

Alex, a teenage boy who died on a planet named earth but due to his luck, he gets his soul attached to a newly born dead baby . what?? He has a system which can upgrade any skill, physique, weapons etc. he can complete quests and get bonus rewards, ya thats understandable. No it's not because he gets a mythical grade item after every quest as bonus reward. fu*k it, i am joining Alex on his journey to become strongest. You can also Join Alex as he becomes strong ,then stronger and then strongest , strong enough to beat the shit out of the gods which came in his way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guys I know the synopsis is not written well, But this is my first novel so just bear with it as i get new ideas i will rewrite it. So just enjoy okieeeee!!!!?

Dragy007 · Fantasie
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76 Chs


Alex could just imagine how powerful the legendary grade version of this physique could be.

According to Alex's understanding of the system, if Alex can make Victor join his sect, he would surely get mythical or legendary grade physique (old genius).

Alex controlled his emotions and tried to think of a way to make Victor join his Sect.

"Thank god you caught him, sect master Alex. he has killed many of our Ensoulment realm experts by sneak attacks. He is a trained assassin, specialist in sneak attacks. He would have killed more soldiers if you didn't catch him." Victor thanked Alex for catching Joseph.

through this conversation Alex came to know that Victor is truly worried about his soldiers life and he has to take this opportunity to recruit him.

"Crown prince Victor, I would like to have a 'trade' with you" Alex liked the word trade, after the trade with Angelia. But doing this trade thing with Victor seems like gay to him. 'No, it is just a trade stop thinking about stupid stuff, i am as straight as a twin tower before the 9/11 incident'

"oh, you have gained my interest, sect master Alex. please tell me the trade" Victor said to Alex

Alex didn't care about his interest he was just after his physique, No that sounds sus. 'i am just after the system's rewards'.

"As i have seen, you truly care about your soldiers life. so, i have an offer, if you agree it will save a lot of life and the offer is i would kill every Nihilty realm cultivators of Moon kingdom so that they will stop attacking us because we have already cut their backbone." Alex said in a casual tone

"Yes it is a very good offer but how will you kill them?" Victor questioned.

"i am a very good" Alex didn't finish his sentence and teleported behind Victor and placed his sword on Victor's shoulder. "Assassin" Alex finished his sentence.

Anna soon reacted to Alex's assault towards Victor. She charged at him with her fists, which didn't mean to kill him. it was not even her full force, she didn't want Alex to get hurt.

But Alex again teleported to where he was. "So, how will you rate my assassin skills" Alex said sheathing his sword back in its hilt.

"It was a great sect master Alex. If you could do that i would agree with anything you ask." Victor said. Anna was embarrassed because of the way she acted. She just stood in her place like a statue.

"after i complete my side of work, you have to join my sect."Alex said while teleporting to the enemies base.

he then used void travel to hide in the void. Alex used his seventh sense to search throughout the area.

Alex soon found out four Nihilty realm experts and he teleported to them one by one and sliced off their heads without even knowing who killed them.

Alex then teleported back to Victor's tent and threw four human heads in front of Victor. Victor and Anna were astonished because it has just been less than 2 minutes since he was gone and now, he came back with four Nihilty realm cultivator's Head.

Anna checked the head and nodded towards Victor. Victor was very happy and shocked to see the problem he was facing for months. Now they have been killed by a Young man in just 2 minutes. 'No, not a young man. he is my sect master now'.

"Sect master, as per our trade now i will join your sect. but i have some kingdom work on my shoulders. So, i will come to the sect later." Victor said to Alex while greeting Alex with a 90° bow.

"No worries, i will be back first. Anna die you want to join? " Alex said as he looked towards Anna

"Sect Master Alex, i also have some work to do right now. Maybe next time." Anna said while trying to not look at Alex's eyes.

"Well, it can't be helped then" After saying this Alex teleported back to his mansion and asked Kiko to come out of the ring.

As kiko came out, she jumped towards Alex's face and licked it like a candy.

After playing with Kiko for a while, Alex sat on his bed to look at the rewards of the quest.