
The Unplanned

My name is Sinokuhle Mbana Langa, the daughter of the great Ayola and Lwando Mbana. All grown up and doing my first year in university of Western Cape in Cape Town. I am 17 years old and I’m studying Computer Sciences full time and Fashion Design as part time so I have a lot on my plate and I cannot afford to fail any of the two. It was pretty hard to convince the dean to allow me to do two courses so I cannot screw this up or else I’ll have to drop one and only focus on one. I have a little brother, Thandolwethu who is 3 years younger than I am and is in high school doing commercial subjects and then there’s my little sister Sanele who is 6 years younger than me and is a smarty with a very loud mouth it’s even annoying at times but we get along well, all of us. My mother is a lawyer, greatest lawyer of her time and my father runs a strings of companies he acquired from my grandfathers with the help of my uncle Aphiwe of cause and the rest you’ll learn along the way. If you thought my parents love story was not a typical fairy-tale, I wonder what you’ll think of mine. Mine’s not a fairy-tale, it probably was at some point until I got married. Nothing in life is ever planned, I mean we don’t plan to be born nor do we plan to end up in a mental institution but hey, things happen. This is THE UNPLANNED life of Sinokuhle and it all starts at 17 only for me to be declared mentally unstable at age 27, who would have thought right?

Sandisiwe_Gxaba · Teenager
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

So... Dad had mom's car delivered to the spa, said

something important come up at work and he

cannot miss it. I bet it has something to do with the

call he received earlier. Anyway mom parks behind

a white mini cooper

"Were you expecting any visitors?"

She asks turning to me and I shake my head no


She looks at the car one last time before getting out

of the car. We all get out and head inside

"So Bantu called, wants to take me out"

I say as we walk inside the kitchen

"If that's your way of asking to go out then sure, as

long as he brings you back before 7"

Mom says

"Hey Nono, whose car is that?"

Mom asks

"Hi Ma'am. Sir said it was Sino's and the keys are

in her room on her bed"

Nono says and mom turns to me, I shrug

"Thank you Nono"

She says to Nono and then gives me that 'Explain'

look of hers

"I have no idea what made dad get me a car"

She gives me that bored look of hers and I don't

know what else she expects me to say


She says and heads upstairs

"So dad finally bought you a car"

Says Saney walking in behind me

"I guess so..."

"Let's go for a spin"

She says excitedly

"NO! I have to be somewhere"

I say leaving her in the lounge. She can be very

nosey. I bump into my brother walking down the


"hello! So when are we taking your new baby for a


He asks and I shrug

"When I'm not busy"

I say leaving him there. I get to my room and

change into a dress. It's blazing hot I even regret

wearing jeans. I wear a short umbrella dress, denim

jacket and a sandal. I text Bonke my location and

he responds same time telling me he's on his way. I

fix my lipstick and then head down. I'm nervous AF!

I get to the lounge and little ones are watching tv

and chatting about lord knows. I text mom telling

her I'm on my way out and she sends me an 'ok'... I

don't get why she doesn't want me to own a car. It

doesn't make any sense! I get a call from Bantu

telling me he's outside. I walk out and head to his

car, he's driving a black BMW something-

something... I don't know cars.

"You get beautiful by the minute"

He says as I settle in the passenger seat

"Thank you babe. You look good yourself"

I say kissing his cheek but he turns it into a kiss on

the lips and it's whimsical! He breaks it and looks at

me then clears his throat.

"So how was the spa date with mommy and Sanele


He asks starting the car

"yes Sanele. It was relaxing. We came back

glowing. How was your morning?"

I ask

"it was ok, went to the gym and then chilled with the

guys while waiting on you"

He says and I smile

"So what's up with your cousin?"

I ask and he furrows his eyebrows

"My cousin?"

"Yeah, the butch"

He chuckles

"She wants your friend. Well she wanted you first

but I beat her to it"

I shoot him a look

"What? It's not like you into girls"

He says unbothered

"So what? I was a bet?"

I ask with a raised eyebrow

"Not at all. You'd know already if you were. So

where do you want to eat?"

He asks and I shrug

"I don't know, what's your budget?"

I ask and he chuckles

"I'm not rich, I can afford so pick an affordable


He says and somewhat I want to feel insulted but I

overlook it

"Uhhm... Is Wimpy affordable?"

I ask and he chuckles

"do you feel like eating at Wimpy?"

He asks and I shrug. I don't know how much he has

and I don't want to go for an expensive place

"I'm thinking about your wallet here"

I defend

"Fine, I'll pick a place then"

He says proudly. We drive to waterfront and he

takes me to some Fish place

"You don't have any allergies right?"

He asks as we walk in and I shake my head

"none that I know of"

I say. We are lead to a table for two and given

menus to look through. I opt for fish, chips and

calamari rings. It's not more than R100, I opt for a

sprite and then hand the waitress my menu and he

opts for what I'm having. She leaves us and then he

takes my hand into his

"So tell me about yourself Miss Mbana"

He says

"What do you want to know?"

I ask and he chuckles

"Is that how you going to answer when you go for

an interview?"

He says giving me a look

"No, obviously. I just wish you would ask what it is

you want to know about me. Be specific you know?"

He nods

"I know your parents are the ISH, that's out of the

way. I know you have a little brother and sister.

Your best friend is Layla and she's your neighbour.

Tell me something I don't know or won't learn about

you on Instagram and Facebook"

He says and I think for a second

"Uhhm... Apart from doing 2 courses. I'm a simple

person, I'm down to earth. Shy AF! I wouldn't really

say I have a personality as per say unless you

know me. I consider myself as boring and

uninteresting. I don't like Panarottis much because

of my siblings. My favourite drink is sprite, I prefer

chocolate and bubble-gum milkshake. I like to eat

healthy every now and then. I love writing"

He stops me

"Wait! You write?"

I nod

"Well I don't write poetry like you, I'm more into

short stories. I don't have time to write a novel and


I say

"then why aren't you studying literature?"

He asks and I shrug

"I don't know; I guess I just want to make my

parents proud"

I say

"I fell in love with writing when I got to high school

but fashion was always my passion from since I

was a little child so it was wise to choose it instead"

I say and he nods slowly

"your parents seem strict"

He says and I chuckle

"I wouldn't really call it strict, well my father is but

it's only because he wants me to be something in

life and with Computer Science my future is already

secured. I mean I already have a job waiting for


I say and he nods

"So if you hadn't done CS then what? He wasn't

going to support you?"

"Yes and no. My parents are two different people.

mom is ok with me doing whatever makes me

happy while dad on the other hand is strict. If I'm

going to do something I need to have thought, it

through with it's up and downs and potholes along

the way"

I say and he just nods

"Damn your life is not fun huh"

I shrug my shoulders

"Well with me what you see is what you get. I'm

doing my course because I love it. It's not often that

one gets it right the first time"

I nod

"I have a scholarship paying for my fees so soon as

I'm done, I'm leaving SA and going to live in Tokyo"

He says with a smile

"That's awesome"