
My First Sight (not love just a mere attraction)

Hello, my name is Ranjhan, being a 12 year old grown up so called "teen" I am going to start my new journey at MTCS.

Yes, that's my new school , haven't thought of it much as it is just a good to go school in my local town. Nevertheless I did bothered about studying in "International" schools not do now. Just a packet of good friends like bouquet of flowers will work out for me. Hey (speaking to myself in my inner concise while sitting in the bus) haven't you thought what you will say if you do found someone like you and this time a male friend? Come on it's your first teen let's get somewhat adventurous ,let's try it out for the first time.

In the meanwhile, the bus stops. Now I must get down and move to checking where my class resides in this whole big building! Yeah let's check it out.

Searching for anything hasn't been so shameful rather than coming to school like a sincere student and not knowing at which room your class is? Doesn't it happen to all 2ho do get for the very first time there? Maybe it all does happens with me only, okay leave it . Let's ask someone here what is the room no. for "6th Red" .

Hey! Can you help me out if you know where does 6th Red lies in this block?

Yeah go to that front one block it is there.

Okay thanks!

Going to other block and found "6th Red" written in very bold letters over there. Wow! I think there is no such dumbest student like me in this world. Whatever let's enter fast before teacher comes in.

My first step and there goes my first sight both clashed. Oops sorry! Are you fine? I hope that other guy doesn't take me for something wrong.

A brief smile and then he went out of the class with his friend.

What? Why did he smiled I said sorry for hitting him but what a person instead of any reply or showering anger , he just smiled and left.

Well, not my fault I just don't know why all makes are so attracted towards female.