
The untamed mage

A young girl who grew up with her stepmother and biological father. It turns out her biological mother is the heir to the magical throne of a certain kingdom. After the death Of her mother on her day of birth. Her birth marked the day of a new sorceress reborn and heir to the throne of the magic world

Cassandraline · Fantasie
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11 Chs

An outcast school?

Everyone be, aware of the situation of outcasts. I was never one of them at the first place. why I'm I here.

this is the work of my stepmom and dad. trying my best to fit in here.

Now today class has come to an end. Everyone was busy outside waiting for their mom.

I never had the hope of waiting I immediately took the part tina followed this morning on our to the school.

Taking a few steps, I heard someone called my name "Beatrice' where are you heading? I'm heading home.

" that means we are going to the same way.

"hey Beatrice, are you sure you live in that mansion as you claim?

" yes I do live there as I claim kerry: it just that I live with my dad and stepmom" I replied.

"I'm not doubting you is just that what are you doing in an outcast school.

Oh that? it is the work's of my stepmom". she really does hate me alot, and I don't know why.

Obviously the both of them kept quiet for a while.suddenly Beatrice interrupted the silence of the air.

"please what is the meaning of outcast

they are people with rare features"

like the vampire, faceless, werewolves shapeshifters and alot weird to come " Kerry said'"

ok they are people who do not have the characters of normal human being"

" for instance I'm a werewolf", Kerry said' thinking, Beatrice would be afraid.

But the that came of her mouth chock her WOW,OMG. very interesting.

I think I'm beginning to like this school " Beatrice said with a smile on her face"'.

immediately Kerry inch a sign of relief.

"I thought you will be scared of me, what a min of relief, Kerry said'" .


"all thesame see you tomorrow in class. Beatrice said " trying to spit some few words of asking favour,

"please Kerry you will show me around the school environment",

"sure that's not a problem, Kerry replied".

ok see you in school both exchange words and wave hand's


Beatrice opened the gate and went in thanking her Stepmom and her dad for taking her to an out cast school in all thought before finally using word to express her thinking.

"I'm back!! from school , what a school with great worth and alot of weird, all thesame I love weirdo. she explained immediately reaching the sitting room"

"there is a word that goes like this never questions what life keeps for you, she exclaims, I think my life is full of astonishment, all in wow, thank you step mom and dad for taking me their"

sitting in a hedge of a chair looking at her Stepmom expression in shock, Oh here she comes thinking she can always hurt me with her decisions never mind I think this is the first decision she have ever made that backed up my future, and supported me morally. while she always tries to use my father as her back up plan, I pray and hope it's always favours me ... oh my I think this thought of mine will land me in trouble.

still drain in my thoughts, a sudden I remember no body has asked me how was your first day in school.

if they don't ask I Will bring a topic about it, to discuss on it. "Hey everyone do you know the community school is an outcast school's ...." an outcast school everyone in shocked" But don't worry I will fit myself in.

The kitchen cook was preparing the table for lunch.

filled the table with luxurious meal as we were holding a celebration .

"Stepmom, dad what is the occasion?"

"my Stepmom replied oh dear you ask questions too much it's just a merry lunch meal".then I replied with a hmmn amazing".

