

Alex, a teenage boy who died on a planet named earth but due to his luck, he gets his soul attached to a newly born dead baby . what?? He has a system which can upgrade any skill, physique, weapons etc. he can complete quests and get bonus rewards, ya thats understandable. No it's not because he gets a mythical grade item after every quest as bonus reward. fu*k it, i am joining Alex on his journey to become strongest. You can also Join Alex as he becomes strong ,then stronger and then strongest , strong enough to beat the shit out of the gods which came in his way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guys I know the synopsis is not written well, But this is my first novel so just bear with it as i get new ideas i will rewrite it. So just enjoy okieeeee!!!!?

Dragy007 · Fantasie
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76 Chs


Alex was bidding for all of the slaves, He has bought 20 slaves already, out of which 14 were beastmen, 1 cat girl, 1 lizard man, 2 brother and sister Elves, 2 humans.

Beastmen are not of a single race, they were all the races which evolved from monsters and became humanoid organisms, Just like humans evolved from monkeys in his previous life.

the beastmen or beast women were also called demi-human and they were categorised into different types according to their evolution line. Like the evolution of cats will be cat girls, the evolution of wolf will be werewolf etc

The beastmen Alex got as slaves were bear man, cat man, ox man etc

"ladies and gentlemen sorry for the delay, but you will not be disappointed by our next slave. It is a beast woman of a cow girl race. As you all know they are very hard to find. We found this one hiding in the territory of the Moon kingdom.

they do not have the best fighting strength but they are best at breastfeeding and sex. She is also a virgin.

The starting price is 500k Gold coins. So please start the bidding." Diana said while looking towards all the audience and VIP rooms.

"1 million" an old voice came from VIP room 5

"2 million, old man your one foot is in the grave and you want to drink milk??" the person from room 7 said

"5 million, young people nowadays are so rude." the old man in the room was looking at the cow girl with lustful eyes. He was the only brother of Duke Clinton, but due to their battle for the leadership of the clan, they were in continuous fight.

That's why Duke Clinton didn't give his brother anything not even a slave. He got the information of a cow girl being sold as a slave in the auction from one of his spy working in the auction house.

He was lustful enough to use everything he had to buy this slave which were 20 million Gold coins.

"10 million" soon the voice that everyone in the auction house has memorized in their souls spoke again. it was none other than Alex

"You two should shut up if you don't want to have enough money" Alex said with a clear mocking tone.

"15 million, I will see how much money do you have" The old man spoke, he knew Alex had spent more than 10 million buying the other slaves. So he thought Alex wouldn't have more money left.

"30 million" Alex said while yawning

"I will meet you outside the auction house, if you have guts come outside" the old man said to Alex and stood up. He doesn't want to make a mess in his brother's auction house.

"Old man, i know you are Duke's brother. I will soon meet you don't worry" Alex said while looking at the cow girl.

She had an innocent expression on her beautiful face, her breasts were the biggest Alex has ever seen in both of his life. her one breast was bigger than the size of her face.

She was also wearing leather clothes, which only covered her private parts.

The maid behind Alex was looking at him with a shocked expression. She was shocked because of his wealth and confidence.

After seeing the intensive bidding of 30 million Gold coins, everyone was gulping their own saliva in the audience.

No one bid on the cow girl after that, and naturally Alex won this bid also.

Alex has used a little more than 40 million Gold coins, which were about 4 million UC.

"ladies and gentlemen, our today's last slave for auction is a human girl. She has the strength of Nihilty realm expert, Due to her strength the duke was not able to use the slaving spell on her completely, that's why the effects of slaving seal are weak. She will not kill her master because she will also die, if she did that. So you do not need to fear about it. it is just that she doesn't follow the command of her master. The starting price is 100k, please start the bidding" Diana said, she didn't say anything about her beating Duke Clinton over and over. She was only slaved because of the sleeping poison used on her.

"What a bummer, the last slave was not even a fully slaved slave." the audience sighed, they didn't even have the strength to have someone like her as their slave. she could kill them in just one attack.

"1 million" Alex said and stood up from his seat and walked out of the room and said to the maid "Can you show me the way to the backstage."

the maid nodded and walked in front of Alex.

As Alex expected no one bid any Gold coins. so Alex won this bid also and bought all the slaves in the auction.

Alex after walking for some time reached backstage where Diana was standing with all the slaves behind her. She was not wearing her mask.

"Young master, your total will be 41,200,000 Gold coins and this is the token which is needed to control these slaves, if you break it by mistake all the slave seals connected to this token will break and these slaves will become normal again" Diana said to Alex.

Alex used his seventh sense and saw that no-one was eyeing them. Alex then removed his mask and said "you know Diana, i have done a background check on you. You are the daughter of Duke, your mother was duke's maid..... and because of this you hate Duke and want your revenge." Diana was dumbfounded after hearing Alex talk about her past that No one knew about her.

"Are you going to tell the Duke?" Diana said while holding the token tightly, she was ready to command all the slaves to attack Alex.

"Not really, i want you to join my sect. if you agree, i will help you in avenging your mother." Alex said and looked at the slaves which were hearing the talk between Alex and Diana.

They also hated the Duke, because they were captured by the people in different kingdoms but the person who used slave seal on them was Duke Clinton.

"And you think i will believe you if you say you hate Duke??" Diana said

"I actually do not hate that fu*ker. It's just that i do not like what he is doing." Alex said and then 'how to

make her trust me'

After thinking for a while Alex said "um... As for your trust, this thing will be enough I think." Alex took out the head of Duke's son.

"did you kill him?" Diana said while looking at the head of Duke's son.

"he came to my sect to take my woman, So i killed him." Alex said casually and stored the head back.