
The Earring

Finally, the two friends had the chance to meet after a week of being apart, eager to exchange their gossip. They settled inside the café, claiming a middle table. Drinks and an array of food covered the table. Zaranya's eyes gleamed with excitement, unable to contain herself as she prepared to share details of her blind date with Aaradhya.

"Spill the tea," Aaradhya urged, leaning in. Zaranya's face lit up, her words tumbling out, "Oh my God, you won't believe it! I met the man of my dreams!" Her voice brimmed with joy, her eyes wide, and a smile stretched across her face. Sunlight streamed in through the window, illuminating her slightly oily skin. "I swear, love at first sight is in the air," Aaradhya chuckled, taking a sip of her drink.

Aaradhya's laughter echoed, "Sooooo spill all the juicy details!"

As Aaradhya spoke, Zaranya's expression shifted into a more serious contemplation. "Love!? I'm not sure. I really like him. He's the kind of man every girl wishes for... just like I do. Our vibes match. But, do I need to fall in love? I don't think so. I mean, I don't love him yet, but I genuinely like him. And you know, I intend to save all my love for my future husband. So, even if we end up getting married, I'm certain that love will follow," Zaranya rambled on, her thoughts a whirlwind of theories and musings. Aaradhya nodded knowingly. She was accustomed to Zaranya's tendency to overthink things and create elaborate philosophies.

"Alright, I understand. Love isn't something that's forced; it happens naturally—whether it's a slow buildup or a lightning-strike kind of connection, it's just a matter of time," Aaradhya concluded, gently bringing Zaranya back to reality.

Zaranya smiled, grateful for her friend's grounding presence. "You always know how to put things into perspective."

Aaradhya shrugged modestly. "Well, that's what friends are for, now eat I'm hungry"

The two friends continued chatting. while shoving the wholesome delicious sandwich in their mouths. "umm~" they both moaned in pleasure...

Amid their indulgence, a commanding voice cut through the bustling atmosphere. "Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention?" The manager's voice resonated through the hall, commanding silence. "We regret to inform you that due to an unforeseen emergency, we have to close down the café temporarily. We sincerely ask for your cooperation during this time. As a token of our appreciation, we will be distributing coupons that you can use to reserve seats for your next visit," he announced...

Zaranya and Aaradhya blinked as the half sandwich was still in their mouth.

"What the hell," they both exclaimed in perfect unison, their faces mirroring disbelief. "We haven't even finished half of the food!" Aaradhya protested her tone a mix of annoyance and genuine concern. Zaranya nodded in fervent agreement, hastily finishing her sandwich to chime in.

As the other people began to leave, the two friends sprang into action, hastily collecting their drinks and food, making sure not a bite was wasted. Amid the hurried chaos, Zaranya managed to lay her hands on a sticky note and swiftly began jotting something down.

Aaradhya sighed, shaking her head with an affectionate smile. "Can't you ever shake that habit of yours?" she quipped, her tone a playful reproach. She glanced around at the dwindling crowd, urging her friend, "Zaranya, nearly everyone's left. Let's go."

Zaranya completed her note with a determined flourish and gave a satisfied nod. "All set. Now we can go," she affirmed, swiftly attaching the sticky note to the edge of the table.

As the café emptied, the employees sprang into action. Tables were quickly cleaned and wiped down, the room was sprayed with air freshener, and the chefs resumed their work in the kitchen. The atmosphere hummed with renewed activity.

Suddenly, the screech of a car's tires echoed, disrupting the now-quieter environment. Swiftly, a man emerged from the car's passenger seat, his purpose evident. He opened the back door with urgency, revealing a figure of impressive stature—towering at 6’2ft. Dressed in a sleek black three-piece suit, his dark hair cascaded onto his forehead. His golden-hued skin glowed as the sunlight embraced him. Removing his black glasses, he revealed a pair of caramel-brown, sharp eyes that stood out against his ebony hair. His lips were full, and a strong jawline framed his features. A blend of races was evident, resulting in a handsomeness that seemed almost mythical as if a Greek god had descended to walk among mortals.

Beside him, a woman stepped out of the car, her attire exuding elegance. Clad in a pencil skirt and a crisp white shirt, she wore accessories that added a touch of sophistication.

The man strode into the café, his two assistants trailing closely behind. With an air of unhesitating authority, he navigated toward the middle seat and settled into it. As he did, the sticky note that had been left on the table's edge found its way onto his lap.

Swiftly, he retrieved the note, his fingers brushing against its surface. However, before he could fully examine its contents, Natalia, one of his assistants, extended her hand, attempting to intercept the note and dispose of it discreetly. A subtle shake of Vivaan's head discouraged her, and he proceeded to read the note.

Just as Vivan finished reading, a young woman approached the table, sporting an apron and carrying a plate with coffee and a croissant. It was Emily, and she wasted no time in expressing her displeasure.

"You should've given me a heads-up. I had to clear out the entire café," Emily chided, her annoyance evident. Her gaze settled on her brother, Vivan, who still seemed engrossed in the note.

With a swift motion, Emily snatched the note from Vivan's hand and proceeded to read it aloud, her voice carrying a mix of incredulity and amusement, "For the D— sitting in this seat, thanks to you we had to vacate. So, go ahead and enjoy your damn meal. And hey, don't forget to drop a rating for the café when you're done."

As the note's true meaning dawned on them all, infectious laughter exploded. Both of Vivan's assistants joined in, and Emily couldn't contain her laughter either. "She called you a dickhead" Emily chuckled, her eyes dancing with humor as she looked at her brother's dumbfound expression.

"I don't get it, why does this always happen to you?" Emily remarked, her voice tinged with exasperation. "Remember the last time you helped out at my café in Japan? A customer left you a note that said, 'You're late by fucking 45 minutes. This is the bill, eat my order yourself and get moving. I'll rate this café zero.' " Emily imitated, causing Vivan to clench his teeth.

Vivaan's frustration was palpable. "Show me the CCTV footage right now," he demanded in a deep, raspy voice that sent a shiver down Emily's spine. However, she remained composed, her tone taking on a plea, "Brother, please, not this time. She's special, my lucky customer."

"Don't you dare to bat those eyes at me," Vivan retorted, looking away from his sister. As he did, something caught his eye, reflecting in his vision. It was a small earring—a diamond earring.

Vivan's fingers delicately plucked the earring from where it had caught his attention. As he examined the small piece of jewellery, his sharp eyes caught the faint glimmer of a second engraving beneath the diamond's elegance—a small, ornate 'O' that symbolized Oberoi Jewels.

"Emily, where's your earring?". Emily brushed her hair aside, revealing her own earring nestled in her ear. Confusion painted her expression as she inquired, "What's going on?"

In response, Vivan revealed the earring he held, displaying the engraved 'O' that lay beneath its surface. "Look closely, this is identical to yours," he stated. Emily's reaction was casual, "Perhaps it's just a copy."

"This is not a copy, ma'am. It's a genuine diamond, and that 'O' engraving is a signature of Oberoi Jewels. I'm certain this isn't a replica," Alex, Vivan's second assistant, chimed in, his gaze firmly fixed on the earring...

"This is a serious matter," Alex stated gravely, his brow furrowed. "This piece wasn't created for customers; it was exclusively worn by the females of the Oberoi family." He continued, "Mrs. Oberoi designed this earring, and there are only two pieces in existence worldwide. This defies all logic."

“Now what?” Emily gazed at her brother.

Vivan's response was succinct, "We have to check CCTV footage." The urgency in his voice prompted Emily to swiftly retrieve her laptop, preparing to review the surveillance footage.

As the CCTV feed began to roll, Vivan's phone rang, interrupting the unfolding scene. Recognizing the caller, he answered, "Hello, Dad."

"Son come back as soon as you can. Grandpa has been admitted to the hospital. He wishes to see everyone. Make sure your sister comes along." his father's voice conveyed urgency and concern.

Vivan absorbed the news, nodding to his father's words before ending the call.

"Close the shop for a week. Get your passport ready. We're flying to London. Grandpa is in the hospital," Vivan's tone was stern as he made the decision. Emily nodded, closing the laptop.

"Cancel the upcoming meetings in India and reschedule them for after a week. Both of you can fly tomorrow," Vivan instructed to his assistant, rising from his seat.