

In the bustling heart of Mumbai, where sunshine and shadows dance across the city's streets, resides a young woman named Zaranya. Her world is painted with the hues of literature, and her heart is a canvas of unwavering belief in love's magic. Amidst the clamor of a complex metropolis, she seeks solace in the simplicity of life, yearning for a tranquil existence.

However, fate is a capricious artist, and in one fateful moment, her reality shatters. The parents she held dear are but threads of a fabricated tale.

Unbeknownst to her, she is royalty-Hyderabad's hidden princess, burdened with an irreversible destiny. A destiny woven before her first breath, entwining her with a partner chosen by a life she never knew.

Enter VivanRaj Oberoi, an embodiment of luxury, a self-carved titan reigning over the world's riches. His demeanor, an enigma of ice, conceals a heart guarded by formidable barriers. In Delhi's throne of power, he reigns as heir, bound by an affection to family that surpasses all.

His life, like his calculations, unfolds with precision. But the balance shatters when the path ahead leads to a marriage of unfamiliarity. A union inked by another's hand, a stranger's name.

Theirs is a journey both foreign and familiar, a story etched among the cosmos. How their stars align, how their pasts intertwine, and how they navigate the uncharted chapters of their shared destiny - such is the tale that awaits, a symphony of the known and unknown.