
The untold "origins"

"like a bird who trying to escape their cage without a wings"

Mizuyou · Fantasie
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3 Chs


"Like a bird who trying to escape from her own cage"

People are disgusting.

They just want a "Title"

That's how this world is,a greedy politics,the global warning,insulting each other,sell their own dignity,crime increasing,the cruel leader...that how human is,a disgusting creatures that stab each other back,world are unfair and cruel,poor people anywhere without anyhelp,the president that never cares about those "poor people",what a cruel world.

dear readers,my apologies if i had any typo or whatever,if u like it add to library and give me ur thoughts about every chapter that i released

about this chapter,this chapter is just a introduction

Mizuyoucreators' thoughts