


I was surprised to find something like this at the library. The entire library is too huge, and I had no idea it had a hidden room for its size. When we walked in, the entire area lighted up, then I smiled and stared at what I saw. There were still books there when we came down, but they were smaller than the ones upstairs.

“What is in here?” I asked, and he looked at me as if looking for something.

“Here,” he replied, handing me the book.

I frowned at the book he showed me, then we sat down, and he opened it, after that my eyes widened, especially when I saw the child I termed to as Vixen, and I’m not sure how they both look alike. They were identical to the girl I saw.

“Impossible,” I said as I covered my lips.

“Didn’t you see her?” Vixen said, and I nodded. “It was a Hybrid back then,” he said, and I agreed.

“Hybrid? The powerful?” I inquired, and he nodded at me.

“You’re right. That girl was just an ordinary half-wolf and half-vampire. Breeding with other creatures wasn’t forbidden back then, so they just ignored that child. She was always bullied because she was one of the weakest, and the only thing she knew was that she was a vampire, and she couldn’t control herself when she turned into a wolf,” he explained before returning my gaze to the book.

Actually, it’s as if we’re both the same, except that I don’t get with the bullies. Another thing is that I don’t know why I keep hearing about the Hybrid lately. I read the book and was surprised, especially as I flipped the page, I dropped the book out of fear and shock.

Vixen quickly asked if I was okay, and I simply nodded. He took up the book, then I felt a headache, so he closed the book and assisted me in going upstairs to rest. When I returned to my cabin, he put me down on the bed, I closed my eyes and widened my eyes because I could see the thing I saw in the book earlier even with my eyes closed.

“I’ll be back,” he said as we parted ways, and I nodded.

I held my head, then took a deep breath, then gazed out the window. “Perhaps anything I have in mind won't happen, right?” I asked to myself.

Vixen returned with food, which made me happy. Because I smell the meal he brought, it’s as if all my thoughts vanished because of that. He assisted me in eating, and I couldn’t help but smile because he was doing it. Even though we don’t have a relationship, it appears that we have. I don’t know what I am to him, or if he just thinks of me like his little sister because he never had one.

“Do I have dirt on my face?” he inquired, and I suddenly became conscious.

“Ah... n-no,” I said before eating.

I stopped when he suddenly held my hand, and then I looked at him, especially into his eyes. I breathed with his thumb on the side of my lips, but my eyes widened, even more, when he tasted the juice from his finger.

When I asked, he frowned and said, “W-what are you doing?”

“Tasting it?” he replied, and I sigh.

“Tasting? From my lips?”

“Is it forbidden?” he inquired, and I tightly closed my eyes.

I don’t know if I should just agree with what he was doing or if I should stop him because I’m falling for him more and more, so I just ignored him and finished my lunch.

After eating, we returned to the Academy, then we met Ron, Ran, Rara, and Gena. I waved to them, then I hugged Gena and Rara. I said something unexpected happened, and I told them what happened yesterday, then at that moment, Gena also said that she didn’t remember that there was a girl in the last mirror after the boy to who I pointed. Even so, I didn’t even bother to remember what happened yesterday.

“There are things in this world that you can’t understand now, but only when you have the answers will you realize everything,” Rara remarked to me, and only then did I nod to her.

“Don’t you have any class?” I questioned, and Rara shook her head.

“There is not always class. One of the goals of the school here is to learn what skills you have as a wolf and how to make them stronger,” Gena said, then I nodded to her.

“Isn’t there anything else that we can do?” I said, then Gena and Rara thought.

“Why don’t we go visit Jenny? After all, we have nothing to do?” Ron said, then I walked to him.

“If my suspicions are correct, I won’t be shocked since I know you like Jenny,” I replied, and he winced.

“Even though I know she won’t like me,” he remarked, sighing.

I approached him, then put my arm around him. “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of it,” I said, then I looked at Rara, and Gena, then I winked at them.

We proceeded to where we could visit Jenny after the two grinned at what I was thinking. Vixen agreed, as well as I requested. He didn’t refuse what I wanted. When Jenny arrived, she immediately invited us to drink because it was her birthday and there was absolutely nothing at their house, so we just drank here at the mansion. I didn’t remember her birthday today because I couldn’t even see a calendar at the cabin or even the school.

“Do you know what happened last time? Jun went to my house just to ask where you are, and if I don’t tell where are you, I will be dead on him,” she said.

“What?” Ron said abruptly. “What exactly did he do to you?”

Jenny turned to him. “You can see that I’m still alive, right? Another thing is, why should I let him know where my best friend is? I will die before I do that,” she said, then I slapped her slightly.

“That’s what you mustn’t do!” I threatened her. “I will kill you,” I added.

“Thank you if you’re the one to murder me and not them,” she joked, and this time I smacked her hand.

She’s not upset with me, and I’m not going to give her what she wants. However, I looked at Vixen, who was simply listening to what we were talking about. Deacon and Samantha adding to my difficulties with Fergus and Faustino. It prompted me to wonder why Deacon liked me and wanted to have me.

“It’s too deep in your thoughts,” someone said as I took a breath and turned to face the person who had spoken.

“What the hell, Gena, you surprised me,” I said, then she laughed

“What are you thinking? Your future with Vixen?” she mocked, and I threw her a bad look.

“You know I want to pair you with Jenny’s brother," I added as she glared at me.

“Who is that creature?” she questioned, frowning.

“It’s good that I catch you up, guys.” We all turned around, then Ron, Ran, and Vixen greeted him.

“He,” I murmured, and Gena grimaced.

“Brother Eliot, what are you doing here?” Jenny inquired of her sister.

Eliot gave Jenny a quick glance before approaching. He told his sister, “I wouldn’t have known you were here if Ron hadn’t stated you were here. He said, “I’ve been looking for you for a while.”

Jenny said, “You don’t need to watch over me like what Mommy said,” and she, then sighed.

Eliot turned to face me and was ready to hug me when I face him my fist hand in the face. He simply snorted, and Vixen chuckled but instead patted his shoulder in response. Gena was shaking her head as I was making fun of her with Eliot when I turned to face her again.

While we were drinking, I didn’t realize that we were drinking too much. I stopped drinking though, because I was feeling woozy, and my body was numb. I turned to face Gena, Rara, and Jenny, but they had already fallen asleep. I held Jenny’s hand, then I raised it and dropped it. At that point, as her hand dropped, I burst laughing.

I questioned myself, “What am I doing?” and my voice sounded different.

“Shranaia.” I turned to the person who called me and then I smiled.

I said, “Hey, Vixen,” and he caught me because I was about to fall on the floor. “Wow, that was quick,” I exclaimed before laughing.

“You’ve had too much to drink, let me take you to your room so you can sleep,” he said, then I nodded.

I said, “Oki,” and he laughed after that.

I even took a breath when he hoisted me while holding me by the waist. He grabbed me up and led me into the bedroom, where I felt the comfortable bed. Because of that, I smiled more than usual, but as he went to go, I seized his hand, and he looked at me. To be quite honest, I have no idea why I'm doing this; all I know is that I want him to keep an eye on me till I go to sleep.

“Why?” he questioned.

I asked him, “Can you watch over me till I fall asleep,” and he smiled and nodded.

He said, “Sure thing,” and sat down.

I kept his hand tightly gripped. He didn’t object to what I was doing, and I simply stared at him while he sang to me to help me go off to sleep. He performs a song that my mother used to sing to me when she was alive. My body's entire system is calmed, and I sleep really quickly as a result. I felt tears starting to come before I even attempt to close my eyes.

Even before I fell asleep, I heard him whisper in my ear and kiss my lips.“Good night.”


I turned to look around and found the cabin where Mommy and I were staying. I can see that Daddy is also present, and they both appear to be delighted. Mommy greeted me, turned to face me, then assisted me in sitting down so that we could have breakfast.

Mommy asked me, “How is our baby sleeping?” I smiled at her.

They were alive in my dream, and when I said, “It’s fine,” I broke down in tears.

Daddy said, “Oh? Shranaia, why are you crying?” I then took both of their hands.

“I truly miss you two,” I whispered, and Mommy rubbed my head. “Can you go back? I’m sad and miss your love,” I murmured, and Daddy held me.

“You have to face the present and forget the past so that you may go forward from where you are, Shranaia,” Mommy said, then kissed my cheek. “Don’t worry about us. We are delighted to see you surrounded by people who love you, and you have made many friends.”


I stood up abruptly, then gripped my head in discomfort. I took a glance around and realized I was still in the room Vixen had taken me to last night. I sighed and gasped as I caught a glimpse of my hair in the mirror. When I heard a knock on the door, I turned to look at it before laying back down.

“Good morning, Shranaia,” Jenny said, then lay on my top. “I know you’re awake, but do you know what happened this morning?” she asked me, and I frowned at her.

I’ll ask, “What happened?”

I chuckled as she continued, “Brother Eliot woke up next to Vixen in bed, Ron and Ran were the same in the other room, so I woke up because of the yelling of the four of them,”

“For real?” I still ask.

“Yes, Brother Eliot told me everything,” she replied. “My brother won’t lie to me,” she added.

After a brief moment of staring at one another, we both burst out laughing. I don’t know what occurred last night, but judging by the way Vixen looks, he doesn’t want anybody in the same bed with him, not even Ran or Ron. Anyway, I had a shower first, followed by getting dressed and going downstairs. As soon as I sat down, I saw that both Eliot and Vixen were staring at each other.

“They’ve been like that for a while,” said Ron.

I simply winced before walking over to Vixen and sitting down next to him. I said, “I want a hot cake,” and he turned to face me, patting my head as I turned to face Eliot. “What are you scowling at?” I query.

“Is your boyfriend gay?” he asked me, and I turned to Vixen.

“He’s not my boyfriend, and he’s not gay,” I answered.