
The Unsung Throne

"Ugh, who transmigrates people like that man." Our main character, Keiji, was transmigrated to another world without his choice or consent, "Well, not like I'm complaining or anything, it's not everyday that something like this happens." Either way, he wasn't complaining, he was just feeling regretful about the things, or humans, he left behind, "I feel sorry for them, to witness such a scene, *ugh* I get shivers just thinking about it, well, let's not dwell on it for now, let's think about my current situation." *Click* "Keiji, who are you talking to?" At that moment, a woman entered, one that Keiji knows very well at that.

FreezeTDE · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Having To Learn Again

[Maybe you can broaden your horizons by learning about the various careers or what they call paths in this world.]

'I think I've learned quite a bit in my previous life, which was more advanced. So I might keep that on hold for now.'

[Yes, you did learn a lot in your previous life, but what we're suggesting isn't the same. As in this world there's cultivation, and cultivation opens a lot of paths in this world. Alchemy, formations, spiritual weapon forging so that it can hold the Qi in it, some can even train special abilities, but you'll need to start cultivating in order to learn or use them so let's put it aside for now.]

'As you said, they aid cultivators and help them, which means one needs to be a cultivator to learn them, right?'

[In essence, yes, but we're not suggesting learning them completely, just the basics, Like the concept, materials, how to, and the like. Learning that will serve as a solid foundation for when you start taking them seriously, or get issued a mission.]

'ugh, fine. At least it's much better than staring at the ceiling all day. But what if I finish all that and I still haven't been able to determine if I can cultivate or not?'

[By the time you'll finish, you'll have already reached an age where you can move your body more freely, so that will allow you to train using weapons and engrave how to use them in your muscles from a young age, you will need your parents' approval by the time, though.]


'looks like back to learning it is then. Why can't they make some spiritual phone or something.'

[You can try to develop it.]

'Yeah, like I will actually be that free that I start researching again. I want to have fun in this world to make up for my past regrets, so if it'll hinder that, then no. I want to cultivate because from the various novels I read, strength is everything, so if I want to find Annie and live my life fully, I'll need to be strong enough to do that and protect it.'

[Well then, we can start whenever you're ready.]

'Who would've thought that one will pass time by studying. Oh how the times have changed.' Keiji thought lamently while thinking of himself shaking his head while looking down.

[At least you'll benefit this time.]

'I guess so. Oh, I forgot to ask a very important question, how will I learn? I can't even hold a book or see well.

[You'll find out when you start.]

'I guess I'll have to start soon, but first, let's take care of mother.'

Keiji than made a gesture to his mother indicating that he's full.

"Alright baby, let's have you tucked in while I take Rita to where she'll train and live. I've kept her outside long enough."

With that, Keiji's mother and Rita left Keiji in his room.

'Now that they're gone, let's see how you'll teach me.'

[Commencing..... 10%...34%...52%...78%...83%...100%.]

After Keiji saw that loading bar being full, ge immediately lost conciseness only to open it in a place that is pure white all around, but if one where to look further they'll see that there are white particles constantly constructing the place and taking away from the black.

[Welcome Keiji to your mind realm, it is advise you do not stay here for long or do anything rigours as it still hasn't developed fully yet.]

A robotic voice, unlike the usual, warned Keiji of the dangers in being there for too long.

'How long can I stay here?'

[Currently, it's exactly 21 minutes, as you grow older that time will increase as your mind develops, till you eventually start cultivating, by then the time limit will depend on your cultivation and what you'll do in here.]

The system's usual feminine/robotic voice returned.

'That's too short. How can I even do anything in such a short amount of time, not even half an hour.'

[The time will increase as----.]

'Fine fine, you don't have to repeat it, just start or give me the book or whatever.'

[What do you want to start with?]

'Hmmmm, let's start with formations for now. It seems to be the one that needs the least technical experience.'

A screen-like thing appeared in front of Keiji immediately showing <Basics of Formations> as the title. Keiji then started scrolling down and looking through the book to see what's it's like.

'It's not like I can do much in this little amount of time so I'll just see what it looks like, memorize where's everything and then I'll take my time reading and understanding it. I have too much time either way.'

[One more thing you need to know is that after the time is up, you'll be fast asleep. Taking you in here at that age is very tiring for your body and mind, so it's almost like a safety feature. So keep that in mind when you decide to come here next time.]

'So, don't do it when I have something to do. Got it.'

Keiji then focused on seeing the content of the book and how the author organized everything.

'Okay, so the author seems to gave written everything clearly with illustrations after everything, like how the symbols are drawn, how they're supposed to be organized and the like. They also seem to have organized everything the same as a kid who's learning letter's book, the symbols, how they're written, how to form....etc.'

Keiji took his time looking through everything till eventually, the time ran out and he fell asleep only to be woken up by his mother the next morning.



"Good morning Baby." Keiji's mother entered the room and started waking him up.

"Gwod mownig mowver."