaled for her to remove whatever was preventing her from speaking. Akira removed it, then sighed and sat next to Rudina. “If you had used your brain before, the only being who loves you would be alive today,” she said, then Rudina winced at Akira’s words.

She knows what she did wrong, and she knows the consequences of what happened before. Shranaia has not yet woken up from what Rudina did. Akela gave the potion to Vixen and told him to drink it for Shranaia, which he followed. While Rudina was returning to their palace and while her father was waiting, her mother was already sitting there, and she was afraid because she knew what her mother would do to her.

She bent down while holding her hand and couldn’t look straight. She had nothing else to do but listen to what she had to say, and she gasped when suddenly someone grabbed her shoulder, and when she looked up, she saw Davon’s face. Her brow furrowed, then she looked behind her and gave Davon a bad look.

“What are you doing here?” Rudina asked.

“Aren’t you happy to see me, my dear princess?” he said to Rudina teasingly.

“You should have died,” she said, and Davon grabbed his chest as if teasing Rudina.

“I don’t need to die because, I’m already dead for you,” he said, then he snorted as he pretended to kiss Rudina.

“You’re disgusting!” Rudina said, annoyed.


Rudina immediately looked up and then looked at her mother. “Mother.”

Rudina was able to swallow her own saliva and was restless in her position. “As your punishment, you have to marry Davon.”

Rudina looked at Davon, then back at her mother, then back at her father. “W-what? What do you mean? You know I don’t like that ugly vampire!” she said, annoyed and angry.

“You have no other choice because if you don’t marry Davon, you will be imprisoned in the book for the rest of your life,” his father threatened, which annoyed her even more.

“I would rather go be imprisoned in that book forever than marry that man. If it’s Farkas, I’ll accept it, but if it’s just him, I’ll just follow Farkas in the afterlife,” she said, then he turned and left.

Rieka didn’t stop her, then she looked at Thavon and smiled, then nodded. Davon followed Rudina and teased her more. Dacian smiled because there was a man who would love her best friend more than she loved her. She just sighed and then bowed to Thavon and Rieka. She also left, and when she got to her cabin, she saw Aztec waiting for her.

When Aztec felt her presence, she immediately approached her and hugged her. “I thought you were doomed. You suddenly disappeared,” he said with a tinge of concern.

“I will not be destroyed,” she said, then she smiled and kissed Aztec. “A lot happened today, and to be honest, I’m happy with the outcome of what happened,” she said, and Aztec smiled at her.

“I know you can handle yourself. You’re one of the legendary, but I still can’t help but worry about you, my love,” he said, and tightened his hug on Daciana.


It was very dark all around, and I couldn’t see anything around me. I feel like I’m lost in nothingness, and I have nowhere to go. I also feel my weakness, and I feel like I’m tired from everything I do. I have no choice but to stay where I am.

“Shranaia.” I turned around when someone called my name, and it seemed to cheer me up.

“V-Vixen...” I mentioned his name.

“Come back,” he said, then I looked all around, but I couldn’t see anything but darkness.

Suddenly there was a light where I was sitting, and then I looked up at it. I can’t remember what happened, but I can feel the pain in my body and also the tiredness I feel. At that time, I felt that my strength was slowly returning, and at the same time, my body’s wounds were gradually healing. I slowly stood up, raised my hand, and then floated in the air.


I could hear the noise around me, and I also felt someone holding my hand. I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was the face of a legendary vaewolf. I don't know if I’m still dreaming or if the person who was in front of me is real. It's been a long time since I heard about her, and as far as I know, she is a thousand years old.She didn’t even grow old, no matter what happened.

“It’s good to see that you’re awake,” she said, then I frowned.

“What happened?” I wondered.

“You’ve been asleep for two weeks. That’s straight, and there’s nothing to eat. Aren’t you hungry?” I turned to the person who spoke, and my eyes widened when I saw Jenny.

I immediately sat down, then I looked at them all. Besides Jenny, Ron, Ran, Vixen, Rara, Gena, and the legendary wolf Daciana are also here. I don’t know the guy with her who is next to her, but he’s handsome, just like the guy who is next to Rudina. I held my head, then closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath.

“Are you alright?” he asked me worriedly.

“I’m fine, it’s nothing,” I replied to him.

“It’s a good thing I didn’t kill you that day. I never thought you would lose yourself,” said Rudina, then I looked at her.

“Why did you push yourself into my body that day?” I said, then she gave me a bad look.

“I want to escape, and your body is the only way,” she answered.

“Tsk. User,” I said, annoyed, and she was about to attack me when Daciana stopped her.

“Can you calm down? You’re older than her, so be mature,” she said, and then I gave Rudina a silly smile.

I didn’t expect her patience to be short, and to be honest, I could feel a strange strength enveloping her body. They told me what happened the day I lost consciousness, especially when Rudina stabbed me because I almost killed Vixen. Even so, I don’t think I can do that, and honestly, I can’t handle it if Vixen is also lost to me.

Vixen held my hand, then I turned to him and smiled. “I didn’t know, sorry,” I said, then I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“I know,” he replied, then he touched my chin and looked into my eyes. “Because I also know that you love me,” he said with a smile on his face and I immediately sat up.

“It’s better you don’t know because you’re becoming arrogant,” I said, then took my hand away from him.

“Now that everything is in order, the king will prepare a celebration and meeting for the return of balance. Even so, there are laws that you must follow and cannot be broken,” said Rudina, then we nodded to her.

“We thought you would sleep forever, Shranaia. Fortunately, the potion given by Akela and Akira is really effective,” Gena said, then I looked at her.

“Then it’s also because of the twin witches?” I thought.

“Yes, because if it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t wake up,” Rara replied.

“How are Daecon and Samantha doing?” I asked, then Rudina sighed.

“Father said that Daecon needs to rest first because the damage he got because of you is severe,” she said, and I covered my mouth.

“What? Do you mean…”

“Whatever you’re thinking is true,” she said, and I hadn’t even said what was on my mind. “But you don't have to worry about him, because he’s fine,” she added.

“It’s good that you cared if I was hurt.” I turned to Vixen, and both of my eyebrows went up.

I touched both of his cheeks, then I kissed her on the lips in front of our friends and even in front of Rudina. I heard their screams and felt Vixen’s shocked presence, then I smiled at him. He couldn’t speak anymore, and when I pulled away, he suddenly grabbed my waist, and after that, he kissed me harder on my lips. At this time, I felt weak, but I felt a strange tickling in my body.

“Disgusting,” I heard Rudina say.

Vixen pulled away and then kissed me on the forehead. “I love you,” he whispered enough for me to hear.

“Do you want us to do the same, my love?” said the man and Rudina gave her a bad look.

“Look at me, Davon, maybe you’ll go lips to lips with my fist,” he said to him.

He just grimaced, then he covered his mouth and didn’t speak anymore. We just laughed at what happened, and after that, we got ready for the celebration to come. I don’t know what to wear, and I don't know what color suits me better. Jenny is with Eliot, and I just noticed that Gena and Eliot get along while Ron and Jenny are still teasing each other to this day.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but smile because of the beauty of the dress Vixen had chosen for me. I don’t know when I last wore a gown, but I do know that it was a long time ago. While I was looking in the mirror, I heard someone knock on the door and then call my name.

“I’m coming,” I answered, then I opened the door.

“You took so long before you opened,” Jenny complained.

“Whoah?” Rara said in disbelief as she looked at me.

“I don’t think you can be more beautiful,” Gena said.

I let the three of them in, and I also smiled at what they were wearing. “The three of you are also beautiful,” I said while looking at them one by one with a smile.

“You can’t be the only one who is beautiful,” said Rara, then straightened herself.

“Did you know that she and Ran are getting better?” Jenny said.

“And you with Ron,” Rara also teased.

“Gena belongs to my brother Eliot. Well, they are in a relationship now,” said Jenny, then we looked at Gena.

“Is it true?” I asked her.

She nodded to me while biting her finger in her mouth out of embarrassment. “Well, I won’t deny it if it’s true. Another thing is... we are not too young to play anymore,” she answered.