


I didn’t expect them to be here, and I’m just now realizing how difficult it was to get away from Vixen. I remember him scaring me with only his gaze when I was a kid. I took a deep breath before looking in the mirror. I couldn’t help but be concerned as I continued thinking about what was happening to me.

“What are your plans now?” Rara inquired.

I turned around after looking at his reflection in the mirror. “To exact vengeance on the two beasts who were the reason why I am now alone,” I stated firmly, and Rara smacked me. “WHAT THE FCK RARA!” I exclaimed.

“You shouldn’t do it just because you’ve lost or are furious. It is not good to act on anger since it generates harmful engaging, Shranaia,” she stated, as I continued to hold my cheek.

Honestly, I’m annoyed that no one agrees with me and I’m annoyed that no one takes my side. I gave him a bad look before standing up and going down first. I disregarded Rara at the moment, and Gena had no idea what she would do to us. I didn’t push them to come here, nor didn’t invite them to accompany me.

I don’t care what happens anymore, and I don’t care if my life costs everything. I want justice, and I want my mind and heart to be at peace. I felt a peculiar craving for blood again when I was in a corner. I halted what was about to come out of my mouth by closing it.

“Shranaia?” My eyes widened as I heard Gena’s voice, and I held back even more. I simply raised an eyebrow at her and took a deep breath. “I’m not stinky; why is your hand covering your nose and mouth?” she questioned abruptly, and I closed my eyes hard as she approached.

“Could you just leave me alone for a moment? I need to think for a while.”

“Is that so?”


“Okay? But if you need anything, just call me,” she replied, as I dashed up to her.

When Gena left, I breathed a sigh of relief. Some time passed, then I was fine again, and when I went upstairs, they were gone. But I was suddenly alerted because I sensed someone outside. If they are not here now, I know that they go home to the Pack. But who is the person outside?

I looked at my surroundings before inspecting every room in the house. Even though I know Vixen will not come here since he is upset with me right now following what happened after I left the pack, as I feel around, I sense its presence and realize it is not a wolf. I exited the house and then looked up at the roof to see who had come to see me. I had no idea she was going to meet me. But the odd thing is, how does she know I’m here?

“What are you doing here?” I inquired, and she smiled.

“Have I missed a lot?” she said, and I became serious.

“You have done many wrongs.”

“Oh? I’m aware of it,” she boasted, which irritated me.

“I never expected to see you here. What made you think I was here?” I’ll inquire.

“You know it’s been a long time since we’ve met, and I remember you being attacked by the Mystic Pride Pack, right?”

I couldn’t help but close my fist. I couldn’t attack her right now because she hadn’t yet done anything. Nonetheless, I’m experiencing a weird thirst that I’ve been ignoring for quite some time. It’s quite aggravating that this is continually happening. I took a big breath when I had calmed down. I need to be calm since things aren't going well.

“I have no intention of arguing with you right now, Kiah,” I answered flatly, turning away from her as soon as I got my breath since she was already in front of me. “Fck it.”

Her brow furrowed, and she smirked. “You still owe me, Shranaia,” she remarked, frowning.

“What debt are you talking about, and why do I care about you?” I scoffed.

“If it hadn’t been for me, you wouldn’t have made it to Fergus,” she continued solemnly, which perplexed me even more. “Even though I doesn’t like you, I was able to assist you without your knowledge; if it hadn’t been for Vixen, I wouldn’t have done that.”

I don’t know what she’s talking about, but I’m confused. I took a step back, and she approached me. She gripped my jaw, causing me to shudder. Her eyes were locked on mine, as if she was hypnotizing me, so I glanced away. She smiled at me before pulling a knife from one of her hands.

“I would have killed you if I could, but I couldn’t because I still need to know about you and who you truly are,” she said to me, pointing the knife blade to my neck.

“I don’t care what you want to know. Thank you if you saved my life.”

“Why is it that you are his favorite of all the girls he likes? Why not me?” she inquired.

“What do I care? Who are you referring to?”

She chuckled angrily and then threw me. “Don’t be hypocritical!” she exclaimed.

What she did startled me and fractured my bones. I rose up, then stared at her evilly, and she lifted her hand, forcing me to grasp my neck, and as a result of what she did, I was having difficulty breathing. I closed my eyes because of what she did, and that's when I felt the weird strength emanating from her. She is simply making everything worse.

My nails and fangs are becoming longer. I glanced at her, and she just smirked at me, as if she didn't see what had changed in me. I was ready to flee from her when someone stopped me. I was going to run away from her when someone ran at her causing her to jump, and I collapsed, clutching my neck while choking. I took a deep breath, and as I glanced at who had arrived, all my rage and irritation vanished.

“What the heck are you doing!” he yelled to Kiah in disgust, then he walked to me. “Are you ok?” he said.

“I’m alright,” I responded, looking at Kiah.

Kiah immediately stood up and held my head because of the pain. Even so, Vixen supported me. But I didn't expect him to come. I removed the grip of his hand from my arm, then I looked at him evilly, and he frowned. I looked at her again, but I didn't waste my time just for the two of them.

“I don’t have time to fight, and I’m not in the mood. If you have nothing to do in your life, you can leave me because I want to be alone.” I turned away from the two of them, but Vixen chased after me.


“I said I’m not in the fcking mood,” I retorted angrily, and he came to a halt.

“I didn’t know you had a fight?” Kiah said, and then I gave her a bad look.

I eventually left and walked inside, quickly locking the door so he couldn’t get in, and even if he did, I didn’t care. At the time, I lay down on the bed and covered my eyes with my hand. Because I was thinking of Rara, I took a big breath. I know he was upset with what I did to him, and I know his resentment of me will not last long.

I know what I did wrong, and I know what I did previously was wrong. “Have I been doing a lot of wrongs lately?”

When the glass on the window cracked then Vixen strolled by, I stood up on the bed and gasped. I was insulted and rose from where I was lying as a result of what I did. But at this speed, he quickly grabbed my waist and made his face closer to mine, making my heart race faster. I struggled, but it didn't work, so I just gazed into his eyes.

“What are you doing!?” I asked angrily.

“It’s hard to persuade you,” he replied.

“I don’t care about you, so can you take your hand off my waist?”

“Shranaia, I’m sorry, ok?”

“Will you remove it, or will I break your face?” I threatened him.

He merely smirked at me, as if he didn’t care what I could do to him. He doesn’t take whatever I try to get out of his grip, and I’m honestly upset that he is doing this to me. We both turned to face the door when it abruptly opened, revealing Kiah, who raised her eyebrows at both of us, while Vixen just looked at her, as if wondering why she opened the door.

“I know we’re enemies, but I’m going to ask you for help now. Please make this man leave behind me; I have been holding back my anger for a while,” I said, annoyed, and then he looked at me and crossed both arms.

Vixen suddenly pulled me, then spun me around, and in just an instant, she hugged me from behind as if we were in a relationship. “You’re not going to do anything but stand there,” Vixen warned her.

“Why does it seem like it’s hard to choose who I’m going to side with among the two of you?” she said, then looked back and forth between the two of us. “Are you two in a relationship?”


‘There is.”

I stared at Vixen, and because we were so close, I could practically feel her breath on my back. “What’s up? Stop me because I’m not pleased with you! We are close, but we don’t have any connection. Everything I want to do, you stop me! You are against what I want! If we have a relationship, it's probably just being siblings,” I stated sincerely, and he stared at me as if I had said something horrible.

“I told you that it is not good to take revenge, especially since you are not capable enough yet. To change into a wolf is difficult for you.”

“Let go of me!”

“No I don’t.”

I turned to face Kiah, who was staring at us and appeared upset by our dispute. “I don’t care what your struggle is, and I simply came to visit you, Shranaia,” she replied before smiling. “I’m happy to see that you’re secure for the time being, but maybe I’d be happier if I were the girl in your position right now, with Vixen clutching you from behind,” she sneered, and I glanced at her evilly.

It went, leaving Vixen and me in that position, and to be honest, I can’t stand where we are now. My heart was beating so fast a while ago, and there was something in my stomach.

“What do I have to do for you to forgive me?” he pleaded, making me ghost bomb.

When his hand crawled on my stomach and then on my belly, I exclaimed. I bit my lower lip to stop his hand from crawling up my body. I took a deep breath, then fought the strange nervousness in my body, and after that, I bit his arm, causing him to move and let me go.

“AHHH… fck!”

“W-what are you doing!”

He smiled and then placed both hands on her back. “I’m just... apologizing…”

“Apologize? You’re a maniac!”

“I like you, Shranaia.”

“Get out.”

“I know you like me too.”

“Go away!”

“I love you.”

When he said that, I felt a strange tickle in my body and a strange joy in my heart that I couldn’t understand. I feel like I’m going to pass out, and I actually feel like my face is red. I immediately covered my face, then I avoided looking at him because I felt like I was going to faint from what he was doing.

“Leave; I’m begging you; I want to be alone.”

He didn’t speak, and I just feel that he left. I breathed a sigh of relief, and at that moment I sat on the floor holding my left breast because of the nervousness I was feeling. I didn’t expect that to happen, and it wasn't the first time that Vixen said that to me, but I just now felt this feeling.