

Alex, a teenage boy who died on a planet named earth but due to his luck, he gets his soul attached to a newly born dead baby . what?? He has a system which can upgrade any skill, physique, weapons etc. he can complete quests and get bonus rewards, ya thats understandable. No it's not because he gets a mythical grade item after every quest as bonus reward. fu*k it, i am joining Alex on his journey to become strongest. You can also Join Alex as he becomes strong ,then stronger and then strongest , strong enough to beat the shit out of the gods which came in his way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guys I know the synopsis is not written well, But this is my first novel so just bear with it as i get new ideas i will rewrite it. So just enjoy okieeeee!!!!?

Dragy007 · Fantasie
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76 Chs


Alex walked towards the river where Marina and her tribes people were.

He saw that all of them were cultivating, Alex found their Cultivation style very interesting because they were absorbing only water Qi from the river to cultivate.

Sensing Alex all the Mermaids opened their eyes. Marina has already told them that it was Alex who saved them.

And when Alex comes next time they will have to join his sect.

All the Mermaids agreed because Alex was their saviour but Marina's father's thoughts were not the same.

Seeing Alex Marina jumped out of the water and hugged him and said "Thanks for saving my tribe's people" She wanted to say many more things but stopped thinking about her father's thoughts.

"Greetings, My name is Marcus Triton. The leader of this tribe." Maria's father said

"Greetings, I am Alex Griffin. the Sect Master of High Heaven Sect." Alex said while greeting him back.

"My daughter has told me that, you want us all to join your sect. But I want to make sure you can protect us from the Empire. So sorry if you find me rude" As he finished speaking the river water fluctuated and soon large waves of water were formed.

The current of the water was very strong, Marcus Attacked Alex out of nowhere. Alec would have been surprised but because of his soul eyes, he knew beforehand that Marcus was going to attack him.

Alex didn't move a little and just covered Marina who was still hugging Alex. She thought her father would not attack seeing her hugging Alex but she was totally wrong.

Seeing Alex protect her Marina blushed a little but she frowned after seeing that her father's attack was about to hit Alex's back.

Alex's back was smashed by the wave of water which had a full force of Demigod realm expert.

The attack landed on Alex's back but there was no sign of any injury which made all the Mermaids and even Marcus astonished. Injuries were still far away, Marcus couldn't even make a scratch on Alex's Clothes.

Alex sensing that the attack was over, released Marina into water and looked at Marcus who was flying in the air.

Marcus Attacked Alex again, but nothing happened to Alex.

After trying all his attacks, Marcus was feeling fatigued and lost, Alex didn't have time to waste so he just used flight ability and flew in front of Marcus.

He punched Marcus with just some Qi, some soul force, some spirit energy but that punch was so destructive that Marcus flew thousands of miles in the air and then crashed in a mountain. The crash was so powerful that a hole was formed in the mountain.

Alex panicked, 'He is not dead. is he??' Alex thought and teleported towards the body of Marcus.

Marcus was breathing heavily and his body was very injured. It feels to Alex that he was on the death door. Alex quickly gave him a healing potion.

Because of heavy injuries Marcus was not fully healed and was unconscious.

Alex teleported Marcus back to all the Mermaids and said "As you have already seen, your previous leader has lost the fight and from now on he is not your leader. From now on you are just disciples of my sect. And it is not like I am asking you to join my sect. If anyone wants to leave, I can send them back to where I found them."

Hearing Alex's words they knew what he meant.

'I would live and cultivate here instead of being ra*ed by those ministers and nobles in the capital" all the mermaids thought.

All the mermaids except Marcus were Female, Ao they knew what would happen if they were sent back to the capital.

"Sect Master, I ask for your forgiveness for what my father did." Marina said as he looked at Alex with teary eyes.

She was not sad that her father was beaten up. instead she was happy that Alex was not injured.

"No worries, take this and distribute it among all the mermaids" Alex said and gave Marina a spatial ring.

After telling Marina that ber father would likely wake up in two or three days, Alex teleported into his sect at Kunlun mountain.

He wanted to upgrade his sect, he also has gained enough UP to upgrade the phoenix egg.

Alex first took out the sect token and upgraded it by chanting the chants according to the system.

Soon the whole sect was covered with white light. the structure of buildings started to change and new buildings started to form. Disciples were baptized by the world's will.

Alex didn't bother with these things, he just took out his phoenix egg and upgraded it to the divine realm.

He then bit his finger and dropped a drop of blood on the egg. Soon the outer shell of the egg cracked and the temperature inside the room started to increase rapidly.

A bird Flew out of the egg. its body size was similar to Alex palm. The whole body of the bird was on fire.

"It is really beautiful, Alex started checking the body of the young phoenix. Alex was not feeling hot by touching the phoenix because of the connection between them.

The drop of blood Alex gave the egg was so that it can form a connection with Alex and listen to Alex's order all the time.

Alex looked at the status of the phoenix.






"that's kinda short, well what can i assume from a newly born phoenix" Alex thought

"What should I name her??" Alex started thinking, while using all his brain power.

"Cyra, from now on your name is Cyra" Alex said

The phoenix chirped, as if she was trying to say she liked that name a lot.

Alex played with her a little and gave her a Cultivation booster pill and stored her inside the monster Nurturing ring.