
The Urban legends Hunter

Ryuji a mixed martial artist gains some weird powers because of an accident which gives him power to see and battle spirits through spirit energy . He is not alone with such powers there are many others like him. He meets an organisation consisting people with powers like him They are called The ULH( Urban legends Hunter) Now his new life begins solving urban legends and defeating powerful foes and gaining new powers let's see what his story holds.

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The New tension?

As I woke ... I asked Maximus what was going on.... what new tension has arrived.....for what should I be tensed about....

He said... " kid why every time you launch so many questions at the same time... I really hate my job seriously...so listen now... there is a tournament known as ULH CUP.. it's an important tournament because in this the students with great potential battle and graduate....they get more better training and can join any of the... 4 main bodies of the organisation... this tournament will have all the powerful seeds who are training for long ..You have a tough challenge against you kid ..because even the student council is its part...all the 5 HOD will be judges it's a battle even watched by Chief , Holy warriors and Supreme Lord ".....

Wait I am just a newbie how can I be part of it.... He replied you have spirit pressure similar to Ray but only you lack experience.... thou this field trip have helped you get hold of basics and even helped you to understand how to use.. Spirit concentration....( thanks to Gedo) ....but than too the road is very long... many of the contestants have spirit technique...thou you don't and that's a disadvantage.. but don't be in fear because .... your team...has won the field trip battle and your... reward is training under...the strongest among the HOD's.... THE HOD OF VENEX SHINSUKE ... maybe you may develop a spirit techique under his guidance....now go back to the dome and rest for somedays...recover fast you will need alot of training "

As I returned dome... I was called to Vice captains room.... we had a winning party... I was happy to see them all fine we were toasting our win.... and all were very happy as ... we defeated Ray's team... than I returned..to my room... there I found Ray...he was pissed off.... he looked at me...and said with a smirk... ha you were just lucky you found a high spirit creature or else you losers would have lost...."

"I just looked at him...gave a taunting smile and went to bed... he started shouting what was that smile...but I didn't bothered and slept... or can say acted to sleep... as I was thinking about the tournament..."

5 days later this was the day when our training began.... I , Nate, Blake , Gedo, Linda and Luke... were all outside the office of HOD SHINSUKE ..... He came out...and when I saw him...the first thing which came to my mind was a samurai.... yes that guy looked like samurai...he had a fine physique... a ponytail like that of samurais... Samurai kimono and full moustache and beard ....he was about 5'11 ... He said in a deep voice... so you are the kids who defeated a B grade negative creature... We nodded in yes...there was a tension around...his presence was intimidating .... now we entered the training room.... he gave us a chart ....we had to perform training according to it .... it was physical exercise mental excersise....it was like Brock but of another level... everything we had to do was with weights on... it was 30kgs... while doing physical training...and having combat training with Sir Shinsuke we had to do meditation while being hunged upside down .... we had regular hand to hand combat training ..... first we were not match at all to him he was too fast...even we all together could not catch him...or land a blow.... the training continued like this for a month we were not allowed to remove those weights at all during this period... thou we soon got used to it... One day he conducted mock contest... Blake faced Linda... Nate Faced Luke.. Gedo faced Me.... all were great battles... (Linda defeated Blake easily... without any hesitation in mere Seconds with spirit concentration puch).... (Luke used spirit channelling through a bamboo stick...which now had power of 3 iron rods combined.. and defeated Nate...with a single shot).... Gedo and I had a long battle first martial arts where I had advantage...later...spirit combat here Gedo started getting an upper hand... we both were about to exhaust he gave me spirit concentration punch....he thought I was defeated but I stood up and said...use spirit techique he declined and replied it will kill you.... I said no use it and went for spirit concentration punch....but Gedo blocked it and countred with Spirit concentration punch.....which made me lose consciousness).... . As I regained consciousness....Sir Shinsuke told only Gedo, Linda, Luke and me were advancing for the tournament....he said Nate and Blake need more training thou with the training given by Sir Shinsuke they are much stronger than before he asked them to remove weights and have combat with him... their movements and speed had improved.... he said you four have similarly improved thou your improvement is much greater..... He told you all.... your training is over today.... you only have two weeks till the tournament...train daily... and don't remove weights till the tournament starts... everyone left ...but I stayed.... he asked what's the deal ...I asked him...for training under him more .... I said... I will be against tough competitors... they all have a Spirit technique and more experience than me... please train me more and teach me how to use spirit technique.....he first stared me for a while than replied okk kid... but these 2 weeks... will be hell...are you ready for it... I replied offcourse sir...." The very next day the training Started now the training was 12 hours aday.... he even increased weight to 45kg ....after 3 days I asked him... about Spirit technique... so first he told me... the concept of Spirit technique.... See Spirit technique is like a unique attack only you can use or in other words Special Attack... it's similar to your soul.... the Spirit technique is the combination of all the basic techniques....

SPIRIT SENSE , SPIRIT CHANNELING, SPIRIT SHIELD, SPIRIT CONCENTRATION when you combine all these and give it your will power .... the Spirit technique is made... All the members of Student Council and some other students have this Technique ....thou only having the Technique doesn't make you strong..you also need to know the right way to use it....

He showed me his Spirit techique....

He took out his Katana.. and boosted up his Spirit energy and shouted...

SPIRIT TECHIQUE :- SPIRIT SLASH.... All the energy started to get concentrated in the katana and he swinged it towards the android (created by SAR... and operated by AI NEXUS....) The energy slash went ....it destroyed the android to the shreds and even the surrounding area was vibrating due to the boom....the spirit pressure...made me uneasy...this guy really is powerful...

He said.. "This was my spirit techique.... Spirit slash but it's not the final stage...there is a stage called Mystic Awakening.... but for now concentrate on this .... spirit Techique as it combines all the 4 basics... So you need a weapon... "

Wait but Gedo didn't used any weapon....

Sir replied... are you sure.... The records shows...Gedo uses steel knuckles.....

I started to recall he was right... he did had something in his...hands...

Than he said ....yes.. so you too will need a weapon... and I guess a katana would be best.... I nodded with yes...

He said "from Tommorow ..I will teach you sword play.... and also....will help you get ... your Spirit technique....From Tommorow your training advances..."

I replied

Yess sir...