


As I entered the school, I saw Jenny, who was welcoming me. When She got close to me, She then gave me a letter that made me frown. “What is it for?” I to ask her.

“Adriane said it was for you,” she said.

“What should I do with this letter?” I ask again.

“Don’t you read?” she answered with an annoyed face.

I just sighed, then threw it away. Jenny and I started walking, when we got to the classroom, I saw that my table was full of flowers and it was a mess in my eyes. I just winced and then looked at them. No one spoke, and everyone seemed happy and excited about what was happening, while I was annoyed and irritated. I removed it all. I don't care if they say stupid things to me because it doesn’t matter at all. I sat down, then I put down my book, and I heard Krisha talking about me.

“Tsk. You’re the one who gives flowers, you’re still the angry one. You must be thankful because many people like you,” shrewish she said, and I looked at her.

I took a flower that I had already thrown, then I gave it to her, which made everyone shock. “You want it?” I ask her. “If you want it, then have it,” I added as I put it on her desk.

I returned to my chair, then took out my book as well as the notebook. Our teacher has arrived, and Krisha can’t even say a word to me, but I don't care about her because she’s just trash and a troublemaker who doesn’t know how to stop herself to interfere with others. She’s also a feeler because she thinks everyone likes her even though no one likes her.

“Okay, class. In our discussions yesterday, let’s see who remembered and who didn’t. Later I will have a short quiz for you,” said our teacher, and then I adjusted my seat.

Ma’am started discussing until Krisha and I were the only ones to answer her questions, and the others were surprised, even our teacher. But I don't care what they're thinking, and I honestly don't know why Krisha seems to be competing with me. Is she have a mental illness?

“Ok, this is the last question. The first to answer is the winner. What is the name of the city---”

Even before Ma'am finished her question, I immediately answered. “Polis.”

“Damn it!” Krisha said irritated, and then I grinned at her. I sat down, then Jenny looked at me.

“What’s going on?” she asked me.

“I also do not know. She is competing with me, I don’t fcvking know why,” I said angrily, then looked at Krisha.

I took a piece of paper, then just focused on our quiz. Actually, there are many people who are annoyed with her, and I am one of them, but the annoying thing is that we are both raising our grades while the others don’t care about us. But in everything, Krisha always comes second, and she can’t beat me, something that makes her even more frustrated. After the quiz, I got a perfect score, and Krisha got one wrong, so I’m still better than her. I just grinned at her, when the class was over, Jenny and I thought about going to the canteen.

“Ok, get one-half sheet of paper, one to twenty.”

“There are many people who like you, but why does not one of them you didn’t like?” Jenny asked suddenly, and I didn’t look at her.

When we got down at the canteen, I saw Eron, he was standing at the entrance of the canteen, and he greeted me. I stopped walking when I saw him. I don’t like it when Eron is there, as his presence either. I felt like he knew that we would go here, so he get here first to see me, and keep pestering me.

“Go back,” I said, then she frowned.

“Huh? You won’t buy anymore?” she wondered.

“No,” I said, and then we both climbed up.

We hadn’t even taken a step when suddenly Krisha was there with both arms crossed while raising her eyebrows at us. “I could be higher than you if I want to. But I didn’t do it because I knew you might cry,” she teased.

I laughed, and then I looked into her eyes. “Well, what do I care if you will gonna higher than me? Why should I cry? Are you gold? Are you important?” I said with confidence.

She couldn’t speak to me, then I looked behind me, and I was surprised to see that Eron was right behind me. He's so near to me. “Gosh Eron!” Jenny said in shock.

“Hi Baby,” he greeted me.

“You’re disgusting shit,” I said irritably.

He came closer to me, and I stepped back a little, and Jenny immediately supported me. “Why do I need to be disgusted? You know that only you are my fantasy,” he whispered, which irritated me.

I pushed him a little, and then I turned away from him. From in front of me, I pulled Krisha, then I pushed her to Eran after that, Jenny and I left them. I heard Krisha endure the pain when I pushed her, and I knew Eran pushed her because he didn't like it, which made me laugh. Jenny just kept up with me and didn’t complain about what I did. When we both got back, we just sat in our seats, then I took my book and just read. After class, we decided to go to a cafe where we often hang out, even after school.

While we were walking, I felt like someone was following me, and I couldn’t understand why it seemed to keep coming back to my memory about my dream. I stopped when I heard howling like a dog and when I turned around, I didn't see any dog around, and I didn’t see anything strange either. I don’t know if I’m just imagining it or if it really exists maybe, It was able to hide quickly.

“What’s up?” Jenny asked, and I just shook my head at her.

“Nothing,” I answered, and we continued walking.