
The untamed mage

A young girl who grew up with her stepmother and biological father. It turns out her biological mother is the heir to the magical throne of a certain kingdom. After the death Of her mother on her day of birth. Her birth marked the day of a new sorceress reborn and heir to the throne of the magic world

Cassandraline · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Brand party:2

"Beatrice you suddenly grew wings, I just left for an hour," my stepmom said" I repeated an hour' I don't care'" At first you walked out of me" and now you finally show your true colors by going out of the mansion she said".

" I tried to explain to your grandma Nancy but she wouldn't listen," stepmom said "'.

" Why should you explain to my Grandma, I said" Is this not my father's mansion? I asked, ... the next thing I received, was a slap on my face "How dare you talk back at me," when I talk you don't talk understood she said"'.

I groan in pain, that because the clap kept a mark on my face. I was so furious but I couldn't do anything

"Now you will respect me, she said" At least this mark will be on your face for just a week, she said"

"don't even bother to tell your dad he won't even listen or believe you" she laughed out like someone who won a trophy.

Now it is the next day

Two hours before the party begins.

I took my time to stare at the hall, 'imagine I will be in my room while they celebrate the new brand occasion". It will not work I said to myself".

who the hell are they to treat me like this"'.

I will go prepare and sneak out of my room; that is all I can do right now" That was the plan I came up with>.

I brought out the dress given to me on my birthday"'. to get dressed for the party....

><>< >< >< <>

The party had just begun, and everyone is busy with one thing or the other;

"Caroline hurry up with your dress" 'Catherine said' oh am almost done, Catherine said" Hurry hurry the guest speaker is about to make a speech," Catherine said".

" go inform TINY not to let Beatrice out it is an order given by Mom Caroline said..." '" Alright, I will Catherine said".

The compound was filled with luxurious cars.

My stepmom was trying to claim all the credit and praise." you are a prestigious Lady".

"Lady MINA said" "A man beside a lady of dignity must succeed" < I must say she said".

Now it is time for my dad to begin the Brand opening of the product he named ROSELYNA TECH.

"let's applaud him as come to give the speech on the app he names ROSELYNA TECH.

Good day, ladies and gentlemen it is an honor to finally launch this app. My dad said"

he continued

"It has been teamwork all the way, please applaud my team as they step out to say the functions of this app. and how its works.

Me trying to escape from that TINY of a maid I couldn't.

" Finally the team was done explaining how the app works, and they launched it finally, the party was almost over but I couldn't escape from that maid of a TINY.

In the end, the party is finally over, and everyone started stripping off.

my stepmom and dad succeeded in their plan to lock me in the room throughout the party celebration.