
Ep13 season1 (Shadows of the Past)


The scene opens with a chaotic blaze consuming an old house. Smoke billows through the rooms as flames crackle loudly. The camera follows a young Vivian, her face smudged with soot, as she frantically searches for her family.

VIVIAN (voiceover): (desperate) No, no, no... It can't end like this.

Vivian stumbles through the smoke-filled hallways, her breathing ragged. She finds her way to a room where Willow, a small, frightened kitten, is trapped.

VIVIAN: (yelling) Willow! Over here!

Vivian grabs Willow, cradling her in her arms, and rushes toward the exit. The heat intensifies as flames block their path. Vivian's eyes fill with tears as she realizes they may not make it out.

VIVIAN: (pleading) We have to get out of here!

As the fire closes in, Vivian sees a small window at the end of the hallway. She makes a final sprint, but the flames are too close. Her tears mix with the smoke as she shields Willow with her body.

VIVIAN: (determined) I won't let us die here!

Summoning all her strength, Vivian finds a burst of energy. She punches through a wall with an incredible force, creating an opening just large enough for her and Willow to escape. The debris falls away as she pulls Willow through.


Vivian and Willow tumble into the grass, the inferno raging behind them. Vivian is injured but manages to pull herself up, clutching Willow. Her eyes are still filled with tears, but her face shows a fierce determination.

VIVIAN: (panting) We made it... We're safe.

Vivian looks back at the burning house, her face reflecting a mix of grief and determination. As she watches, a mysterious light envelops her, and she gasps in surprise.

VIVIAN: (confused) What's happening?

A spectral figure, her father, appears briefly amidst the flames.

FATHER (ghostly voice): Vivian, my time is short. I'm giving you the power I intended for you. Use it wisely.

The light fades, leaving Vivian with a new, powerful aura. Her wounds heal quickly, and she stands up with newfound strength.

VIVIAN: (determined) I'll make sure this power is used. I'll make sure no one forgets what happened here.

Vivian and Willow watch as the flames consume the house. Vivian's expression is one of resolve as they prepare to leave.


The scene shifts to Vivian and Willow, now outside the warehouse, their faces set with resolve. Vivian