
Dark Secrets Revealed

Wei Ying

"Then how do we save mother? Is this place close to where she is now?" Wei Ying asked, as he let go of his Lan Zhan, to properly sit by his side, just a few inches from him and Xiao Man smiled.

"Of course not, child. This place, although in the human realm, is sealed away by Nuwa herself. However, as you both had just reach level ten, what is a barrier and distance for the two of you?" She said and Huaisang gasped.

"Wait, what? Level ten at just sixteen? Are they gods now?" Huaisang asked as the others were simply too stunned. Even their parents, with more years of cultivation had not reach level ten yet, not even Wei Lao or Sanren herself were at that level.

"Well, they had godly seeds inside their bodies. You can't expect for them to remain the same, right? Now, both of you, summon your sword spirits. They had also reached another level and are now closer to become sword saints." Xiao Man told him and Zixuan coughed, completely taken aback.

"I'll be damn... aren't sword saint supposed to be completely independent of Masters? They can live as humans, choosing not to follow any Master." Jiang Cheng whisper in astonishment and Wei Ying smiled, calling out Suibian, just to see how much did his energy changed when his increased, giving him the chance to advance as well.

The young sword spirit looked physically the same as before, although his clothes were now pure black with an exquisite white koi fish design in the back. However, they all could feel that the strength of the spirit had escalated tenfold and even the sword itself looked slightly different.

Bichen also went out and they saw her perfectly pearly white clothes have the same koi fish design on her back, with the only difference, hers was pitch black. Both of them, bowed respectfully to the seer and she assented in acknowledge.

"Can you two feel the difference? Are you aware of your independence now?" Xiao Man asked to both spirits and Suibian assented. He moved his hand forward and his own sword rise from the floor and by his command, the blade in which his essence was integrated, disappeared inside his open hand.

"He can absorb the sword inside his body? Wow, he doesn't need the blade anymore to stay out?" Huaisan asked, wishing his own sword could reach that level too.

"By reversing their inner dimension, they can keep their vessel in, while they can go out, gaining more freedom. Humans are not the only ones that can evolve with cultivation, like achieving immortality. Sword spirits can also evolve along with their Masters. An example of that is the sword spirit you know as Zilin, which is Lord Wei Lao's spirit in this edge. Centuries ago, he had another name and it belonged to one of the Seven Saints of Mount Shu, that later with the pass of time and the era of darkness became the Wei Clan and he is consider to be the only sword spirit saint, aside from Yin and Yang's own spirits to reach that level."

"Wait, that mean that Xuanyu and Chenqing are also consider sword saints?" Wei Ying asked.

"Of course, you can't expect less from those born from Nuwa's power and strength. Both Yin and Yang can be consider her children's, after all." Xiao man explained.

"Hum, Master, pardon my intrusion, but who's Xuanyu?" Xiao Xingchen asked, as he knew nothing of him.

"He was once Yin's swords spirit, but in order for him to become part of Wei Wuxian and save his life, he was completely removed from his blade and sealed inside Wuxian's core when he was seven." Hearing that, Jiang Cheng sighed yet again.

"Wei Wuxian, just how many secrets were you hiding from us?" He asked as he looked at him.

"He cannot be blamed for not sharing the secret before. I myself was the one who sealed Mo Xuanyu inside of him and order all those who knew the secret to keep it hidden. There are many ambitious people in this world and many will use such child to the very same things you are now trying to prevent. The reason I bring you here is because none of you will reveal the secret yourself, knowing the goddess will severely punish any who dares to, now that you know it's her will." Jiang Cheng looked up, expecting lightings falling down from the heavens to strike him in the spot for even voicing out his surprise, but Xiao Man simply laughed.

"Worry not Jiang Cheng, Nuwa will only punish those who deserve it. As Wei Wuxian's oath brother, you will also keep his secret for as long as it takes. Now, each of you sit in one of the circles at the border of the array, while Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, you stay in the center and face each other while holding hands. As bearers of the Yin and Yang's seeds you are no longer bound to human rules." She said as Wangji moved to sit in front of his lover in a lotus style and grab Wei's hands tightly, as if for dear life.

Wangji knew for Yin's experience that dark energy was unstable and dangerous and it was his duty as well as his desire to keep him under control, to keep him conscious of himself, even when he was surrounded by darkness, he needed to be the strongest wall that protect both his heart and mind from becoming lost on his own power.

"No longer bond to human's restrictions, you both need to see the greater picture and do the things that were previously impossible. Your spirits can travel far and wide along with the energy you both command. Wei Wuxian, as dark energy is everywhere and now is your domain, you can let yourself be carry by it. You will guide it to where you need it to carry you along with your lover and your swords and also Chenqing." She begin instructing him and Wei Ying relaxed under his lover strong presence that seems to reassure him he will watch over him as he fulfilled his destiny.

Chenqing went out and keep himself in his true darkness form, which was a black core surrounded by dense black smoke. Suibian and Bichen followed his example, also revealing their core and white energy, becoming part of the energy already summon.

"You too Lan Wangji. Guide your other half, covering him with what you now command. You most make him remember who he is, you must make him feel you there in each step he takes, you most warp him in your warmth and canalize his dark energy." Wangji was already a step ahead, as he had a strong hold on his beloved, tightly binding him with his own spiritual ribbon.

"Wei Ying... I got you." Lan Zhan whisper internally to his lover, knowing he will hear him loud and clear, as he had said it out load.

"I know my Lan Zhan... I can feel you so close... so very close to my heart..." Wei whisper back.

"Then you must remember I'm always here." Lan Zhan added.

"Of course... you are my heart after all." Wangji slightly smirked in his trance.

"Protect this place Lan Wangji, cover it all with white energy, then follow your Ying." Xiao Man instructed and then he spread the white energy that the sealed temple had to offer and enclose it all on it. The others, looked in yet more astonishment as both the white and dark energy begin to move at the two young master's command in a harmonious dance.

White energy wrapped around Wei Ying, like a second skin and then, spread around all of them, strengthening their own inner energy, which could be used for cultivation, then enclosed the energy from Chenqing, Suibian and Bichen. Soon, the whole temple slightly shined in white, while Wei's dark energy engulfed the sword spirits and Wangji to make them travel along with him.

"Good, now that you got them, seek your mother's energy. As her child, you could never mistake the energy that give you birth. Find her inside the east and protect it." Xiao Man added and watched as the kid energy went out in a flash, along with both his consciousness and that of his lover, close behind. They really were bonded as much as Yin and Yang in their time, which only make her miss her husband even more.

Wei Ying, follow the advice and look on his mind his mother's spiritual ribbon. The spiritual world was made of ribbons of different color that represented a consciousness. He had always knew hers was an emerald one with a hint of gold, as she had the blood of the goddess, even if dormant. He squeezed Wangji's hand tighter as he extended his consciousness further away and beyond the seal of the lands that he could tell was somewhere in the east and travel even further, awakening the dark energy he now controlled.

The sky itself seems to be cover with hundreds of ribbons in their inner world, but Xuanyu also link himself to both of them, to make the search easier. Perhaps it was easier to feel the disturbance of the dark energy than trying to find the ribbon among thousands, so he guided both Wangji and Wei Ying to where he felt was the Yin Metal. There, they saw her ribbon, with traces of blood on it, meaning she had been injured.

"She is injured!" Wei yelled.

"Don't panic, her ribbon color is strong." Wangji told him as they travel among the energy even faster.

"Wei Ying... there is a big fight up ahead, I can feel it..." Suibian confirmed, as his sprit was traveling inside the dark energy his Master was manipulating.

"Go ahead and let's destroy that thing that threatens our lands." Wei Ying told him and shortly after, they came to be in a big valley in which cultivators of the east Clans were battling the huge beast. Many had already been turned into those new monsters puppets, controlled by the Yin metal, while those still alive were fighting fiercely for dear life.

"Chenqing, are they here too?" Wei asked and the dark spirit, referring to either Xue Yang or Meng Yao.

"The Yin Metal had been used here, they must be close by, but leave them to me, you go and protect your mother and Clan members while you still can." Chenqing said as he came out of Ying's dark cloud, taking back his original form, them throwing his flute back the darkness and into Wei's grasp.

"Then, let's finish this thing. Let's go!" Wei Ying shouted and Suibian also went out of his Master energy, followed by Bichen. As no longer bonded by time or talismans, the things they could do on their own were unlimited. So, to prove it, Suibian multiply his sword and sent them flying toward the corpses attacking their Clan and make his way toward Lady Sanren.

Wei Ying, from his part, gather the energy and formed a fake body out of it, a shadow of his real self that will allow him to take part in the fight, as if he was really there. That was an advance technique he was not supposed to use, but then again he was no longer bond to human laws.

"Lan Zhan, wait here and..." But as he looked back, he saw that his other half, had also created a shadow of himself with his white energy he commanded. Wei smiled, giving his lover all the credit of this world, because he was set on staying by him no matter what and that alone make him want him even more. Even looking at a copy of his now official husband, he was completely captivated by the sight and care.

It had not been a lie when Xiao Man had told them that they will bond in such a way he will not want to part with him for life, because just looking at his perfect figure was alluring and make him think in all kinds of delicious mischief with him. He was undoubtedly his life and future and his love for him endless.

"Lan Zhan... when this is over... you can't blame me for be all over you all night long. You are even more appealing now." Curiously enough, both the white shadow, as well as the real Lan Zhan sat in front of his Wei Ying went red in the ears, which make the dark shadow of Ying laugh and the real one smile inside the temple. Xiao Man also smiled as the cute blushing Lan.

"Please focus. You can use either Wangji's energy or yours to make direct attacks, as you had practice on the Lan Clan. Remember that using shadows will also affect the real body. If your copy is harmed, you will feel the pain, even if your skin will not bleed there, it will bleed here." The protector of the human realm said Wei Ying smiled.

"Yeah, Lan Zhan, let's kick some asses... Come on!" He yelled as he grabbed the hand of his lover and pull him to the nearby battle.

Suibian and Bichen, with their combined strength were giving the tortoise quite the fight while protecting Sanren, making several cracks on the hard shell, so they focus on the monsters attacking the remaining Clan members that were having problems dealing with the new corpses.

Wei Ying used his dark energy to strike one and sent it flying several meters away with a hole in his chest and he got more used to his shadow, he keep the barrage against all corpses without restrain. However, Lan Zhan's spiritual attack was beyond description, as he could strike several monsters at once. He had learn to use his energy as a ribbon weapon and direct it only toward those he wanted to strike and avoiding the Clan members in between.

Also, as a master of music, he could use the ribbon of pure energy as a string for his assassination chord attack and have an even greater range. He was so awesome, Wei thought, almost drooling over him as he watch him move with ease and grace between monsters, killing anything on his path. Powerful and majestic, he was indeed a sight to behold as he moved around him to keep him safe and controlled.

He then, try his best to show off too, so he will not be less impressive than his handsome lover and he kicked ass right and left, making his way to the battle with the beast. He saw with relief that his mother, while injured here and there, was still fighting back alongside with Suibian and Bichen without problems. She had always been a strong fighter, to a point when really serious she could beat the hell out of his father in no time.

"Wei Ying!" She yelled as she saw him coming, but he simple gather more dark energy on his fist and stroke the tortoise shell with as much strength as he could, completely shattering a huge part of it. Then Suibian sent in his multiply swords and strike every piece of flesh it encounter, severely injuring the thing internally. Seen the tortoise in pain and distracted by it, Bichen flashed at high speed and cut the head off, serving it from the body permanently, killing the legendary beast in the act.

"Master, it's done." She told Lan Zhan's copy and he simply assented in approval.

"Well done." Wangji agree and Wei Ying took out Chenqin's flute to control the remaining corpses and get rid of them for good. Then, when he was about to look for Chenqing human form, he heard the sound of another flute in the distance that make him feel strange and heavy.

"Wei Ying!" Wangji recognized the wicked sound as a very harmful one and hastily wrapped Wei's shadow body in a cocoon of light, blocking him from the influence of the sound.

"Xuanyu, call Chenqing back." Wangji told him, as he once again took control of Wei Ying's consciousness and summon his lover back to his flute, as he had the vessel held in his hand. Then, Wangji used the energy he took from the temple to engulf with it the others still standing and teleport them back to the temple.

Both of them wake up from their trance and the same time and Wei Ying barely had time to catch Lan Zhan's body, as it fell backwards, with him bleeding from his nose.

"Lan Zhan!" Wei yelled as he held his lover close and check on his pulse.

"He overused his energy to bring you all back. Don't worry he will be fine in no time." Xiao Man said as she came close to heal him.

"Just what happen?" Jiang Cheng asked, seen that Wangji had bring back a lot of people including Sanren.

"Wei Ying was going to be attacked with a very dangerous forbidden tune, but that is not all..." Chenqing said as he had also fall to the floor, harmed by the evil tune, just before Xuanyu had summon him back.

"What do you mean? What did they were going to do with my son?" Sanren asked seriously.

"They want to use Wei Ying's body to bring back Rouhan soul to this world. A transmigration sacrifice, using his lover and child as bait. Damn bastards, they almost got us both." Chenqing said, as he sat on the floor, breathing heavily by the effect of the demonic sound, that could kill instantly as well as to control faster than you will ever now.

AN: Ah, the full plot is out, however, hell will freeze over before Wangji will gave his lover to Meng Yao. Ah, just let him catch you and that will be your death. I was actually going to write a show down between Wangji and Yao, but it's already pass 3k words and very late at night in here, so I will leave it for a next time. Hope you like this long one, I will explain what happens in Chenqing's part next. Until next weekend, take care. 😉💞🌷😙😄