
The Unsung Throne

"Ugh, who transmigrates people like that man." Our main character, Keiji, was transmigrated to another world without his choice or consent, "Well, not like I'm complaining or anything, it's not everyday that something like this happens." Either way, he wasn't complaining, he was just feeling regretful about the things, or humans, he left behind, "I feel sorry for them, to witness such a scene, *ugh* I get shivers just thinking about it, well, let's not dwell on it for now, let's think about my current situation." *Click* "Keiji, who are you talking to?" At that moment, a woman entered, one that Keiji knows very well at that.

FreezeTDE · Fantasie
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17 Chs


"You'll be the ones teaching me?"

"Yes. We'll teach you things you won't learn in a school for kids your age, maybe even at other schools."

"Like what?"

"Hmmm, We'll start the things you should be taught at school, they won't take much time, then we'll keep advancing. Like after you learn how to read and write, we'll teach you poetry or calligraphy and improve your handwriting. Or after you're taught numbers we'll teach you more advanced mathematics. These are an example of what I'll teach you."

"Huh? Does that mean father will teach me other things?"

"Yeah, you can say that. He'll teach you more technical and physical things, but later on when you're older. So, I'll be teaching you for now."

'Scratch the estimated time. Looks like I won't even have the time or the energy to learn much more after all that. And I can't even tell them that I already know most of these things.'

[Try to negotiate with them.]

'To decrease my workload?'


'I doubt they will agree.'

[Think of something.]

'What a helpful system you are.' Keiji snorted.

"Um, Mom, what if I find the things you're teaching me to be easier? Will you still continue to teach them to me despite that?"

Keiji asked an unusual question for kids his age and coupled it with puppy eyes and a cute voice to increase the chance of his mother agreeing.

He didn't have a choice, learning everything from the start again is a waste of time, he already all of it, maybe even more than what's known in this world. He would rather spend that time reading those books of basics.

With a smile, Keiji's mother replied.

"We'll see about that. I know you're smart, don't ask why, and that's why we'll teach you things you won't learn in school."

"Will you teach me magic?"

"Hehe, there's no such thing as magic in this world dear, I don't know where you heard that."

When Keji heard that, he put on a dejected face, which didn't go unnoticed by his mother.

"But But, there is something similar. Which your father will teach you after I'm done."

'I guess there is no other option. Looks like I'll have to add more to my workload*Sigh*'

"When will we start then?"

"Anytime you want dear, the earlier you start the earlier you finish and the earlier and longer you get to play outside."

"Can we start now?"

"Yes, of course dear. Do you have a preference?"

"Anything. I'll have to learn all of them either way, so it doesn't matter what I start with."

"Then, let's start with language. It's the basis of everything. So learning it first will make everything else much easier."

With that Keiji's first lesson started.



After a while passed, Keiji noticed something unusual about the language he's learning.

"Uhm, Mom." Keiji raised his hand involuntarily.

"Yes, dear? But first why did you raise your hand?"

"It seemed like the appropriate thing to do if I want to interrupt you."

"You don't have to do that with me. You can just ask whenever you like, I'm not that strict. They only do that in those schools we talked about. Now, what did you want to ask?"

"Yes. I wanted know why are the letters you're writing aren't the same as the ones I see on the maid's uniform tags and on doors?"

"Because I'm teaching you a different, more difficult, language."

"Why? If it's not commonly used, isn't it useless then?"

"Nothing we teach you will ever be useless. Some things you might find the use of later on, but for now, just focus on absorbing all that knowledge."

[Your mother is correct.]

'Even you say that.'

Keiji pouted a little.

"Now now, don't be too sad. You'll thank us someday. Oh, and don't think that after you're done with learning something we won't ask you about it again. We'll ask you anytime about anything me or your father taught you. So don't go forgetting things."

Keiji's mother said those words with a bright smile, but to Keiji, the smile looked evil. He felt sympathy for himself and what the times will do to him.

"Now then, dear. Let's continue. Oh, and keep in mind that today we won't go outside. It's gotten too late. So, the rest of the day will be used to learn even more things. So cheer up."

Keiji felt that he's being tortured mentally and there was nothing he could do. The day went on with him learning till he couldn't anymore.

'I don't think I'll be able to live like this everyday.'

On the way back to his room after he finished the lesson, he kept weeping mentally on his suffering.

'I promised myself I'll live a better life and do what makes me happy, now look at what's happening to me. I'm back to those days of torture(school).'

[Cheer up, this is all for your goal of doing what you want.]

'How is me being tortured like that since young something that will help my goal. I don't think my brain can handle anymore knowledge for the day. Which means, I won't be able to read that book today.'

[You still have time. Those books won't go anywhere.]

'If everyday is like that, then no, I don't think I have time. Keep in mind that I'll also go outside. So I probably will be even more tired.'

[It'll get easier. You're knowledge from before will allow you to skip a lot of things, so you only have to know the things you don't already know.]

'Yeah, well, whining won't do anything. I'll just sleep for now and figure it out later. The good thing is that at least I'll finally explore the city tomorrow, so let's think of that instead.'

With that thought, Keiji headed straight to bed and fell asleep shortly after. He didn't even check the book or look at it's contents.

After all, what his mother taught him is still too much for his undeveloped brain, so it puts a strain on it.



The next morning, Keiji was hit with even worse news.