
The Untouchable Hunter — Solo Leveling x Jujutsu Kaisen (Discontinued)

An experienced D-rank hunter by the name of Kim Bora has a near death experience in a dungeon raid with his guildmates. He has double-awakening that grants him a system and not just any system. It's the Satrou Gojo template system.

Lway20 · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Lapse Blue

I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen


"I hope you're ready for round 2!"


Kim was chuckling softly with hands on his head, gripping his white hair tightly. He had a manic grin on his face.

"Wha-What have you done?" the familiar voice of Gyu Han registered in Kim's head. It said the words that he was reiterating in his head over and over again.

His bloody, crystalline blue eyes widened in horror at the gory scene in front of him. The blood on the huge pile of debris being the first thing he was able to comprehend clearly.


Have I...




[Fatigue: 97]



—30 minutes earlier—

Kim grinned launching himself at the giant Yeti with bloody tomahawk in hand. He did a flip mid-air to dodge a lethal swipe from the giant furry menace.

'As I suspected. It's easier to keep up with his movements, but... My axe still isn't dealing damage,' Kim frowned as he slashed at the Yeti's legs after landing from his mid-air maneuver.

He let out a quick breath taking notice of his fatigue notification. It was running low and fast. He was starting to feel the mental strain that the six eyes seemed prone to giving the user. It was getting harder and harder for him to focus his mana properly and maintaining the Limitless barrier.

The infinity barrier doesn't automatically stop anything that approaches him it requires him to constantly ulter its properties to do so. He does this through the six eye's abilitiy to increase his brain processing power to analyse the properties of an attack and he adjusts the infinity accordingly. It was very taxing on his stamina and brain.



[Fatigue : 59]



[Limitless barrier deactivated]



'I'll just have to try not to get hit from here on out!' Kim gritted his teeth in determination as he dodged another shockwave inducing stomp from the Yeti.

He did multiple backflips to create distance between him and the Yeti before he dashed at it faster than the blink of eye. He punched it right in the belly, barely sending it a few inches back.

"I'm still under leveled!" Kim panicked as he was in a vulnerable position that the monster could exploit. It capitialzed immediately, shooting a hammer fist straight onto his back sending him to the ground quickly.

He impacted with the ground causing a giant explosion from the force of the blow. A plume of smoke formed around him, obscuring his form from everyone watching the fight.

"Is he dead?"

"He can't be, right? We're screwed without him!"

"We need to get out of here while still can!"

The attack force panicked watching their number one chance at surviving just get pummeled into the ground.

'Come on, Kim! I know that didn't take you out,' Min Su frowned watching the Yeti standing over the rising smoke, it also seemed to think that Kim wasn't taken out by such an attack because it was still completely on guard.



[Limitless barrier activated]



[Dash activated]



Kim came sprinting out of the smoke at lightning speed. Running behind the Yeti and punching it in the back sending it stumbling forward. However, it quickly regained balance and lashed out at Kim with a quick back fist, launching the hunter to the nearest wall.



[Fatigue : 63]



'This bad... My stamina is this low, already!' Kim fretted internally because he was forced to reactivate the Limitless barrier to prevent himself from be killed by the Yeti's hammer fist. He needed a way to damage this monster before he ran out of stamina otherwise it would be over for him and the entire raid team. They all knew that the only thing standing between them and oblivion was Kim.

As Kim was thinking this, the Yeti didn't wait for him to climb out the crater and instead started to viciously pound Kim with its fists. However, its fists never reached Kim's body because of the infinity present between them and Kim.



[MP: 599/660]



[Fatigue : 67]



Kim gritted his teeth together trying to figure out a way out of this situation. It was really bad because he couldn't deactivate the barrier because any hit right now could kill him in one shot. He also couldn't keep up the barrier much longer because his stamina was running down quickly which would lead to the six eyes overloading his brain. Brain overload would cause the infinity to be disrupted he couldn't continously adjust the infinity to repel the Yeti's relentless pounding.

Kim widened his glowing blue eyes as he saw an explosion rock the Yeti off his body. He didn't waste a moment and immediately jumped out into the open to see Song yi, the 2 archers, and mage of the attack force cheering at their combination attack to rock the Yeti.

He was facing Song yi's group and slowly turned his head to see the grey beast running right past him straight to the group. Kim just smirked at this and stretched both his arms forward.

"Now... I think I've got just the thing for you!" Kim glared at the Yeti charging towards the Song yi and the others in a blind fit of rage, completely ignoring him.



[Fatigue : 71]



'Don't think you can just ignore me! I'm your opponent! Not them!' Kim thought seeing the Yeti going after Song yi and them. To him it was as if the monster didn't register him as a threat anymore, which was probably half true, but it could also be because of his slowly decaying brain being able to only focus on the monster at the moment.

It was at that moment that Kim gained a new understanding of the Limitless technique. An amplification of the Limitless technique.




(Active) -

Limitless Technique Amplification: Lapse Blue —


By channeling a significant amount of mana into the execution of the Limitless technique, the user is able to bring the concept of negative distance and negative numbers into reality.

Costs 300 MP to activate

—Consumes 10 MP every minute it's active—]



[MP: 299/660]



A small, but extremely bright blue orb of energy appeared between the Yeti charging towards Song yi's group. Suddenly the Yeti, Song yi and everyone, and everything else in the vicinity were pulled towards the blue orb at fast speeds.

Blood sprayed everywhere as the hunters couldn't withstand the force at which debris smashed into them. Song yi and his group were killed on impact upon the use of Lapse Blue.



[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]



'It worked, but I need more power!' Kim had a crazy grin on his face as he forced the attraction to grow stronger and stronger.

This attraction caused more and more things to collide with the beast. The yeti was taking more and more damage from the force of its body being crushed under piles and piles of debris.

But it was at the detriment of the rest of his teammates causing them to be pulled into the strong field of attraction.

"Kim! Stop! You're going to kill us all!" Min Su desperately tried to fight off the force of attraction, but with little success. It was ripping the entire cave's structure, if he wasn't stopped he would cause the whole cave to implode killing everyone in there.

Kim barely noticed all the danger he was causing as he continued to pour more and more mana into the technique to crush the monster that caused him so much trouble.



[You have leveled up!]



Kil Jun Seo was pierced heavily by a jaggered rock and then crushed by giant rock.



[You have leveled up!]



Yoo Dong Sung was crushed by two rocks simultaneously, making his death instant.

"KIIIIIIM!!!! STOP THIS NONSENSE!" Gyu Han yelled out desperately. He couldn't believe the amount of destruction Kim was causing with his power even if he was a false ranker there's no way he could deceive the Association's magic sensors that well. This was power closer to that of an S-rank.

Kim glanced briefly at Min Su and Gyu Han holding on for dear life with longswords stabbed deeply into the ground. Their bodies were positioned towards the giant ball of debris floating in the air.



[Fatigue : 86]



[Lapse Blue deactivated]



He let out a breath stopping the technique and letting the rocks, mana crystals, and the crushed bodies of his fellow teammates crash into a heap on the cave floor.

After that onslaught the Yeti, albeit with major difficulty, climbed out the heap, bloody all over, with one of its eyes pierced by a huge mana crystal and had its arms completely crushed.

'Still standing, huh?' Kim just grinned once again and walked towards the limping Yeti.

He was absolutely spent, but through sheer force of will he pressed on.



[Dash activated!]



He blitzed the monster and ripped its head clean off the shoulders with his bare hands. He landed right behind Min Su and Gyu Han and let out a small chuckle.

It evolved into full blown laughed with him gripping his white hair in hysteria.

"Wha-What have you done?"



[You have slain the dungeon boss (2/2)]




Name: Kim Bora Level: 29

Title: Lynx Predator Fatigue: 97

Job: None

HP: 2130/3750

MP: 199/860


Strength: 56

Agility: 54

Focus: 41

Sense: 40

Valor: 18


Remaining Stat points: 0]