

god: Welcome my son

Mc: Where am I

god: you in afterlife, you have gained enough karma points to reincarnate in a different world

mc: Karma points? Whats is that?

god: Karma points are points given to people who do good in the world. You as a teacher gained more than anybody on earth.

Mc: How? Why?, I am not the only teacher on. So how did I get so many points?

god: It was because of your students. For some reason, 20% of your students were destined to be evil, terrorist, mad scientist., one of them was supposed to be the next coming Hitler. But because of your impact in their life. They changed, they end up saving the world, curing cancer, stopping world hunger, and the new Hitler took over the world using politics and ended wars.

Mc: wow, this too much to take in. so I reincarnate with these points?

god: yes, but it will be random

Mc: So I might end up as a fly in India?

god: yes, but because of how high your points is you have unlocked the otherworld roulette.

mc: otherworld? like in all those isekai novels my student read?

god: yes. Now all you to do is pull this lever and your world and new life will begin, then after, I will give on wish.

Mc walks the Rolette and pulls the lever. The machine started.

The pointer stopped at Naruto package sss

Mc: Naruto? As in the anime my student talks about.

Mc; 'isn't this the anime about an orphan or suffers a lot and the save the world in the end.

Then he heard a voice

You have chosen Naruto package sss


Uzumaki bloodline

Pill formation knowledge and ultra sss talent

All fuinjutsu and taijutsu knowledge and sss+ talent

Genjutsu immunity

Cooking ss talent

Medical knowledge from earth

True Sage body and mind

god: wow, you are really lucky

god: You got sss rank reincarnation, now make a wish

mc: before my wish? Is this naruto world the same as in the anime?

God: yes

Mc: Will I start as a baby? I don't want that. Can't I just go there as an adult

God: because of your karma points, I will make an exemption for you.

God: I will transmigrate you there is a young body I will make and as an added bonus I will let you keep your little knowledge of naruto.

Mc: Thank you. That will really help me a lot.

Mc: I wish for an ability that can help me teach

God: so be it

God: its time. I hope you enjoy your new life.