
Early Days.

This is the beginning of a new era, the western era in India.

people were enjoying western culture more than that of their original. People were enjoying more and appreciating western culture a lot.

I don't have hatred feelings for the culture but our roots should be not forgotten. The roots of Indian culture from where we all evolved.

So basically it was the information the regarding the socio views of my time.

I want to introduce myself from beginning in short, I born in a small village and later shifted to nearby city. My family was not having a very good or prestigious way of income.

Somehow my brother get some skills from Market and fulfilled our house expenditure by his skills.

So story is about the teenager's life so I will given very short details about my family.

It's obvious that we go through the age of teenager and do a lot that we should not do or should be in limit.

In India where some people (Old people) who were still practicing Indian culture in all aspects, While some (New age generation) people were attracted towards the Western culture.

So as of society shifting I was too shifted towards the Western culture.

At at age of 11, yeah I would like to start from here because at this age I was having clear distinction between the cultural views and practices.

In schools where all the surveys shows that people got transformed from the primary education they got from there.

It's my first story so, I will try to keep it short.

At the age of 11, I was in 6th standard and having a good intellectual mind but I was an introvert.

Yes not having dare to speak with all people.

I was having a lot of feelings inside but never dare to make it out.

In class 7 I was having feelings for a lot of things but one was common to all that is feeling for a pretty girl. But at this age some people are like me who don't have the right to way to express their feelings.

With all the boys I was good and well served and a good speaker but when it comes to girls I was not having dare to speak widely and purely having hesitation before girls.

So her name was Ridhika Agrahari.

as of her name she was also a very bright and one and only girl in the class who attracted me.

Later on we talked but only during the examination and because of blending thoughts of people on Western and Indian culture we never talked purely and clearly.