
The Unseen Future

Einar Raine is a typical high school student. On his way home after an ordinary day of school- "What the hell are you?" -he experiences an encounter that changes his life.

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6 Chs

Chapter 1: The Encounter

People seem to neglect the idea of death, and that's a given of course. The idea of death is uncertain. Nobody knows what happens once a human's heart stops beating, so it's not worth agonising over until one reaches the stages of death.

However, I find myself thinking that death can occur any day. I wake up and ask myself; 'Will I see myself live through another day?' Yet at the same time, I can't imagine losing my life through any means other than old age. It's an odd feeling for sure.

I could be rammed by a speeding car, murdered in an empty street at the night or even poisoned while eating out!

Though, the possibilities of such an event?

Miniscule! Low! Almost zero!


I could always reduce the possibility of death. I could stay away from any moving vehicles, walk within a larger population at night and cook food at home using homegrown ingredients, but who would want to live in such a restricted manner?

Even with extra precautions, your safety isn't always guaranteed, is it? After all, even if you were to treat life in the most precautionary manner, it may be that somebody else's act ends you.

There's always an opportunity for death no matter how shallow the chances seem


December 1st.

A man with slightly unkempt black hair begrudgingly walked under the scorching heat. Apart from his thin-framed glasses and faint dark circles under his eyes, nothing necessarily stood out from his standard build.

"Why… is it so hot!?!"

Though it was merely the beginning of Summer, the temperature had differed far too great compared to the 30th of November. Whether it was really due to a temperature rise or just the heavy expectations of the summer-like weather he placed upon himself as soon as he left the house, he couldn't tell.

His thoughts, however, were quickly answered after quickly glancing around. The road and the surrounding units and houses grew wavy as a result of the overbearing heat.

'…It's a temperature rise.'

He could feel the build-up of sweat upon the surface of his back, seeping through his plain button-front shirt and onto his bag. Just imagining the chilly sensation of his sweat-ridden back coming into contact with his shirt upon taking his bag off caused him to shiver.

It had happened too many times after all.

Letting out a sigh Einar Raine continued to drag his feet along the concrete footpath, mentally preparing himself for another seasonal conflict.


Upon arriving at the front gates of his school: Northview high school, Einar released a sigh once more before continuing forward.

Northview High School.

A high school of constant renovation, and as a result, the school facilities were now comparable to that of a university faculty building.

It consisted of 3 buildings within a 140-hectare rectangular piece of land.

The main building which held the facilities and classrooms was in the shape of a massive 'L,' each side being of equal lengths.

The second building was a large sports centre. Its architectural structure enables students to perform in a variety of sports, including several courts which are separated by a large black divider curtain. Right across from the entrance of the sports centre was a freshly trimmed oval, it recently got its renovation complete and looked as though no one had ever trampled on it, much less placed a foot on it.

The third building was an auditorium, containing enough space to contain students of all years. Many digital clocks, heaters and award plaques were planted on the walls, but what made the room stand out the most was the overwhelmingly large fan centralised on the ceiling.

Despite the size of the school, the location where it was built meant there weren't as many students as this school was designed to hold. In total, there were approximately 1200 students of all years.

If Einar had to describe his school life in one word, it would be mundane. It was nothing short of a consistent repetition of the same day over and over again.

'Something new wouldn't be too bad.' Was what would echo in his mind daily.

This didn't necessarily mean he hated school, it was one of the few places all his friends were, granted he didn't have many, but loyal friends nonetheless.

Not to mention, it was the only place where he could see Celina Oritz.

Being 16 years old, Einar was at the ripe age to truly experience youth to the fullest. Though, the problem? She probably didn't even know he existed.

Despite having gone to the same high school for almost five years, he had yet to try to strike up a conversation with her. In other words, the feelings he held for her were purely appearance-based.

It was pretty shallow…

Rather than beautiful, cute was more fitting to describe her appearance. She was smart and friendly within her group of friends and others outside of them, always revealing a contagious smile. However, despite that she wasn't as nearly as popular with the opposite gender compared to the other girls in the school. Making her someone reachable for a commoner-class individual like himself.

'She's as pretty as always…'

Einar's thoughts were forced to a halt when the school bell resounded through the packed hallway.

As such was the beginning of another ordinary school day.


After school ended, I went straight to the library to try to get up to date with my homework. Since there was no library nearby my home, I had to go to the public library which luckily wasn't too far from school.

Under the moon-lit sky, I was walking home,

The addition of some stars might make my walk somewhat merrier, but that couldn't be helped.

Recently I found a new backstreet that enabled me to get home faster (probably), it was a shortcut of some sort. In any other case, walking alone through a backstreet in the middle of the night would usually set off major alarms in my head, however, due to the small population that lived specifically in this suburb, it was hard to imagine any other individual walking through the same alleyway as me at the same time.

Though this path lacked a proper source of light and contained a few small turns, since the path was generally straight and I had my trusty phone's flashlight, it generally made it easy to navigate through.

'Hm? A person?'

My body froze at what looked like the figure of a human ahead of me. Due to the lack of light ahead, I wasn't able to properly make out any of their physical features.

Currently, it's 9 pm, normally it would be plausible for people to be walking around at this time of the night, however in an empty suburb like this one..? Not to mention in the backstreets? The chances weren't usually likely. Not to mention, there are no pubs in this suburb and the closest restaurant should be in the opposite direction so it couldn't be as simple as a short detour.

'A coat hanger perhaps?' No, it couldn't be. It was moving. The figure was getting closer and closer.

It didn't help that the row of dim, flickering light produced by the few street lamps that worked down here, emitted an eerie atmosphere.

Tak. Tak. Tak.

Only the sound of what seemed to be high heels upon impact on the concrete path resounded in the tight alleyway.

I began to take small steps, each step made me grow increasingly nervous. I could feel my stomach churn the closer I got to the silhouette ahead. The distance between us was around fifteen metres initially, shortened to ten, then five until the silhouette grew clear.

She was completely clad in black; she wore a trench coat along with long pants.

No wonder she was so hard to see…

Regardless of being under the dim light, I could see her flawless appearance. Despite wearing the colour of squid ink, her delicate-looking yet facial features contrasted her stern expression. But what truly stood out was her snowy white hair along with her crimson high heels.

'Not even foreigners get their hair dyed white…' It was rare for sure.

I quickly fixed my head high, my eyes solely focusing on the path ahead as I tried to ignore the woman passing by. Truthfully it was a form of expressing my unwavering fear, an attempt at intimidating her to prevent any unnecessary trouble.

After a few seconds of passing by her, I let out a sigh of relief as the sound of the heels grew fainter.

Just as I began to calm down a little…

"Hey. What the hell are you?"

She spoke.

Considering I could no longer hear her heels, she must've stopped in her tracks.

'Was that directed to me?'

I quickly turned around to find her back still facing me.

I took a few steps back before beginning to turn around, but mid-turn she spoke once more.

"I asked you a question."

"Uh, could you perhaps be… talking to me?"


Her replies were short and fast and her tone of the voice startled me. From her stern expression to her white hair to the seriousness in her tone, this woman certainly seemed to be the definition of the whole "don't judge a book by its cover" quote.

"Who are you? Which one are you from?"

She continued to press me. She hasn't once raised her voice, yet was still managing to press me to answer, could it be because sound travels further at night? Not to mention, what kind of question is "Who are you?" and "Which one are you from?" in the first place?

"I'm a student that lives around here," I replied.

I wasn't about to give a random person my name or where I live, that was all she needed to know from me.

After a couple of seconds though she had yet to reply. There was a somewhat awkward silence.

'Should I call the cops… no, it should be alright, I don't think she'll get violent, she seems reasonable.'


I was instantly proven wrong as her sudden hysterical laughter sent shivers down my spine forcing me out of my thoughts. Without even noticing, I had begun taking steps backwards. This woman was truly full of surprises…

A wild grin formed on her face, completely different from her sternness from earlier. It was as if she just gotten possessed.

The seriousness from earlier vanished, and instead was replaced by a playfulness, her navy blue eyes flickered like a sapphire under the night sky as she glared into my own dark brown ones, her grin growing wider.

"L-lady, can we talk it out?"

She was terrifying, yet I couldn't help but falter against her beauty and elegance accentuated more so in particular under the moon's gaze. In any other case, I'm sure I would've been enchanted by her, but right now…


I felt the need to run away.

What should've been a normal school day really could now possibly be my last.

My heart began to palpitate wildly and my mind felt clouded and unsteady, and a dreadful feeling began to settle in my stomach.




There's always an opportunity for death no matter how shallow the chances seem. I just happened to experience it this very night.

I kinda woke up one day, and thought 'Let me try writing' and it turns out to be quite fun.

I'm not the greatest at English, so sorry if it's hard to understand anything along those lines.

Ami_Neukcreators' thoughts