
Perfect Blind Date!?

They said the perfect date doesn’t exist specially when it’s a blindfold date. Zaranya’s friends always gave her tips about to what to look in a man. First thing first

-Never believe a guy who wears glasses and looks innocent because they are the weirdest ones. what do you mean girls Zara also wear glasses and yup! She also got a perfect innocent face, leading aunties to ask her, "Beta can you please take care of your friend? And give her a little piece of your mind". Little do they know that Zaranya is the one they should be cautious of since.

Now here she is looking at the vintage-based building- "Definitely the expensive cafe" and she fucking love it... She walked inside, carrying a bouquet of white roses. A lady guided her to her seat, and the guy was already present. He was strikingly beautiful with brown and copper dyed hair, complementing his golden skin. Noticing subtle makeup to conceal flaws, Zaranya appreciated men who knew how to groom themselves.

"Hello, I'm Abhay," he said, his voice deep, contrasting with his angelic face.

"Hello, I'm Zaranya Singhania. A pleasure to meet you," she replied with a smile as they took their seats. The waiter arrived, and they ordered their drinks. The waiter arrived to take their orders.

"I'll take a Latè with an extra shot of espresso and Hazelnut syrup. We would appreciate it if you could also send the meal course for lunch after half an hour," he said fluently. Zaranya never expected him to order such a fancy coffee. She had assumed he would go for a simple Cappuccino or something with non-fat milk, no whipped cream, and no syrup. But it's good to know they have a common taste when it comes to coffee. She would order the same if there were no tea options.

"What about you, ma'am?" the waiter asked, looking at her. Her anxiety briefly kicked in, but She blinked twice, and it was gone. "I would have lavender flower tea with Hazelnut syrup and honey," she replied with a smile.

"You've got some beautiful flowers," Abhay remarked, glancing at the white rose bouquet.

"Yeah, my friend got me these." Zaranya said, creating a beautiful scenario in her head and smiling genuinely while sharing it with him.

Now one may wonder why would she lie. Because her mom mentioned once- men are competitive. They like to chase. If they knows that you get these flowers from somewhere else he will make sure that he gets you those flowers next time. So remember if your ex treated you badly in the past and now you are going on a date then never tell that guy that your ex treated you badly blah blah No-NO! Instead tell him how good he treated you even if it's a straight lie. Otherwise you will attract the same as your ex then you will be like-men are same, they all treated me bad. And then proceed to stay with them'.

"Which flowers do you like the most?" Abhay asked, hinting at curiosity and there a hint of competitive nature.

"I like Daisy special African Daisy and blue orchids," Zaranya replied.

"Okay, let's throw some random questions. Cool!?" Zaranya suggested, swirling her tea.

"Sounds good. You go first," Abhay replied, ready for the spontaneous exchange.

"See, you know, firstly, I hated the idea of getting married... like, what the hell? I'm getting married to a total stranger. And then I get married and it's more like being a slave, doing all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and taking care of your parents, and then having your child," she said in a frustrated voice.

"Firstly, I totally agree. It's a really strange and twisted feeling. Still we both are giving each other a chance and considering getting married; that's why we both are sitting here, right?" he said in a thoughtful tone.

"We practically are strangers, but then the thought of falling for someone I get married to is really fascinating and lovely. That's why I chose this way," he continued, taking a sip of his coffee. "Well, now when you put it that way, it does sound fascinating," Zaranya agreed

"Secondly, I don't have a good relationship with my parents," he whispered and laughed bittersweetly. "So, we will definitely move out," he winked and Zaranya’s eyes widen in disbelief.

"And thirdly, yes, I don't understand why all the relatives are behind the couple about having children, especially the women. Like, what the hell? If my wife doesn't want to have a child right now, why would you repeat the same thing? It's so painful, and you guys have to go through so much. I know it's not easy to have children, not only the delivery part or carrying them for months. It's also about raising them. Its not like you go around saying you got pregnant because you had fun last night with your partner," he finished.

Zaranya laughed at how Abhay chose to finish the whole thing. She also looked at him with disbelief. He's the green flag every woman wishes for, this man sitting in front of her. God! He's Perfect!.

"Sir and Ma'am, we would like to serve the meal," a lady interrupted, holding a vintage-style food trolley. The food was served, and they ate in silence, stealing glances at each other.

"Do you like the food?" Abhay broke the silence.

"Yes, I love it here. The blend of spices and ratio is just perfect. It's really hard to find good and healthy restaurants," Zaranya replied, taking a mouthful bite of the curry.

"I'm glad you like it here," Abhay said with a bright smile. A fucking bright smile while showing his teeths. ‘is he a dentist cause damn he got those perfect align in his teeth’ Zaranya couldn't help but wonder if he was a dentist because of his flawless smile.

"I'm not a dentist, I'm an obstetrician, " he said, as if he knew what she was thinking. "Many people think I'm a dentist because of my teeth, and since I'm smiling so brightly, and you didn't blink, I guessed you thought the same thing," he replied, reading her thoughts.

‘Did I stare at him that long?’ "You have a sunshine smile," she said with a smile.

"Let me tell you about the last incident with my patient," he said.

"There was this patient of mine who was pregnant with triplets," he said, and Zaranya’s eyes widened at the thought of a triplet pregnancy. ‘Just how many rounds-‘ "Don't even think further," he said, laughing. "Are you a mind reader?" blinked in surprise. "It's all over your face, Zaranya," he laughed, then returned to his plate.

The conversation flowed easily, as did the time. they didn't even realize when it had become sunset, and they both found themselves walking towards the parking lot. It was time to part ways and head back home. Aish! Zaranya couldn't believe how she met this guy and clicked this way. ‘I'm so grateful to Appa for this order’. They had already reached Zaranya’s car.

"Here we are, ma'am," he said playfully, opening the door for her.

"Thanks, Mr. Doctor," she replied with a teasing smile.

"Damn, why didn't we meet before? We would make a perfect duo," he laughed.

"If I met you before, you wouldn't be this wonderful doctor, right?" she said.

"Right! Or maybe become a doc for you" he agreed.

Finally, we said our goodbyes and drove towards our homes. I couldn't stop smiling; it was a perfect blind date. I hope we gradually fall for each other after the marriage. It's fine; I didn't fall for him at first sight, but I'm sure I can fall for his personality. He's literally the greenest flag and husband material out there. I lost myself in daydreams while smiling.