
The Urban legends Hunter

Ryuji a mixed martial artist gains some weird powers because of an accident which gives him power to see and battle spirits through spirit energy . He is not alone with such powers there are many others like him. He meets an organisation consisting people with powers like him They are called The ULH( Urban legends Hunter) Now his new life begins solving urban legends and defeating powerful foes and gaining new powers let's see what his story holds.

demontiger000 · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Field Trip : Ends

3 days passed by and we didn't have much of an improvement in our kill record...now only 2 days were left this night we changed our plans Night came... and I decided to go deeper in the woods there I saw Luke... he uses spirit channelling too just is he combines both channeling and concentration at once... and fire in every direction which gives him high kills... suddenly... while I was watching him atmosphere Started to get eerie.. it was like a high spirit was near now I knew how to use spirit sense I was able to sense it and this one was powerful than yesterday... it was a C grade... Luke attacked it but he was thrown away I intervened and used spirit shield attacks thou they didn't worked and it crushed me in ground... Later it was about to finish me with it's claw but Luke came for save.. we Started to fight it together he channel his spirit energy through a boulder

... and threw that made the creature weaker... and I improved my focus and increased spirit shield..... and started attacking the point where the boulder hit the creature. .....it got weaker.....but it attacked back to back it threw us away and even threw energy balls at us... we were having hard time with it...than .... Luke used his spirit techique... he removed the knife given by the authorities and shouted SPIRIT TECHIQUE: SOUL PIERCING KNIFE SHOT he channelled all the spirit energy through the knife and concentrated it at the tip of the knife....and jumped and stabbed the creature while I was distracting it.... the knife shot a huge spirit beam though the Spirit had not been killed as Luke ehausted and didn't had much spirit energy left in his body... So there was no other chance I used Spirit concentration.... punch....and punched at the knife shot.... the creature vapourised.... thou I fainted too...in morning when I was up .... Linda told Gedo took us both back to camp..... Today was the last day and last chance....Today was the Final showdown of the field trip.... as night came we were all ready....

We were more detirminant than ever but... before we could start something weird started to happen the the atmosphere of the place started to change....it was denser and creepier.... the clouds filled the sky.... a very disgusting smell Started to arise.... the environment was getting creepier and creepier..... suddenly we heard a scream of a kid crying for help.... Gedo had already left for hunting.... we others went in the place of the scream and told Linda to find Gedo and send him at that place..... as we went at the place of scream.... the cry started to come from all sides... the atmosphere changed .....and became more creepier.....the scream continued to come....it increase and increase... we were confused what was happening suddenly in large no. D- grade spirits attacked us... we all started taking care of them....and killed them all....but than we could see the kid.... he Started running deeply inside the jungle we followed him... suddenly we came at the centre and now the kid disappeared ....Luke realized and said.... what a kid would be doing in this jungle.... think you all... this is the jungle which is out of the reach of normal humans... it's illegal to pass by it... and if someone trespasses it than too a mere kid cannot come this deep I guess it's a negative creature ... as I remembered the same happened with...me So I said yes I agree with Luke... suddenly something crashed through us we all flew in different directions it was the negative energy orb... the kid was infront of us but we couldn't see his face just we could only hear it's laugh ... we all tried to fight it but it was too fast... I knew it's a negative creature.... it was running around in full speed like a beast... it caught Nate's head and crushed it in ground.....his head got 2feet inside ground than the creature took out his face...his face was covered with blood....Nate became unconscious.... it was about to crush his head again... but Blake went and attacked him with spirit concentration puch... the creature went back a lil but it didn't got affected much.... Blake repeatedly thew many punches...( If confusion arise :- when spirit is channeled through non living or living things and used as weapon is Spirit channeling.... when spirit is concentrated in a part of body and used as attack it's Spirit concentration... when spirit concentration is refined and made more pure and concentration with increase flow for a big attack it's Spirit technique).... but they didn't did much damage... he caught Blake's hand and broke it...than he crushed him repeatedly by using his hand and crushing on ground in alternative direction....this broke many of his body parts and even made him unconcious.... me and Luke were bemused what to do... we did the same as other day.... today Luke's spirit technique was more powerfull than the other day... and I used spirit shield punch....it felt like the creature died...and we went to pick up Blake and Nate....but as soon as Luke bent....there was something standing behind....our spirit senses now could sense a high spirit energy he caught Luke's head tossed him up... and attacked him with energy ball... (if Luke didn't had his Spirit Shield on he would have died on spot).... I than attacked it but it threw energy balls at me I countred them and attached it with all my might .... martial arts... spirit energy I used everything....but it didn't did much damage..... the creature kicked me in guts.....and started concentrating his spirit energy..... It used negative energy orb..... that orb was about to hit me.... I felt my time came.....cause I could not counter or block this attack in any way... is it my end as I was thinking someone dragged me and saved me.... as I opened my eyes it was Gedo..... I asked why did you saved me... you hated me right? ... he replied in battlefield if you are my comrade whatever the past was .... I will forget it and save you.... (I thought so wrong about this guy....I feel guilty inside.) I apologized him and thanked him....he said it's fine we have a bigger problem currently....this creature is not an ordinary one.... it's B-grade negative creature.... as I sensed it's aura I came to the direction at full speed....I guess I was late.... he told me let me handle it you take others and go....He went and started fighting it....he was able to combat it....it felt both of them were on equal par.... Gedo used his Spirit concentration and started to beat the shit out of the creature than he used spirit channelling... through 5 big boulders and fired at the monster the speed was somewhat near to bullets... the creature started to bleed.... it too had green blood... good this time it was not on me....it felt like Gedo won....but the creature got pissed it started to look more scarier.....it gave a loud scream and attacked Gedo at full speed before Gedo could do anything... it attacked him...not giving any chance it Started to beat crap out of Gedo now things had reversed ....Gedo was not able to stand he was covered in blood ... the creature was about to use negative energy orb....but I kicked it on it's head...and dragged Gedo in corner... he said I told you idiot to run away and take others you will die too otherwise....I said let's finish it off together if we will finish it we will even win the competition because its a B-grade.... and I never leave my comrade's too that's what a real martial artist do isn't it....he said okk than.... lets beat the shit out of that creature we Started attacking ....it while we were attacking...Gedo explained me about Spirit concentration...he said it's like water.... it's always flowing but when you fill it in balloon it gets form and gets concentrated ...and we hit the balloon at someone it hurt more ..... also the amount filled can be understood ....with balloon size ....so think your hands as balloon use spirit sense and sense your own energy than hold it together and attack with both physhical strength... and spirit concentration....I did the same...and was able to use a perfect spirit concentration now the damage to the creature increased but it fought back.... it caught us banged our heads with one another.... and threw a huge energy ball at us.... I felt like ...my soul... left my body...we both were on ground...it felt like I will faint.....but than words of grandpa ....came to mind.....

A true martial artist never give up.... I asked Gedo.... Vice Captain can you still fight...he looked at me...with shock first but later... he gave a smile and said off course boy... we both with efforts stood up..the creature was laughing so were we..... we ran towards it and attacked.... It fought back... I told Gedo I will create an opening you finish it with your spirit techique...he said okk.... I concentrated all my energy in my hand and with the words of grandpa my will power increased so did the concentrated energy in my hands I punched it with everything I got.... it got a deep hit and flew upwards... it created a hole in heart....and his blood Started to flow out and fell on me .... again!!!!!!..... Gedo was surprised from my attack...thou he didn't wasted time...and used his SPIRIT TECHIQUE:BULLET TRAIN PUNCH concentrated all his energy in his punch and the colour of spirit energy was visible the very energy was visible the speed of punch was like a bullet train....(so the name justify).... his energy was yellow in colour like a flame....he punched the creature at the hole I created....the creature was at ground and the ground broke... the force of the punch could be sensed easily it was truely very strong it destroyed the ground level till...5feet.... Gedo really is a strong guy.... I Started to lose consciousness... the last thing I saw was... the spirit.. evaporating.....

I fainted....

Ah!! where am I ...

unknown voice: in hospital ....

I opened my eyes.... and found myself in SRE department... it was Maximums who was standing in front of me.... he said how do you feel kid you were unconscious for 2 days .....

Ahh!! again 2days got wasted.....I replied .... Maximus gave sigh ... I asked how are others and did we won... he said all are still recovering... and ya as your team defeated the B-grade monster you all won...

I was overjoyed by listening it....!!

I asked about others condition he said ..

Gedo got conciousness last night....Luke is up too just recovering strength.... Nate was critical but now he is fine....both Nate and Blake are still unconcious..... But both are out of danger.... I started to feel guilty...only if I was strong... Maximus said don't overthink you did everything you could for now rest as there something else you should be tensed about ...

I asked what....

he replied first recover...

and used the same technique as before..

I fainted again.....