
The untamed mage

A young girl who grew up with her stepmother and biological father. It turns out her biological mother is the heir to the magical throne of a certain kingdom. After the death Of her mother on her day of birth. Her birth marked the day of a new sorceress reborn and heir to the throne of the magic world

Cassandraline · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Blue eyes in reflection

In my life living in a way to fit in never worthy in any one's eyes .

Obviously regretting I should have never be born, my grandparents adopted my mom and yes treated her with so much love.

so much for to much. I think I should be jealous of her, everyone she came across showers her love.

And yet I'm born with no hope of love, what a disaster. my dad having affection for her makes my birth for him a living hell.

so much for me, I think I'm cursed .

Oh my gosh, I just used two hours, draining in my thoughts, l lied on the earlier so I could wake up early but my thoughts got hold of me.

just closing my eyes to earn some sleep ,

I heard my name Beatrice Ros,

I can hear your thoughts and I also felt your pain.

who are you show yourself no need to be afraid.

"I'm Queen Lily OF REALM, yeah I remember , I replied". "A girl named Gina told me in my dream, that is you are my biological grandmother" very correct my dear, Queen Lily said"

"I'm here to inform you to be aware of your fate, you are very strong mage"

"...hummf who is a mage, I asked'"

"my dear a mage is a socceress, what is who you are, with a very rare energy.she replied"

"those thoughts of your Stepmom taking you to an outcast school, I implanted it into her head"

I replied in shock "what?, how did you do it", she replied"that is not a problem,I'm a queen who cast different spells on people"

"anyway the reason I wanted you to go to that school was I want to learn how to cast spells and use your power"

"hua I do have power,I asked"

"yes you do have , and it is a special power at that, she said"

"wow this is interesting, I replied ".

"I willingly gave you that power as a gift on the day of your tenth birthday but I found out, you are a sorceress who recanted".

"tomorrow when you wake up go stir at the early morning sun, and do a quick glance at your hand and stir at a mirror to see a surprise,queen Lily said"

I quickly replied "a surprise"

"yes it a surprise, she replied"

immediately she woke up she went to stir at the morning sun and did a quick glance at the mirror she saw a blue all the room in blue reflection.

wow this amazing, a minute later the room went back to it former been.

she said to herself here I'm thinking my birth was a caused birth, never knew I was a sorceress. I'm a mage with a sufficient and magnificent powers, I think it's time I place everyone here in the place where they belong.

I better go prepare for school before go late,

it a brown and natural day.

after she was done with her preparation for school she immediately said bye everyone, see you later and into the school bus.