
The Urban legends Hunter

Ryuji a mixed martial artist gains some weird powers because of an accident which gives him power to see and battle spirits through spirit energy . He is not alone with such powers there are many others like him. He meets an organisation consisting people with powers like him They are called The ULH( Urban legends Hunter) Now his new life begins solving urban legends and defeating powerful foes and gaining new powers let's see what his story holds.

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Field Trip: Beginning

So .... it's been a month since I arrived at ULH... I have been training day and night ....that guy ..... Brock doesn't show mercy.... thou now I can feel the power within.....me ..... with intense.... physical exercise he also make me do meditation.....for 5hours... daily... 10hours of my day go in training.... I even have to face the robots ....task assigned by the advanced AI known as Nexus(it is created by PAR department and has data of information dating back to 5000 years it has information about all the known spirits and their every trait and weakness).... to improve my spiritual energy.... I had mock battle.... with Brock... And also with spirits simulated by the Nexus.... In this time period I learned the basics.... I already used spirit concentration twice so it was easy to master ..... through intense meditation I was able to learn Spirit sense I have not mastered it yet but I can sense and understand if the opponent is strong or weak.... Spirit shield.... I have been put through a hell dangerous situation to learn this skill.... had to fight Brock he used to go all out...he is very strong and used to beat crap out of me....that dirty bastard even used .... Spirit energy sometimes.... but ya I have now got a shield of mine thou it's not very strong ....I tried learning Spirit channeling but couldn't ...he said have a brain made of rock that's why I am not able to use it yet...but ya with back to back training I understood how to use it but for now I can only chanel it through rocks.....My physical ability increased a lil.... and I am now able to use spirit energy to an extent.... thou I still don't have a Spirit technique and another problem is I don't have control on spirit energy flow which results use of all spirit energy at once..... Brock said it will take time to build.... There was something else too what I got to know.... the student body is like hero for newbies and I am hated by both president and vice president of it... So as a result every one in seed hates me .... except Brock....ohh geez... and even I have to share room with that spoiled noble kid.... Ray( President of Students body) he puts so many restrictions... give me humiliation and all.... I am pissed off from him....ssly...the student body hates me so does the students... the student body consist of President, Vice President, Supervisor, Vice Supervisor....

President is Ray

Vice President is Gedo

Supervisor is Elina

Vice Supervisor is Roxy

Now it was announced we were going to have field trip for a week where we will have to fight D rank negative creatures defeat as many as possible the team with most wins will win... Each team have to live on their own .... There will be four team each headed by a student body member...Teams are as follow

Team Red:- Leaded by President

Team blue:- Leaded by Vice President

Team Yellow:- Leaded by Supervisor

Team Green:- Leaded by Vice President

So I was not exited because the whole student body hated me..... I was in team blue....the man who I had fight and scene with was my leader and I had to spend 7days with him..... These 7days will be hell....godddd!!!

We had to go in the Jungle near the campus.... We were given location.. the journey was by walk... My team had 6 members Gedo, Me , A girl name Linda , Luke, Nate and Blake(these two were the one involved in the incident with Gedo)... Really the team selector created the worst team.... We started journey by walking... Nate and Blake thanked me for that day and were now having chat with me..... Later when we reached at the spot we erected the tents... and fire was lit by Gedo..... We were waiting for the time ...of action..... And the time soon came... the atmosphere changed it got eerie this was time for the showdown with monsters.... we all went in different directions... I used the spirit sense technique... and started to get the know the direction of spirits the first one I saw was D grade spirit ..... I used Spirit Shield and again there was a lil excess release thou it was fine ..... the idea is ... that if I use Spirit concentration I will exhaust at once to win I will use spirit shield and use martial arts to defeat the spirit.... So I went as plan... As soon as I saw spirit I unleashed everything I got.... There were high kicks... hard punches ,.... drop kicks... enziguri , crush , reverse kicks... I was able to kill 10 creatures..... and I was called back.... we were given a meter band which gave us the detail of spirit energy use and the kills we have... So according to it Blake killed 7

Nate killed 9.... I killed 10...Linda killed 12... Luke killed 19.... Gedo killed 25.... Total 57 kills... I was just able to kill 10 and others did so well... when we looked at other teams score we were amazed... Team Red had 110kills.... Team Yellow had 98kills...Team green had 90kills ...we were so behind .... On second day we did the same but more seriously.... I today used the spirit chanelling through rocks... and showered it on the monsters I killed 10 in one go I channelled my spirit energy through rocks which were more powerful than bullets and pierced through the soul heart I (In the training I learned that these creatures can have one or many hearts that day that A rank negative creature heart was pierced by Ray's arrow though it was not enough to pass through it and only created a big hole so when I punched it with all the spirit energy I had.... the hole got broaden and finally broke)...but suddenly I heard a scream it was Linda I went by her and saw 20 of the D rank attacked her at same time... I went tried to save her with Spirit channeling... but they absorbed eachother and became a single unit...this one was not be killed by spirit chanelling ... Even Blake and Nate arrived but now there were more spirits today the spirit were concentrating at one place.... I told Linda , Drake, Nate to handle the small fries and that I would go with the bigger one.. they agreed .... they charged on the monsters while I went to .... battle this combined monster... I used spirit shield and started with martial arts... that creature too fought back.... I landed several punches and kicks but when I was about to give him a reverse kick it caught my leg and threw me at a tree ... the tree broke.. than it came to me... I used spirit chanelling and fired many stones at creature.....but it didn't worked.... it again came caught me by my head and started crushing throwing banging it on ground than he again threw me aside and jumped on me....this made me unconscious....by this time the other 3 used spirit concentration and weapons given by the authorities to defeat all the small flies at one go.... ( weapons include spiritual guns... knives.... through Spirit channeling they can be very dangerous weapons ).... Now the Combined creature had it's eye on those three..... they fought it together through spirit weapons ... Which holded it back till and than concentrated their spirit energy in one hit... and crushed most of it's parts than linda used her Spirit technique.... Spirit Explosion... she used gun as a medium...all the spirit got concentrated and changed it's form...the shot was like missile being shot from gun... that attack destroyed every part of that monster..... We returned to camp and reunited with others.. this time the records were.... 12 kills by Nate 13 kills by Blake....18kills by me... 23 kills by Luke.. 25 kills by Linda.... 30kills by Gedo... Today we all improved so .... total 103 we had a great improve thou we were last again.... Team Red had 209kills Team yellow had 176 kills and team green had 115 kills... So Gedo was frustrated cause being the Vice President his team was last... while all were sleeping I was not able to ....I sat beside bonfire I was thinking about the whole thing happened with me.... how my life has changed...and what grandpa would be doing....would be tensed and all.. the sky was starry so was my mind... suddenly Linda came and sat beside me.... she was a blonde lady... a natural beauty... she came and said thankyou for getting my back... I said not big deal thou you were the one who defeated that creature. She said thou alone I would have become prey of them..... So from this a long talk started.. under the shining moon ....she asked about my family and life.....I replied I lived with my grandfather at his dojo... when I was 12 my mother died after that...Dad started to travel world.... I asked what about your family... She said I have an extended family..... we are Clergies .... and ancient exsorcists.... I have to prove my family..... that I can carry on the family lineage .....I saw a wierd pain in her eyes when she was talking ....we went to sleep....

Darkness covered the jungle....